The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3150: Zhoudao people shot

"My boss is called Longfei."

The white man is naturally a little white wolf.

His voice fell.

The people of Xianyuanzong are quiet.

Wu Feng’s main look changed.

Zhou Yuan’s expression was slightly sluggish.

Zhou’s eyes sank and shrank like a mang, and the killing in his heart became strong, and he said with a deep voice: “What did you say about your boss?”

Xuanyuanli is also a glimpse, turned to look at the white man.

"Don't you hear it clearly?" The little white wolf smiled coldly and his eyes swept away. "I have listened to Laozi."

The sound suddenly amplified.

"My boss's name is, dragon, fly!!!"

Almost out of it.

The two words of Longfei vibrate nine times and spread thousands of miles.

Over the entire peak of the Montgomery, the words "Dragon Flying" are constantly echoing.

For Xiao Bai, the name "Long Fei" is the one that makes him the most proud and makes him proud.

Looking at the horrified expressions of those people, Xiaobai smiled: "He is the man who wants to stand at the top of the world, remember his name, and in the future you will be proud of hearing his name, and trembling, hahaha. ......"

Crazy laughs.


Just laugh at him alone.

At this time, Zhou Dao people stared at him gloomyly, killing them.

Zhou Yuan looked at him with a gloomy smile.

Wu Feng stared at him coldly, and the Tantric disciple, the elders stared at him in death, as if they were enemies.

The entire Square of the Holy Land is raging, and people who are slightly lower can't bear this powerful killing, and breathing becomes extremely difficult.

The little white wolf felt the killing, but he smiled coldly and didn't bother.

Xuanyuan Liuer said: "Longfei brother...he, he, is he here?"

"who are you?"

"How can I not know you?"

The little white wolf said: "The boss will definitely come. I am the boss of the little white wolf. When you advanced Hongmeng, I was introduced to Hongmeng by the father of the boss. You may not know me, but I know Xuanyuan. I also know what happened at the Tongtian Tower."

Speaking of these porch glazes is not in doubt.


This time... What if Longfei came?

Not to mention how strong the Xianyuan sect is, just the Zhoudao people, Zhou Yuan is not able to deal with Longfei.


Xuanyuan Lier quickly said: "You are going, I am fine, no one bullies me, you can leave here soon."

The little white wolf stunned and said: "Da, I am worried when I come, and whoever he is, even a woman who wants to move my boss."

The thoughtful man said: "You have a chance to live now."

The robes under the bulge acted.

The power of the overlord has been condensed out, as long as Xiao Bai dares to stay, he definitely makes a little bit of life.

Zhou Yuan looked coldly at the little white wolf and did not speak.

He knew that his father would shoot.

The little white wolf sneered and said: "You are useless now, because you will die as well..."

The dead word has not been said yet, and the Zhou Dao has suddenly moved.


The strength was blown up in the ground, and a crack of three meters in a circle appeared on the ground.

Also at this moment.

Five fingers into the claws, directly grab the head of Xiaobai, under the five fingers, the power of the overlord is unusually fierce, and the pressure of the overlord is also crushed down by 100,000.

"Give me death!"

As soon as the voice fell, one claw caught.

The overlord is strong and overbearing.

Xiao Bai did not dare to care about it. When he felt that the power of the overlord in the Zhou Dao was surging, he responded and saw that the figure of Zhou Dao disappeared.

The spear on his back moved.

Wear the sky.

In a flash, Xiaobai screamed and said: "Look at who will die first!"


The sky burst and cracked.

A black spear is like a spear of death stabbing against the top of a thoughtful person, like a black lightning, "哗啦啦...哗啦啦..."

The little white wolf did not move.

In this spear, even if the overlord is also a half-life, he will not believe that the people will not hide!


Xiaobai does not know the thoughtful person.

Feeling the tremendous force on the top of the head, the heart of the thoughtful person is tight and tight. "I am really looking down on him because of the strength."


The body turns and the left hand reaches the sky, "the hand of the gods!"

The right hand grabs the white and the left hand grabs the black spear.

A little white, the figure is slightly sinking, the strength of the body surges, forming a white fine mans directly to protect the whole body, hands move, and a strange seal.

The seal is like a spear.

Under the white mans, his body also became a white giant spear.


"See how hard your hand is, grab it down." Xiaobai sinked.


Under this circumstance, Zhou Dao grabbed it in one hand, and his palm was very painful. However, he did not stop, and he was under heavy pressure. The white body could not bear it and bent straight down.

The power of the overlord is super strong.

Xiaobai can barely support, but it can't be supported for too long.

Also at this time.

The black spear stabbed.

Zhou Dao’s hand was like a snake, and he quickly wrapped the black spear. The right hand was loose, and the left-handed spear stabbed against the white.

"Oh la la..."

The white body is more curved.

The defense of the body cracked bit by bit, just like the cracking of the spear.


Xiaobai’s body flew out heavily.

Flying hundreds of meters away, the body changed from human form to wolf shape, and the blood spurted out in the mouth, and the face was unusually ugly.

The Zhoudao people were cold and cold. "A beast will dare to let me go!"

The little white wolf trembled and almost stood unsteadily.

The power of the thoughtful man exceeded his expectations and was too strong.

This is still a secret with the sword for a while, otherwise he will be more unbearable.

Seeing the little white wolf trembled, the thoughtful man swept his eyes and shouted, "Who else is against it? I have to see who else dares to oppose it!"

He did not kill the little white wolf because he was worried that Xuanyuan glass would not cooperate.

Now the little white wolf's life has been pinched by him, one more chip!

Tens of thousands of people in the entire square showed their fear. The Zhoudao people’s shot was too strong. Who would dare to oppose it?

Just as the weekdays were going back to the Temple of the Holy Spirit, a man stood up and said: "I oppose!"

This time it came out half of the ice, half of the fire.

Ice fire.

He looked at the little white wolf not far away, his eyes tightened and he said again, "I oppose it."

The thoughtful people almost spurt out the fire, staring at the ice fire, the release of the breath is burning, the heat wave stripes, as if braving the heat.

"Looking for death!!!"

The fire faintly smiled: "Come on, come kill me."

The voice fell.

The ice fire directly changed back to the dragon and vacated.


Not waiting for how far he flies, the overbearing hand of Zhou Dao grabs the dragon's tail, throws it down heavily, squats on the ground, and the whole body of ice and fire is like a falling apart.

The thoughtful people stepped forward.

At this moment.

Xuanyuan Lier immediately said: "Xianjun, if you kill them, I will die immediately!"

A elder said: "Xianjun, the hour is almost over, and if there is no wedding, it will be over."

The thoughtful man put away the killing and sipped, "The wedding begins."

"I object!"

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