The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3133: Yuanshen reignited

The fate is stronger, blocking me? Oh!

God is stronger, blocking me? Oh!

Everything in the world is stronger, blocking me? cut!

Never bow to whom.

God of destiny, the Tianzu, the strong enemy of all things in the world, Longfei never bowed.

Not that he is stubborn, but because he is unyielding!

His efforts, his persistence, using all his strength to make himself stronger, is this belief that makes him fearless, even if he suffers more pain, even if he knows he may die, he still bites his teeth. Try to stick to it as much as possible.

Because he is Longfei!


Longfei roared and entered the dark hall again. "Come on, come again!"

The huge worm broke through the ground again, rushed out from his feet and directly swallowed the dragon fly. Longfei was still the same, without any hesitation.

"Give me a burst!"

Suicide killing method.

No one can do this.

To be so cruel to himself, he is not a masochist, just wants to make himself stronger.


The dark worm burst again.

Longfei was once again resurrected, and another blood was sprayed out. His blood became black, and the body seemed to collapse, and it was extremely uncomfortable.


Longfei is still screaming, "Come on!"

"Come back!"

"Come back!"






“Congratulations to the player’s 'Dragon Flight’ upgrade, the current level of the Emperor level!”


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, the current level of the Emperor’s third level!”


One-level experience of one billion, Longfei virtual shadow self-explosion seven times!

Every time the self-destructive Yuanshen fire is weak, a short half-day, Longfei's Yuanshen fire is like a lamp without oil, and the flames flicker.


It may go out at any time.

Longfei’s body is even the body of the stars, but he can’t bear the consumption of him!

"Yes, come on, come back!"

Longfei’s body is all blood.


"All **** crazy!"

"The Yuanshen fire has been supported for so long and it is not extinguished. Is your mother's mother wanting to extinguish it?" The old devil is mad, watching the dragon gods in the sea know that the fire is weak enough to be weak.

Even so, Longfei did not think about stopping.

Even so.

The trace of the Yuanshen fire is not extinguished.

Compared with his attack against the main players in the past, compared with Longfei, he felt that his crazy things were a little pediatric.

He is not alive.

What is Longfei?

Longfei is crazy and does not want to die. He is dancing in front of death with his life. It is still the kind of dance that dances. This is not alive, it is not to live at all.

Longfei ignored the old devil, clenched the immortal order, and once again, "again,,, again,, into,,,"

The old devil sipped and said: "You are going to a fart, you are going to die soon."

Longfeidao: "I don't have time, again, again, come back!"

The mind is released.


Longfei once again entered the copy of the immortal order, "Calling..."


Long Fei stepped on the road and walked on the wall. He looked at the last worm in front of the dragon gate with a thick gold armor. "Come on!"

"After solving you, I will break through the second floor!"

The **** of the gods fluttered.

Longfei’s idea once again entered the sea of ​​knowledge.

The Yuanshen fire is getting weaker and weaker. With the control of Longfei's mind, the flame becomes a little bit small. As he blew himself this time, I am afraid I can no longer support it.

He has no time.

Three days passed.

If he can't get stronger power, then he can only watch Xuanyuan glass marrying others, and Zhou Yuan uses it as a tool.

He can't allow such things to happen.


"Come back!"

Longfei slammed and strode to the last worm BOSS.

The old devil said: "I have always been because I am the craziest person in the world, I did not expect you to be more crazy than Lao Tzu, I am really..."

"Kid, you are still coming to an emergency!"

"Isn't it a woman? Is it so hard to use you?"

"You are still in a hurry to stop now, don't wait..."

Longfei simply ignored the old devil.

His heart is still determined, without a trace of hesitation.

The old devil must be driven crazy by the dragon. "I am a fairy, I am talking to you, you will blew once again, you really become air."

"I rely!"

"Can you listen to me?"

"Your grandfather!"

No matter what the old devil said, Longfei did not seem to hear it.

If you can't even save your own woman, what kind of man?

He always wanted to guard the people around him, but the people around him have been guarding him.

If it weren’t for Xuanyuanli, he would have died long ago!

If he can't save it, then he will blame himself for a lifetime.


Longfei rushed to the dark worm BOSS, and the whole body was red and scattered. Once again, the power of self-explosion was raised to the peak, and hysterically roared.



With the release of the self-destructive power of Longfei, the fire of the gods in his spirit sea slowly disappeared.

His body is exploding.

Dark worms are also exploding.

When the Yuanshen fire is gone, it is useless to come to Da Luo Jinxian.

Longfei also felt that he was disappearing, and it was not the same as the self-destruction that began. This time he felt that his **** was disappearing.

"Is it dead?"

"Is this really going to die?"

"Maybe... this is also a relief for me!"

Longfei's eyes are slightly combined.

He tried his best and tried everything.


He can't do it.

Looking at the last bit of the Yuanshen fire, the Martian seedlings went out, and Longfei’s eyes closed.

Also at this time.


A very gentle voice came out, "Flying."

A middle-aged woman appeared in his world, making Longfei feel incomparably warm, and looking at the woman at the same time, Longfei did not know the influence.

The middle-aged woman looked at Longfei, and her eyes were filled with tears. "Feier, Niangai wants you, I don't think you will come to this step."

Longfei slightly shocked, "Nanny?"

The middle-aged woman is Mu Yuer, but she is not a real person, but a shadow in the dragon god.

The middle-aged woman couldn’t control it. She said, “Don’t say anything, the mother will immediately reignite your fire.”

Mu Yuer did not say much.

In the dragon god's **** is to prevent anything, if the gods are destroyed, she can save Longfei.

Both hands are printed.

The power of the road was released from Mu'er, and turned.


A loud explosion, Longfei's Yuanshen fire re-ignited.

Also at this time.

The figure of Mu Yuer slowly turned into pieces. "Flying children, after the mother can no longer protect you, you must take care of yourself, you must protect yourself..."

The pieces drifted and turned into powder, and the powder disappeared.

Another place.

A ridiculous plane.

Mu Yaner spurted out a black blood and his face was full of blood.

Behind her stood a man holding a seven-star lamp and said: "Hey, you gave him your fire of the gods, how long can you live?"

Mu Yaner showed a faint smile and said: "My son can live, I will die even if I die 10,000 times."

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