The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3384: One word, one dead

The little priest brought his own BUFF. He appeared in the air and saw Longfei and then stepped down step by step. Each step took a step and gave birth to a character.

Characters in the eternal life.

Like the steps, the feet fall and the characters appear.

Fall from the sky.

Everyone looked up and was completely shocked.


"Who is that child?"

"What is the golden character under his feet? Is it a rune? Isn't the rune engraved on the seal? How can it appear under his feet?"

"Too winds."

"Is it the strong support of the Tianzu?"

"The smell on his body is so special."


The elders of the Tianzu looked up and they were also guilty. "Have you seen him? Who is this child? Is it a strong man in the shrine?"

"Are the strong people from the ancient world?"

Several elders shook their heads and said they had not seen them.


A elder said: "You look at Murong Xiong's expressions, as if they don't know each other. Since they don't know, it means that he is our person."

"Well said!"

"Xuandi broke a lot of seals in the ancient world, and maybe it was a big power in the ancient world."

Think of this.

These heavenly strongmen have self-confidence and have exploded. A Tianzu elder said: "Is there no? Our reinforcements have arrived. Have you seen his strength?"

"It’s not enough for you to see these slags!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Murong Xiong’s eyes were dark and tight, and he said: “Everyone is careful!”

He couldn't feel the power of the little priest, and it was because of this that he made everyone careful. This person who looks like a child is very simple.

In an instant, the mind was told to go down.

He can die, but Longfei can't.

Longfei is the lifeblood of Mujia. If he has a little bit of trouble, I am afraid that he will not be able to take care of himself.

The elders of the two happy cities immediately moved closer to the dragon!

The old sword is also sinking: "His breath... is so special, the breath released from the body is not in Hongmeng, there is only one possibility, he comes from the ancient world."

"Is the reinforcement of the Tianzu arrived?"

The old man looked at Tang Long and said: "Tang Long, are you not born with the ability to sense the magic? The cruel characters from the ancient world are somewhat magical. Is there anything on his body?"

Tang Long shook his head and said: "I,,, I, I can't feel it."

It’s too strange to see the old man’s shock. “And the smell that you can’t get rid of the Tang family’s?”

The Tang family has an innate advantage over breath induction.

As long as there is a little bit of magic on the body, you can't escape the induction.

But now it is useless!

Seeing that Murong Xiong was nervous, the elders of the Tianzu were even more excited, and the heart also confirmed that the priests were their reinforcements.


This reinforcement allowed Murong Xiong to be the enemy.

It must be strong.

The elders of the Tianzu began to scream, "Are you afraid?"


"The shrine is just sending out a strong man, and you only have to beg for mercy."

"Mu Rongxiong, is it still arrogant?"

"Do you dare to fight with the heavens in this group of people? Look for death!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Longfei, the sly squatting on the ground, this is your only way out now, waiting for the strong man to fall, that is when you die of Huangquan!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The remaining few elders of the celestial beings are incomparably rampant.

Longfei grinned softly and didn't say much, but slowly walked forward.

Murong Xiong’s eyebrows are tight, saying: “Xiaofei, don’t go out.”

The sword is also following: "Kid, don't go out, the power of the child is too strange, don't get close."

Xiaobai and the ice fire followed the dragon and flew to the side, they did not say anything, no matter what Dragonfly did, they would follow.

You can block bullets for the dragon at any time.

Longfei faintly said: "Don't worry."

"I have disappeared for a year. Are you curious about what happened to me this year?"

"What did I do this year?"

"You will know right away!"

Longfei walked out of the crowd.

Those elders of the Tianzu are even more excited and shouted: "Is it scared now? Get out and kneel down."

"Your Majesty!"

"The dragons are being stepped on by our celestial beings. What do you count? I want to be jealous? Give me your knees now."

Left one sentence.

The next sentence is squatting.

Unparalleled arrogance, incomparable mania.

Longfei is very uncomfortable and faint. "I like people to kneel down for you?"

The elders of the celestial sneer said: "This is what you should do with ordinary people. In your world, do you know why? Because we are heavenly people, the gods are the gods in the mortal world of you!"


Longfei sneered and said: "How about God?"

"You are God? Then I will be the ancestors of God!"

The elders of the Tianzu coldly said: "It’s still so crazy at this time, boy, you are going to die soon!"


The elder elder looked at the little priest who immediately fell to the ground and said: "Adult, he is the kid of the dragon family, killing him!"

A small priest.

Longfei chilled, "kill him!"

The same three words ‘kill him! ’

The elders of the celestial ridicule, "Who are you commanding? The strong people in the ancient world are you can order this kind of waste? Longfei, you are ready to die..."

The voice has not fallen.

The little priest gently ‘oh’.

Turn around.

His eyes lifted and he glanced at the elders of the heavens. He screamed coldly and said, "Explosion!"


A loud noise.

The head of the elders of the celestial family burst directly, and the half body fell heavily.


Everyone is shocked.

The elders of the Tianzu, the guards were twisted, and they couldn’t turn around. They looked at the half body that fell in the pool of blood, and then looked at the little priest.

An elder screamed, "The grown-up is killing him..."

Point your finger at the dragon.

Longfei once again said, "kill him."


The little priest is once again.



Another elder elder fell to the ground. The people of this genius were all dumbfounded. If the first time was a manslaughter, then now... this horrible little priest is definitely a dragon fly.

Murong Xiong is also a glimpse, "This..."

Swordsman: "Kid, do you know him?"

Longfei smiled and nodded, "know."

The little priest looked at Long Fei and went forward. He smiled and said, "Brother!"

The word "senior brother" fell, and all of them were forced.

The hearts of the people of the heavens are shaking.

One by one stunned and looked at the little priest, and the arrogant arrogance of the next one was extinguished.

This is not at all arrogant!

Not only can't they get up, but they feel like they are shrouded in death!

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