The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3246: Different time and space

The sword disappeared.

A few energy changes in the distance, many people are chasing the sword.

No one will come here again.

The Western Region’s Devils held their hands together and said, “We will not do this anymore.”

He can't stay here.


There are eyes that have been staring at him, and the power on him has been suppressed by inexplicable, very uncomfortable.

Tang Long!

He has been staring at the Western Regions, and there is a kind of power that can't be controlled by him.

Seeing the Western Regions Monarch to leave, Tang Long immediately moved.

Jian Feng immediately said: "Tang Long, the boss said that you will not move them, you forgot?"

Tang Long’s fists clenched and squeaked, and he said: “Hurry up and disappear from my eyes. Otherwise, no one can go.”

He can't control it.

It is not that you can't control yourself, but you can't control the power of your body.

The Western Regions Monarch also didn't want to stop for a moment. This feeling of being suppressed was too uncomfortable, and he quickly left with the elders of the Mozu disciples.

Until a hundred kilometers away, the strength of Tang Long’s body slowly calmed down.

The night charm three sisters also said: "We also left."

"Night King said that we want to be a savage killer in the Hongmeng world. We can't do that to the extent that we will do it when the night king reappears."

Their three sisters did not shed tears, and their hearts were invincible, and they would not die at all!

The night valley people also followed.

After the Queen of Blood Moon stood behind the three thousand ghosts, she will hold Xuanyuan Glass: "The special strength of her body should be given to Longfei. She is now unconscious and should wait for Longfei to return. I have more people here, I am Take care of him."

"At the time... see the sky machine city!"

The Queen of Blood Moon picked up Xuanyuanli and left with three thousand ghosts.

Qinglong Shengzu Road: "I am leaving too."

He didn't say much. He didn't know that he was going there. He was very confused. He used to fly in the dragon. He didn't have to think about anything. When he flew, he went with him. Now it is different. Longfei disappears, he must Going out of your own path.

If possible, he wants to be in the ancient world!

One by one to leave.

Tan cannon also left alone, this time hitting him very hard, feeling that he could not do anything.

Is the gunner really useless?

He has some doubts.

The Mobei domain is much stronger than the Western Region. He has to find his own way!


At last.

There are only three people who are old and white.

Xiaobai wiped the bridge of the nose and said: "Let's go find someone."

Ice and fire, said: "Who are you looking for?"

They are not familiar with the Mibei domain, and they are looking for people? Who is going to be early?

Xiaobaidao: "The boss will definitely come back, so when he comes back, we have to find the old shackles. They also enter the Hongmeng world. If there is no desert north, then go to other domains. In short, we always have to do something. what."

He looked at the old man and said, "Would you like to be together?"

Destroy the old saying: "I have already gone out in the chaos, I don't want to hide in the polar cultivation, just follow you everywhere."

"it is good!"

The last three people form a group to leave!





A madman's old man, red-haired sword, his beard is like a steel needle, his body is burly, his muscles explode, and he even says three words of 'depending'.

Every time I say something is different.

There is anger.


He is the old demon who smashed out from the dragon.

He thought he would die.

The monster in the coffin is too horrible, and he has no chance to fight back. He will fly him out in one stroke.

If you say the same as the evil spirit king, it is the words of eternal life. ,

It is a great honor to be able to die in the hands of eternal life.


He didn't die, not only did he not die, but... he is now recasting the flesh, and the force that squeezes him out of the dragon's body directly recasts his body.

Directly the body of the peak of the gods, and then a little bit can reach the gods!

To know that his physical strength was only in the middle of the gods, but this power actually made his body stronger to such a state.

"Eternal life is not eternal life!"


"The old man is still upset!"

"Just like to bomb out Laozi, don't give a little face, don't think that you gave Laozi a little bit of sweetness, can Laozi let you go?"


The old magic is ruined.

Hold your hands, "Boom!"

The magical spirit is lingering, and the physical strength of the realm of the peak of the gods is like a huge ocean. The source is endless, and the old devil is excited. "Ha ha ha... your ancestors are back!"


Just at this moment.


An iron fork suddenly pressed on his shoulder, an exhilarating voice, "Ha ha ha... I caught it, I caught one."

The old devil is going to be angry, his hair will burn out of the fire, and dare to slap on his head, can't he die?


The iron fork pressed against his neck, and he pressed him to the ground, and his heart burned in anger.

When he is facing his face, his eyes are directly forced.

"I rely!"

A young man.

But it is no more than a million times he is. In front of him, the old demon is like a small ant.


He was caught in the presence of a small ant.

If it’s a giant, there’s nothing surprising about it. Isn’t the giant bigger? Stronger, the old devil is the existence of the first magic ancestor in the ancient world, will be afraid of a giant?

It’s not the giant who makes him horrified, or the giant white wings on the back of the boy!

I also stared at an aperture on my head!


The old devil screamed: "What kind of monster is this Nima?"

"I have been in the ancient world for 100,000 years and I have never seen this kind of race."

"Where is this fuck?"

“Why is the breath completely wrong?”

"It's not the power of the true spirit, it is not the ancient atmosphere. Where is this?"

"Don't I be in Hongmeng?"

"Is Yongsheng smashing me out of the world?"

"I rely on your grandmother's legs." This time, the old devil is completely forced.

He knows that there is a stronger world outside the ancient world. He also thinks about the day when he breaks through the void and enters a stronger world. It is not now.

He is not ready at all!


The hard part is that he thought he was stronger.

I didn't expect to be caught by a child as an ant in a blink of an eye... How many tragedies?

If it is known to those in the ancient world, then should he be the first ancestors?


Same as the old devil.

Black and white has also been blasted out of the ancient world, into a completely strange unknown plane.

Ancient magic tree.

The same is true of the Fountain of Life.

They are all stronger, just...the plane they are in, they are the weakest.

Each one is forced to make it unclear!

Back to Hong Mongolia?

I don't know if it is the Year of the Monkey.

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