The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3332: Long bone

North area, in the turbulent space.

The mad king resisted all the pieces of the plane that had been hit. His axe broke, and he used his shoulders to resist the gravel. The whole body burst into a blue vein and made a burst of roar.

"Ah,,, ah,,,"

He can hear his growl far away.

A louder sound, like a lion with the same hair.

The other side is the White King.

He is resisting the impact of the surface of the other side.

The priest is in the middle.

The White King and the Mad King are like protecting the priests.

In fact, it is the same.

Because, the little priest is the man that the charm king likes.

Because of this, they have to protect this little priest and let their hearty little priests.

Even if they are extremely hard, they will continue to retreat, and they will resist the death of the priests.

"Little priest, it doesn't matter if we die, you can't have anything, the charm king has been waiting for you." The mad king said with a deep heart.

Bai Wang also said: "I don't know what you have done in the past to let the charm king move, and I don't know what relationship you are, but the person who the charm king wants to protect, I will be guarded by death."

"Although I hate you!"

"I once wanted to kill you, because only you die, the charm king will not continue to worry about you, but now... I hope you can live."


A roar is heard.

Strong and incomparable.




The impact of the acceleration of the surface debris has come up. The fragments of the planes piled up on the two people are already as high as the two mountains. From the bottom up, it looks like a line of heaven.

The little priest said: "To die together, die together!"

The golden runes suspended in the body are constantly shot out, and they are constantly blasting in the turbulent flow of space. However, here is the incomparable chaos of the space law, even if the power of the Yongsheng Taoist is powerful.

Still can't open the way.

The three of them are always stuck in the middle of the turbulent flow of space, and they can’t advance and can’t retreat.

This is very bad for the three of them.

Once the mad king or the white king can't resist it, the three will definitely be involved in the turbulent flow, and will be squandered to the volume in an instant.

"We don't care if we die. Anyway, the charm king has only used us as brothers in the past years. I have never put us in my heart, but you are different. If you die, the charm king will be very sad."

"The last thing we want to see is that she is sad, so you have to live anyway." Bai Wang continued, and continued to push hard.

Blood is oozing from the shoulders of the arrogant, and the blue veins on the shoulders are exploding.

"Ah,,, ah,,,"

The strength of the whole body is used to resist.

The power of the impact is constantly superimposed.


The white king sank and retreated, and the piece of debris he resisted suddenly tilted, hitting the debris that the mad king resisted.

"Oh la la la..."

The surface fragments collapsed and ran a stream.

"Oh la la!"

Lost the weight at once.

Bai Wang shouted, "Old mad!"

For a moment.

The White King was involved in the turbulent flow, and the mad king’s eyes tightened, making a roar, his legs jerking, and “唰” as a lightning strike.

Grab a white king.

In the turbulent flow, Bai Wang’s eyes slammed and shrank. “It’s over!”

When the mad king looked back, his eyes were suddenly tight. "It’s going to die."

A huge piece of surface debris hits and covers them all over the place. As long as they hit, they will die.



Countless to the golden runes blasted, the surface fragments burst, the little priests rushed out, hang up, sit cross-legged, and have words in their mouths.



Countless golden runes form a thick defense.


Just like a wall to block all the plane fragments.

The little priest said with a hard time: "Are you okay?"

Bai Wang and Mad King stood firm: "Nothing."

The words have not been finished yet.


"Hey!" The little priest screamed out of his blood, and his wall of defense suddenly burst and cracked, and countless pieces of huge debris hit it.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

In less than a second, the entire defensive wall has been blocked with debris, thicker and thicker, and the impact is getting stronger and stronger. The little priest’s mouth is constantly overflowing with blood. “I can’t die, I can’t Fall down."



The little priest also made a fierce anger, and the super-existence of the eternal life.

His upper body robe also tore open.

Showing the naked upper body.

Looking at his naked half body, the white king and the mad king's eyes slammed, "Long bones?"

The dorsal spine of the priest is completely different from the common man's back. His back bones are completely popped out. One section is particularly conspicuous and even awkward. Like a monster, the back spine is stronger than the common human back spine. Many of these back bones carry the life of two people, also known as the long bones.

Other than that.

The section on the back of the section is engraved with two words.


"Who is Yu Ji??"

"This long-lived bone is repaired by Shouyuan. It is a longevity. Why is it not the name of two people, but the name of a person?"

"Old mad, Yu Ji seems,,, seems,,, seems to be the name of the charm king!"

The charm king is just a title.

Not many people know her name.

When the mad king stunned, his eyes were suddenly tight. "Yes, I have heard the charm king talk about her name, that is, Yu Ji, that little priest..."

Bai Wang smiled bitterly. "We always thought that we were the most fascinating king, but... hahaha... hahaha..."

Looking at the long bones on the back of the little priest, he felt that his love was a joke, nothing.

Not at all!

The mad king also felt it and murmured, "Why... I don't understand why you like each other so clearly, why don't you recognize each other?"

“Why do you hurt yourself like this?”

Bai Wang looked at the longevity bones: "Is it because of the life of the charm king?"

The little priest found his clothes broken, and he exhaled a long breath and said: "I am willing to use my death, change her to be peaceful, to be glory, and to live forever."

"Maniac!" White King spit out two words.

The mad king also bowed his head and said: "You have been reincarnation six times, each time for the charm of Wang Xiu Shouyuan, you, you, you,,, how crazy you are."

Bai Wangdao: "Old mad, don't say so much, now you can't let him die if you die!"


The mad king snarled and slammed into it. This time it was really a complete blow.

The white king was also forced to go up.

The two men squatted on the defensive wall and stood up against each other.

The strongest strengths broke out one by one, and they sincerely admire the little priests. Their love is too unworthy to compare with the priests.


Even if the three people move with all their strength, they are still the same and can only support it.

Step back, it will not be able to withstand it.

"Are we going to die?"

Also at this time.

A voice came, "Reassure, you will not die!"

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