
As soon as the fluorescence bursts, the light of God shines directly from the Qiqiao of Longfei.

Also at this moment.



The whole body joints are bursting, as if they are growing fast, secondary development, bone reinforcement, steel water pouring, and every capillary hole is changing.

Every hair is like a steel needle.


Longfei made a roar.



The mountain continues to crack, impact, and cracks in the cave continue to extend.

The whole body of Longfei is changing.

His broken Dantian slowly rotates to form a vortex like a galaxies. The vortex slowly rotates, and the rotation speed is getting faster and faster under the stimulation of the fluorescence.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The spin is booming.

At last.

The broken dantian disappears completely, forming a small black hole!

On the surface of Longfei's skin, there were pieces of animal scales on the surface of the film, and it was dark.

The skin on the surface of the skin appears after a trace of blood.


Another is a cicada.

Fluorescent flashes.

The force of the scorpion is fully integrated into it, circulating from the body of Longfei, and finally entering the small black hole in Dantian.


The fluorescence disappeared and the body of Longfei returned to its original state.

Gently hold the fists, "Squeaky, squeaky..."

A beast scale appeared.

Brown scales like black rock.

this moment.

Longfei feels the power of inexhaustible defense.

Unspeakable power.

"The defense of the super god..."

"This should be the strength of the flesh, the defense of the super god!" Longfei's incomparable excitement, watching the ground become a corpse of corpses, Longfei seriously said: "Although you are not handsome, even ugly, but I am dragon I will do my best to do what I promised."

"rest in peace."

"Your glory will never go out!"

Longfei walked to the exit that the old man had already smashed, watching the gust of wind whistling outside, listening to the continuous cracking of the mountain, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked. "It's so high."

"Will you die?"


Longfei got the body and didn't get the grade.

He is still a secluded nine, and he can't fly from this height.


He did not hesitate and jumped straight down. "I am now an undead body!"


The body bounced and rushed straight out.

Also at this moment.

"Oh la la la la la la la la la..."

Broken Tianfeng cracked, the dangerous peaks that shrugged into the sky continued to break, falling from the sky, and huge stones fell wildly.

The tens of thousands of meters of peaks are constantly falling and falling.

Xuange was shocked.


"The big cabinet owner, broken Tianfeng cracked!"

The owner’s eyes sank, “The monster...”

He is the owner of the Grand Court. He knows that there is a monster in the Tianfeng Peak that has been held for a long time. The monster is held for thousands of years and is not dead.

His strength is so strong that even he does not dare to approach.

Zu Xun said, you must wait until the monster dies, only the monsters die to get that super power.

But now...

Broken Tianfeng cracked.

The Grand Court immediately asked: "Is there any monster that rushes out of the broken peak?"


"I didn't see anything coming out of the broken peak."

The main cabinet owner said slightly: "Is that monster dead?"


"Is there still another person on the broken peak? It is the man who came with Xuanjiatoutou. How is he?"

"Is there still alive on the broken cliff?"

"I am afraid that I will die soon!"

"Xuan Xuan?"

The disciple immediately said: "Xuan Ling Luo Han has been chased, Xuanzang elders have been severely wounded, Xuan Yu is still fleeing, but how far can not escape."

"Just now the broken Tianfeng cracked, all kinds of falling stones, Xuan Ling Luo Han surrounded Xuanzang, and did not start again."

The main pavilion said: "If you have already caught up, then you have to live, and the mysterious family must have any secrets."

"Especially Xuanyu, you must live!"




Xuan Zang continued to cough and bleed, his face pale, looking at the side of Xuan Yu that has been surrounded, the inner secret: "Don't you die in my mysterious family?"

"God, what did our mysterious family do in the end, what should we do to punish our mysterious family?"


Xuanzang broke out with a roar.

Xuan Ling Luo Han sang, "Xuan Zang, don't struggle again, you can't escape."

"The big cabinet owner has orders, as long as you no longer resist, give you a life!"

Eight Xuan Ling Luo Han is around Xuanzang, and now Xuanzang is difficult to escape even if it is a wing.

Another change of Xuanyu was also trapped.

Xuan Zang's eyes were cold and unrequited, and stood up slowly from the ground. He smiled coldly and said: "The big cabinet owner is only not loyal to the supreme god."

"I want my mysterious family to be supreme?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Being dreamed!"

The strength of the whole body is rushing and screaming, "Come on!"

The voice fell.

Xuanzang rushed.

A mysterious Luohan chills, "Looking for death!"

Rush out.

A punch burst, the speed is much faster than Xuanzang, directly bombarded in the abdomen, a breath of blood came out, Xuanzang's body exploded.

Fly directly to the broken peak.


The boulder on the broken peak is still rolling down.




Each piece of boulder has a million pounds of power, as long as it is turned into a meat mud.

Xuanzang was blasted to the bottom of the sky, and the sound of the boulder falling in the sky continued to rise. She looked up slightly and looked at the sky...

Also at this time.


A figure fell from the sky.

Xuanzang has a tight eye and wants to jump, but under severe injury, her reaction slows down and her body can't support it. She can't avoid it.

The person who falls down is naturally a dragon.

He also saw a man lying on the ground.


Longfei immediately shouted: "Flash off, flash off, hurry up and go away."

Xuanzang heard the sound of Longfei, and his eyes were shocked. "It's you!!!"

Hate is skyrocketing.

The killing is strong.

The reason why she and Xuan Yu will go this step is because of Longfei.

It is because of a man.

If it weren't for this man who killed Ye Shuluo in Xuancheng, there wouldn't be so many things at all. She attributed it all to Longfei.

Xuanzang said, "I want to kill you!"

When her voice came out, Longfei was shocked. "Rely, is this beautiful girl?"

"kill me?"

"Want to kill me? Then I..."

Dragon fly is not controlled at all, the body is parallel, hands are down,


Heavy landing, but he did not pick up Xuanzang's body, but his hands on the ground, directly pressing Xuanzang under his body, revealing a smirk, "What did you say? Want to kill me?"

The distance between two people is only a few centimeters.

Face to face, face to face.

mouth to mouth,.

Xuan Zang spurted out anger and said: "I want to..."

"You want a wool."

Longfei directly kissed him, and suddenly blocked the mouth of Xuanzang...

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