The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3308: Renewal

A door appears out of thin air!

Very harsh opening.

I was slightly surprised.

at this time.

A middle-aged man walked out of the door.

The man was plainly dressed and his expression was indifferent. His eyes glanced at the already cooled dragon fly on the ground, and the one hand was printed with a flame.

The flame must be.


It fell on the top of Longfei's head.

The flames did not move.

The middle-aged man walked down one step further and looked at the seven-flowers on Longfei's body. He screamed coldly. "You can barely calculate your task."

As soon as the eyebrows are lifted, a force on the body will lift the dragon to lift it up.


As soon as the pace moved, I walked to the front of any door and stopped slightly, and I looked at it from the side.

Also at this moment.

The Thunder screamed, "Who are you?"

"Where do you want to take the young master?"

The breath of the body exploded, and the thick cockroaches rushed out.

Where to stop the Thunder, said: "Don't move!"

The middle-aged man did not say anything. His eyes were full of indifference, as if he had never heard what the Thunder said.

The Thunder jumped in the same place, and the fly in the middle went up and said: "Don't make it clear, you definitely don't want to leave here!"

Which shouted, "Don't go!"


The Thunder was in front of the door, and before he finished, the middle-aged man kicked him into the door.

Xuan Yu shouted, "Thunder and Uncle!"

She also rushed up.


It was kicked in with a gentle kick.

Xuan Zang double fists and a hand, watching the Thunder and Xuan Yu disappear, she can not care so much, rushed up.


It’s another foot, it’s gone!

Where the body is shaking, no matter how he persuades it is useless.

From the moment the middle-aged man appeared, he knew that the man was very dangerous, and his breath was strong that he had never seen before.

I don’t dare to move around.

Watching the Thunder three were kicked into the void.

The middle-aged man looked at him with a faint voice and said, "Would you like to go in?"

Which small eyes sank and said: "What do you want to do to me?"

The middle-aged man did not answer, but repeated one sentence and said: "Do you want to go in!"


When the screams roared, the red scorpion spurred a rifle and smashed out a million guns, and all the middle-aged men were shrouded, but... even so, the gunshots pierced the middle-aged man’s body, but he did not have any The same thing.

There is no harm at all.

Which is not strong?

If the strong man in the realm of the gods said that spikes are spiked.


His strength is limitless.


In the face of a middle-aged man, he feels powerless, as if he is not facing a person, but a boundless ocean.

Let him not start.

The strongest force is released, but it does not play a role.

This sense of powerlessness made him very uncomfortable.

However, there is no reason to give up.

He is constantly making a variety of powerful moves.

A variety of powerful forces.


All kinds of forces attacked the middle-aged man's body without any use, and there was no harm at all.

a long time.

Which tired and panting.

The middle-aged man is cold and iced: "Can you go in now?"

That kind of look, that kind of tone, is like using a scorpion as an unreasonable little doll. Although he is a little doll, it is really uncomfortable.

I don't talk.

The middle-aged man lifted his right foot, "Hey!"

I will kick in.

The middle-aged man glanced at Longfei, suspended in midair, and pushed his hand into any door with a slight push.

He did not immediately go in.

Instead, the hands are sealed and a force is emanating from him.


The world is slowly recovering.

Shenzong is still a god.

Ye Wutian is still Ye Wutian, the elders of Shenzong are still those elders, Xuange or Xuange, and the nine major cabinet owners are still the nine major cabinet owners.

They are not living one by one.

It was time reversal and returned a few years ago.

Ye Wutian did not enter the special secret before.

After doing all this.

The middle-aged man stepped into any door.

There are three people in this world, Xuan Yu, Xuanzang, Thunder, and everything has not changed. They are all working in the same way.


"You are too bad!"

"The body skills are too bad."

"Enter this plane!"

The time when the reaction to the Thunder was not given at all was directly pushed into the dark by the strength of the middle-aged man.

Then the white light flashed.

Thunder disappears!

"Your talent is too bad, it is too bad to be repaired, and the appearance is not enough to pour the country."

"Enter this plane!"


Xuan Yu was also sent to another plane.

Xuanzang’s body shrank slightly and said, “I don’t go anywhere.”

The middle-aged man did not say anything to her, and directly pushed her into another plane.

What is the last?

The middle-aged man looked at him and said: "His experience does not allow anyone to interfere, you can't help him, and... your own strength is not strong enough."

Where did you stand up and said, "Can I ask a question?"

The middle-aged man took power and said: "Ask!"

He is very polite to him.

of course.

It’s not because it’s strong enough, it’s around him, and it’s like this.

Which way: "Will I die?"

Middle-aged man said: "No!"

The answer is very simple.

Where are you, hoes, and he said: "Thank you!"

"I can go anywhere."

The middle-aged man's expression is still very indifferent. There is no change in the movement of the singer.


When the white light flashed, it disappeared.

The middle of the hall left the middle-aged man and the little priest behind the man.

The little priest looked at Longfei and looked at the lamp. He said, "Master, the brothers really won't die?"

The middle-aged man had a tight eyebrow and did not answer. He said, "Keep your brother, if you don't come back within seven days, then continue his life with seven flowers."


"A petal can only last for seven hours, and a little bit can not be bad."

"In addition, when I am not there, you can't leave him in one step!"

"Master assured, I remember." The little priest nodded and said: "Master, where are you going?"

The middle-aged man did not speak, but walked into the darkness.


A door opened, and the light shining from the door was not white light, but a group of glaring black awns, and black awns rushed into the hall.

The middle-aged man's body moved and rolled all the black awns back.

At last.

He jumped down.

The door slammed shut.

The little priest hurriedly said: "Master!"

The middle-aged man and the Thunder have a few different places to enter.

In order to save the dragon, he must enter the dark field!

The little priest is very clear about what the dark domain means, murmured, saying: "Master, you must be careful!"

Plus 1

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