The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3365: What I want is your life!

The elders of the Tianzu are out.

The audience suddenly calmed down.

Everyone's eyes are focused on the elders of the heavens.

The owner’s eyes looked at the elders calmly, faintly, making a gesture of asking, saying, “Please!”

The elders of the Tianzu, with a glimpse of their mouths, smiled softly and said: "The big cabinet is really powerful. Just rely on your hand-speeding method, I can give you another chance to re-select."

One person is thousands of people.

These thousands of people are the masters of the Hongmeng industry, but they are all defeated by him. That is to say, the owner of the Grand Court can be worthy of the refining division of the entire Hongmeng world.

The Tianzu has him enough!

Such talents should be controlled by the Tianzu.

If you can't control it...

Before the big cabinet owner spoke, the elders of the heavens said very seriously: "Don't rush to answer, you better think about it."

The main cabinet of the Grand Court said: "Do not think about it, elders, please!"

A gesture of please!

This is the answer.

The elders of the Tianzu glanced lightly and smiled coldly: "There is only one road. Since you have chosen a dead end, you are ready to go to hell."

The voice is falling!

The fire of the refiner on the elders of the heavens burned instantly.


It is a few feet high and carries a unique elemental power.

Heavenly power!

"It is the power of the heavens!"

"A good fire of a powerful refiner!"

"I have never seen such a powerful refining fire, as if he could melt the whole world."

"The blood of the Tianzu is different!"


The voices of all kinds of worship and praise are endless.

Although there are exaggerated elements, but ... the fire of his refining is indeed strong, the strength of the Tian people is blessed inside, but the fire of his refining equipment is sharp, with the majesty of the heavenly people.

Under the fire of the renaissance of the elders of the celestial beings, the fire of the refining device released by the chief of the cabinet really shrinks and seems to be afraid.

The elders of the Tianzu smiled coldly and said, "Get started!"


The fire of the refiner screamed out and instantly raised the temperature of the fire to the highest point.

Turn around.

The right hand turned over and a purple gold hammer appeared.

"Purple hammer!"

"It is the best artifact in the hammer."


"It should be the legendary fetish, the highest artifact of the refiner, actually appeared."

"The heavens are amazing."

"The rumors of everything created with the Zitian Hammer are all artifacts."

"More than that, it can also release a compelling refinery atmosphere with a strong aggression. He is a hammer and a weapon."


Just when everyone talks.


Zitian refining hammer fell.


The fire splattered and the force of a refiner swept out.

The main cabinet responded very quickly. He grabbed a deep sea and protected it in front of him. It was just that... the force struck up and the black iron broke instantly.

The main cabinet of the cabinet was forced to retreat a few steps.

The internal organs rolled over, the blood was pungent, and a blood spurted out. "Hey..."


"The big cabinet owner!"

Many Tianji Pavilion disciples came forward.

The main cabinet said: "I am fine!"

The heart is very upset. "I underestimated the power of the elders of the celestial beings. I didn't expect to use the Zitian hammer to release such a powerful refining force."

The elders of the Tianzu smiled and said: "The big cabinet owner, what is your **** speeding method? Why not show it?"

The voice has not fallen!

Purple Sky Hammer moves again.


It is also the impact of a super refinery.

Rush to the main cabinet.

The big brother of the big cabinet is very tight, "The defense can't help!"

"That's a fight!"

The movement of the hammer in the hand, the fire of the refiner on the body is also the roar of a monster, directly burning up, "Booming rumbling... rumbling..."

His body is like a beast.

The style of the refiner is also suddenly and drastically changed. From the beginning of the rapid refiner, it becomes extremely arrogant, like a calligraphy everyone is writing crazy grass.

Unrestrained and willing.


This is the case with the Grand Court.

The force of the refining device surging, facing the power of the refining device released by the elders of the heavenly family, he also fell down with a hammer.

A sweep!


A shrill humming sounded.

Like the same dragon who went out to sea, it ran rampant.

The strength of the two refiners hit together.


The dull humming sound, the impact of one ring and one ring, and then stacked together.

The elders of the Tianzu looked cold and snorted, "I see how long you can hold!"


Zitian refining hammer fell.

The power of the refiner came with the power of the heavenly kings.

Stronger power shocks come up.

The eyebrows of the big cabinet owner are tight, the breath of the body is surging, and the hammer in the hand is also a hammer, "Oh..."

A roar, the Thunder attacked.


Once again, they hit each other.

Power superposition, crazy distortion.

The space is cracking.

All the people around me were shocked, completely scared, when did you see this kind of refining?

too strong!

Strong to the kind of explosion!

Longfei looked at the big cabinet in the window, and his heart secretly shocked: "Really strong, if not injured, the elders of the heavens are not his opponents."


The eyebrows are dark and tight.

Longfei glanced at the white brow in the room.

Xiaobai said with amazement: "The big cabinet is so strong, the elder elder is almost unable to support it."

"One person crushed thousands of people, and now even the elders of the heavens can't resist it. It's really beyond imagination to refine the refining."

The old swords of the sword: "Tianji Pavilion has been at the forefront of the refining industry since the establishment of the **** machine."

Extinction: "The Lord of the Great is indeed strong, but ... the Celestials will not allow themselves to lose."

The sword is old.



The purple smelt hammer knocked down again.

The elders of the Tianzu pale face, cold sweats on their foreheads, rolling down.

The expression is a bit painful.

He is going to be unable to support it.


How can the Tianzu lose?

Even if it is a game, you can't lose.

The corner of his eye was moving, not far behind him, a celestial elder's breath, five fingers, and the power on his fingertips suddenly surged.

Sword old lost the channel: "small..."

The words have not been said yet.

The power of the yin wind blew in the chest of the Lord.


A black blood spurted out, the chest was directly penetrated, and a big fist was bloody.

Also at this moment.

The refining celestial elders, the purple hammer in their hands fell again, "Give me to die!"

The main body of the cabinet is pale as thin paper.

Looking at the surging power, he stepped back, and the hammer in his hand pounded heavily. "Hey, hey, hehe..."

Instead of releasing the power of the refiner, it is constantly refining weapons.

When the powerful force hits the body, the main cabinet owner smiles faintly and says: "Cheng!"


The force burst out of his body, his body began to crack slowly...

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