The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3322: BOSS, the corpse that devours the plane





The emptiness of the void, the eternal life of the temple is also constantly bursting.

At this moment.

The strongest of the three thousand worlds have also been sensed.

"My world is cracking!"

"There is a huge natural disaster in my world. What happened?"

"Why is this happening? It’s just fine."

“Is it true?”

"Is it true? The eternal life is broken. Isn't our world going to die? Why? Why?"

“Why can the Yongsheng Monument determine our world?”


They are all panicked and are anxious.

People are afraid of death, they are now standing under the death sickle.

It may be dead at any time.

The dark king charmed the king and looked at the owner of the eternal life, saying: "The lord, what is the situation, now is this time, can't you say?"

The owner of the Yongsheng Temple shook his head and said: "When it is over, it may be really over."

"Three thousand worlds are actually a world, named Yongshengmen."

"You are all disciples!"

“This is the Hall of Eternal Life and the only place that leads to the eternal life. Unfortunately, I have been searching for eternal life for so many years.”

"I didn't expect eternal life to be found, but it suddenly appeared!"

"With a person!"

The eternal life Lord looked at the dragon flying slowly and slowly absorbed the dark heart. He knew that time was too late.

"This man is the eternal eternal life of the future, because my heart is alive, so when I come up, let him accept the test of the Lord of eternal life."

At the moment Longfei entered the Yongsheng Temple, he even went to kill.

He is embarrassed.

Dark domain charm king said: "He failed?"

"If it fails, then he is definitely not the Lord of eternal life."

The corner of the eye can't help but look at the dragon.


She also could not sense Longfei.

The little priest said: "The brother did not fail. He succeeded. He brought the seven flowers back to the Hall of Eternal Life, but... he himself ruined the flesh!"

Shadow Charm King: "Is this a failure, or is it successful?"

"The heart of darkness can't save him?"

Everyone looked at Longfei under the monument of eternal life.

One person asked: "Is he living, the world we are in will not break?"

The little priest nodded and said: "Yes, his life and the eternal monument are linked together, and the eternal monument is also linked with the three thousand worlds."

"As long as the brothers can live, the three thousand worlds will be saved!"

A ring is buckled.

Yongsheng chose Longfei.

Longfei also awakened Yongsheng.

The power of Yuanshi Tianzun will activate eternal life, and Yongsheng will bring Longfei here.

just now!

When deciding the fate.

However, in this case, the probability of Longfei's coming over is too small.

All the people looked at Longfei.

The monument to eternal life is still cracking.

The plane of the Three Thousand Worlds is also constantly cracking. At this moment, the Hall of Eternal Life suddenly silences, if everything is true...

"I do not believe!"


One person stood up and said: "I don't believe this."

"I don't care what immortality, no matter what immortal monument, I am me, my life is not controlled by anyone."


He turned and walked into the darkness and said, "I want to go back to my world."

Go into the darkness.


A large piece of darkness was suddenly blown off by a strong wind, and the whole world broke down.

The influx of strong winds, the eternal life hall is a raging, crazy shake.

"Space devouring!"

"It's space to swallow!"

"How could this be?"

"Do not!"

The eternal life master took a step and said: "This is not a space to devour, this is the face to swallow."

The space was torn apart just now, and the tearing space was not repaired at all. The previous space fragmentation would recover quickly under the space law, but now the torn space has not been repaired.


In addition to the fragmentation of space, a roar sounded.

Everyone has a glimpse.

The eyes of the eternal life Lord also slammed, "The corpse!"

When you hear the word ‘corpse’, everyone’s heart is trembled.

“Isn't the corpse only a legendary demon? Does it really exist?”

"Can it swallow a plane?"

"How could this be?"


There are all kinds of powerful ancient creatures in the wilderness. These creatures do not live on any plane because their own bodies are bigger than the planes.

They live in the wild.

Just like a space warship, the universe is the sea and travels around.

The more advanced the place, the higher the ranks of these ancient creatures.

You can't imagine how powerful it is.

Just a moment ago, tearing off a large piece of space, it seems that it is just a little bit of the Hall of Eternal Life, but...

"My world... my world... no more!"

"No, my world is gone!"

"How come, how come..."

"My home, my home..."

Several strong men groaned, and they lost contact with their own plane. In the moment, the two planes were swallowed up.

How fierce this is.


Another roar.

Turn around.

A huge creature appeared, and the whole body was a powerful body of carrion, covering the entire wilderness and covering the temple of eternal life.

Everyone under this corpse feels like an ant.

The heart is shaking.

Look at the sky as if looking up at God.

Many people are soft on their legs.


They don't know how long they can live?

One second?

Still two seconds?

I don't know when the corpse will shoot again?

The owner of the eternal life muttered: "I didn't expect it to be lurking here for so long. It should have been the calling task of the Lord of Eternal Life."


The little Taoist looked at Longfei and said: "Master, can only help the brothers to save this place?"

The Lord of Eternal Life nodded and said: "This may also be his experience. Now only he can survive, and this will all end."



The eternal life master is a series of coughing sounds, his body is swaying, and he has reached the limit.

He looked at Longfei and said: "If you are really the eternal life, then please come over!"

Also at this time.

The heart of darkness is completely absorbed.


The flames went out, and the Hall of Eternal Life was completely dimmed.

The eternal monument is even more frenzied.

The corpse is roaring and preparing for the second attack.

Everything is in a desperate situation.

Dark, can't see hope.

There is no hope for a trace.

Also at this moment.

In the mind of Longfei, a prompt sound suddenly sounded, "Hey!"


Longfei's eyes jerked open.

Also at this moment.


"System prompt: Host upgrade!"

Also at this time.

The system also suddenly wakes up, "Master, you upgraded!"

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