The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3287: I will pay your ancestors

There are various powerful planes in the universe.

Some planes do not have military or even cultivators, but they can develop various weapons to deal with and crush the practitioners.

There are quite a few high-tech planes.

Super strong technological ability to crush all the strong players.

What kind of technology is the big discus like the super battleship on the top of the dragon? Or is it really a supreme treasure?

Longfei does not know.

He only cares about one question. Can this thing explode?

He doesn't know it now, but... he will know it right away.

Where has already flown up.

Can suppress the body of the scorpion but can not suppress it, that is to say, the level of the lotus jade pendant is more than the body of 饕餮?

Still speaking of your own blood?


"Kid, you can't move now. If you go over your body, you will be locked up by a super strong metal. It will seal forever. You can now surrender the Supreme God Treasure. Otherwise, you It will become that monster." The big cabinet owner sighed.

I feel that Longfei can't move in the same place.


There is no way to get the power of the beam, and those of the cabinet are secretly loose.

"Ha ha ha... you have it now."

"I thought I was amazing?"

"Kid, go crazy!"

"Frenzy, why not mad!"


The venting of the cockroach.

Longfei mouth corner hook, said: "I want to be supreme **** treasure? Come over and take it, you are a group of dead scorpions."

The two words of Xunzi are very irritating to them.

The main cabinet of the main cabinet has a double fist and a heavy voice. "It’s so crazy to be suppressed, I will see when you can go crazy."


Double fists for a while!

The body of the main cabinet was roaring around the body.


Two golden fists appeared out of thin air, and the main cabinet of the main cabinet stretched out.


The golden fist slammed directly into the belly of Longfei.


Abdominal burns, a punch like a branding, printed on the belly of Longfei, the body of the cockroach was suppressed, Longfei could not hold the fist, a blood spouted out.

This is because the current repair is the reason for reaching the realm of the Xuanwang, otherwise the fist will directly kill his life!


It was another shot.

The chest sank and the bones broke and burst out.

Longfei is also a blood spout.

The big cabinet owner picked up his eyes and said: "Frenzy, give me madness again. Do you think that you are very amazing? Do you think that you can kill two lives and you can be lawless?"

"Here is the Xuange!"

"It's my site. I can't take you on my site!"

The voice is full of anger.

The pressure is full, and the heavy pressure is crushed up.

Many of the cabinet owners were secretly stunned, and they raised a fear of the Lord.

The reason why the chief of the cabinet is the chief of the cabinet, in addition to being strong, there are his means!

The dragon's mouth is hung with blood, and it is dark and sullen: "What about your site? If you have the ability, kill me now, kill me, you won't get that thing in your life."

"Ha ha ha..."

Longfei screamed.

The heart is extremely worried. Just two punches left him with only one-third of his life. If he had another punch, he would be stunned.

The heart couldn’t help but whispered, "Where, how?"

Which way: "I just came in, it is very strange, all things I have not seen."

"It's like a huge maze."

"Hey, I didn't see the lines you said."

It is also very anxious.

Longfeidao: "I don't have time."

"Don't take care of those, let the inside blow up."

The Grand Court will punch again and he will die.

As long as the restraining power of the body is eliminated, the power of the big cabinet owner can not help Longfei.

The most crucial thing is the bondage!

I immediately said: "The baby knows."


Where is the madness of destruction?


The main cabinet of the main cabinet moved, and it fell heavily in front of Longfei. It was dark and sullen: "The kid, you are dead, the supreme **** treasure disappears, don't you think about this plane?"


"As long as you hand over something, I will let you live. The two women you like and I will give you together!"

"Hand over the things."

Almost biting his teeth and saying it.

Can be seen.

The chief of the cabinet has to lose patience.

The eyes were smashed, the mysterious Luohan died, the two cabinet owners died, and the disciples of Tianwuge died. These kinds of things are extremely heavy blows to Xuange.

In this era of the jungle, the news of the heavy losses of the Xuange was spread out, and the gods would kill them in a month, and they would be swallowed up.

By then, there will be no more grandeur in this world.

As long as you get the supreme treasure, Xuange is not afraid of any forces, and Shenzong is not afraid of committing crimes.

Longfei looked at the main cabinet and smiled lightly: "Do you think I am a three-year-old? You said I believe?"

The main pavilion said: "How do you believe it?"

Long Feidao: "It's very simple. Let's put the two of them first."

The main eye of the big cabinet sank and said: "Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?"


A figure of fantasy, like a shuttle, instantly appeared in front of Xuan Yu.

Grasping her long hair, the figure moved again, shuttled back, grabbed Xuan Yu and said: "Give you the last chance!"

"Don't take it out, she will die!"

The flame on the Lord's main body burned.

The forehead has a blue vein.

Xuan Zang screamed, "Yu Er."

Xuanyu was suffering, but he held back and looked at Longfeidao: "Longfei brother, don't care about me, I don't want to live anyway."


Slamming hard, he dropped Xuanyu on the ground, staring at the dragon and sinking his eyes, saying: "Hand over things!"

Xuan Yu body bounced from the ground and spewed out a blood.

His face became pale.

Longfei’s eyes sank and his fists clenched, and the suppressed beam shook slightly.

The big cabinet owner felt the anger of Longfei and said: "You can live by handing over things!"

"last chance!"

During the speech, the chief of the big cabinet has a long sword in his hand. The long sword points to the mysterious jade under his feet. His eyes are full of killing. If Longfei does not hand over anything, he will really kill!

Longfei was nervous inside and said: "Where!"

Where is the crazy attack.

Deliberately destroyed.

He heard the cry of Longfei, and he was more quickly destroyed.




The roaring loud noise, the big discus on the top of the head kept bursting out.

The beam sway and the power is weakened.

The black hole in the dragon's body slowly turned again. Longfei appeared a piece of brown **** scales up and down the whole body. His eyes were like a savage eye. He said, "I will pay your ancestors!"

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