The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3402: Number one (second

Longfei deity has a unique charm, this charm is specifically for women, just like the air is filled with aphrodisiac, so that all women are crazy.

of course.

Just for him a man crazy.

This deity has this unique charm, and it also has its own body.

For the avatar, he is also a dragon fly himself.

He now not only exudes the charm of this kind of attractiveness to the beautiful girl, but also his white clothes, graceful, and even more crazy around the girls in the flower season.

One by one, I can't wait to fall into the arms of Longfei.

One by one.

Even... someone started bidding.

"Little brother, you accompany me for one night, I will buy it for you."

"Little brother, I am going out of Hong Kong, and I will buy you for one night."

"The son, my lady said, if you can marry my lady, Chen's family business is half of you."


Each one is super big.

Many girls are surrounded by Longfei, swallowing their mouths, and they are hungry and thirsty. It’s like the age of a wolf, but they are obviously twenty years old, and they are not behaving. symmetry.

"So handsome."

"Too handsome."


The more you look at it, the more you can't extricate yourself. Many girls scream and the scene is a bit out of control.


No matter how the scene got out of control, no one could get close to the body of Longfei. He stood there quietly from beginning to end, and his eyes were blind.


There are a lot of beautiful women around, but they are not able to enter his eyes. I want to know that although he is a avatar, he has a lot of memories of his deity. Any one of those women in memory must have Hey, they are dozens of streets.

"Who is that?"

"I rely on it, is it handsome and handsome? Is he better than me, is it better than me?"


"At first glance, it is a slick child."

"The world is about repairing, looking good and eating. Cut... a group of superficial women."

Many men in the team are very disdainful.

At this moment.

On the side of the street, the four squatters and 2,500,000 seem to have come out, pushing a few people on the street to one side, and screaming, "all of them are rolled out a little, and Master Sima is here."

The voice fell.

The surrounding people quickly retreated and gave way.

One wearing a purple crown, dressed in white, holding a paper fan in his hand, gently shaking, with a shallow gentleman smile on his face.

Look is also a bit handsome.

He is also the number one in this holy king city, and also the number one handsome young master. Every time it appears, it will cause a sensation. In addition to the evil slaves, there are girls screaming.


He is the young master of the Sima family, and that is even more different.

Be aware that Sima is the first family in the Holy City.

Even in the Holy King, there is also a strong force. Half of the family members are in the important position of the Holy King, and the Holy King is the backing. The Sima family is the absolute hegemon in the Holy City.

Quiet around.

They all gave up a big road, for fear of offending the number one of the holy king city.

Sima Tian came out, his eyes closed slightly, his arms unfolded, and his heart secretly said: "Scream for me!"

One second, two seconds...

Time passed five seconds.

Sima Tian was a bit stunned. As long as he appeared on the street, it would inevitably cause the girl to scream. He enjoyed the process, but today it is a bit different.

There is no scream.


Sima Tian coughed softly.

A cockroach has improved a lot, and the big voice: "Sima Young Master is driving!"

The sound is loud and the whole street is heard.

Sima Tian gently shook the lupin, revealing the appearance of a modest gentleman, looking up at the head for forty-five degrees, looking a very deep, very pretentious look.

In his heart again, "Scream!"

One second, two seconds...

Ten seconds passed, except for the silence, no screams sounded.

Sima Tian’s expression was awkward, and the heart said: “Is there no woman on the street today?”

At this moment.

One shouted: "Young master, look over there!"

Sima Tian looked over and saw that the girls in the street all around were surrounded by a man in white, and there were some young ladies in the family. These women were considered beautiful in the holy city. His brow was immediately tight, and his heart was unhappy. "Who is that kid?"

That name is very familiar with the character of Sima Tian.

The wind is being robbed, it is definitely not good.

He immediately said: "Young master, let me go and see."

After that, I strode to Longfei.

"Give me a little more!" He screamed.

Several girls saw cockroaches and immediately bowed their heads to the side.

He squeezed into the crowd and saw Longfei, immediately screaming and shouting: "Boy, who are you?"

Longfei did not pay attention.

I don't think Longfei didn't give him face, which made him very unhappy, and the triangle eyes stunned. "His mother, Laozi is talking to you, are you jealous?"

Longfei still ignored it.

Like these women around, there is nothing left.

It’s even more uncomfortable. This time he didn’t say anything more. It’s a squat to the dragon.

His cultivation is not low, the realm of the emperor.

It is also because there are such high people who are repaired as holy kings to fear him.

He used the strongest power of the Emperor on this foot. He wanted to let Longfei squat on the ground and even slammed his feet, so that he would definitely get Sima Tian's reward.

With a sneer in the corner of his mouth, he thought about Sima Tian’s reward.


This time it was a bit wrong.

He went down this foot as if he had kicked a piece of steel.


The sound of broken bones sounded.

The sly face is twisted, as if in slow motion, the mouth is screaming, but... at that moment.

Where he kicked, the strength sank and his feet slammed into it.



The crotch ruptured, and the two eggs that ran across them seemed to split.

A horse is sitting on the ground.

The painful sound of the original bones shattered, but this time... a more painful sound came out and the eyes were bursting out.


Not waiting for him to call out.


A force suddenly trembled.

It’s not surprising that his body burst out in an instant. It’s strange that there are a lot of girls blocking him in the position where he burst out, but at the moment he shakes out, these girls all automatically retreat and give way. They don’t know what’s going on themselves, just like they can’t control their bodies!


A heavy bang.

The dying coma passed, and it was crippled without death.

Longfei didn't move at all until the end, even without looking at the name.

"Good control!"

"His control of power is probably... strong enough to be an unimaginable realm." On the Holy King's Court, an old man stared at Longfei with his eyes!

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