The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3424: Step into the shrine

"Xuandi, give me a death!!!"

Roaring in the sky.

With the power of eternal life, the voice spreads rapidly for tens of millions of kilometers, and it continues to stir up, and finally the entire Hongmeng world is covered.

"Xuandi, give me a die!"

"Xuandi, give me a die!"

"Xuandi, give me a die..."

The echo is constantly coming back.

The entire Hongmeng world is shaking for it.

“Someone is challenging the Emperor?”

"who is it?"

"Don't dare to challenge Xuan Emperor, who is impatient?"

"I rely on, is this person trying to find death?"

"Challenging the Emperor, this is a challenge to God."


For a time.

The entire Hongmeng people are looking up at the sky.

Because they all know that the heavenly people are in the heavenly shrine, but also in heaven.

They want to know who is so crazy, and dare to challenge the Emperor!

Everyone believes that this person is not self-reliant.

Will die soon!

The sound spread throughout the entire Mongolian world and also exploded in the shrine.

For a time.

Many Tianzu elders quickly flew out.

"who is it?"

"Is that guy in the nine heavens?"


"It’s a person who flies up from the top of the mountain. It seems, like, it seems, it’s like a dragon!"

The elders’ eyes were tight, and the corners of their mouths were coldly hooked up. They were excited: “I can’t think of the real brain, and I dare to run to death!”


"Dog things, dare to challenge the Emperor."

"Look today, do you have a life to see the sun of tomorrow!"

The elders were shocked and said: "What about the Devil?"

"Returning to the elders, the palms and devils are still there."

The elders sneered and said: "Let the palms of the palms send him back to the West."

"Let's go and see how the dragon boy died, hahaha."

A boxing elder elder quickly went out.

In the air.

Longfei hangs up and looks at the body of the Thirteen Dragons. He looks at the thirteen elders who have already grasped the dragon ribs and will draw them out. His anger is even more fierce.


With a scream, the feather wing on the back of the dragon flew again, and the impact was faster.


A humming sound exploded.


The sky suddenly darkened, as if a layer of heaven suddenly collapsed and crushed down.

far away.

The palm of the devil is cold and cold, "Dragon's embers? Even the dragon body is not there? You still want to turn the sky? Give me a roll."

He saw at a glance that Longfei had the Dragon Blood.


As a dragon, with dragon blood, but no dragon body, such dragons have no use at all. The most powerful dragons are not strength, nor speed, but their flesh.

The body of the strongest creature on the surface.

There is no dragon in the flesh, nothing is.

"Great elders, the palms are out!"

The elders immediately laughed. "A slap directly crushed the kid into a powder."


"Look at this attack... Wow, it’s like the day is crushing down."

"kill him!"

The sky is dark and heavy.

Longfei blinked his eyes, his speed did not weaken half a point, or a crazy impact, watching the dark and dark giant palm shot down, the power of his body surged.

Just as he was about to erupt, he figured up behind him.

Mad king!

He smiled excitedly and said: "Give me this little role."

Turn your right hand.

The savage axe in the hand made a series of roars, the muscles of the mad king exploded, and the two hands clenched the axe, smashing up against the black pressed sky.


Two forces collide.

The halo that is spurred by a force shock wave is ejected in an instant, and the air is like a crack in space.

The giant palm was overturned.

The palm demon body exploded, his face was ugly, his eyes were staring at the mad king, and he said: "Who are you?"

The mad king grinned and said: "I am your ancestor!"

The palm of the devil roared, "Looking for death!!!"

The giant palm turned over, and this time the sky of 18,000 miles was suddenly blocked.


The powerful ancient powers rushed out, and the space of Hongmeng could not withstand and continually cracked.

When Long Fei saw this situation, he was shocked and asked: "Crazy King, can you do it?"

The mad king smiled and said: "No problem, you are going to do your thing. This little guy can solve him in minutes."

The mad king is a word, mad!

The palm demon is also super strong, but... the mad king is not in the eye.

Looking at the black pressure, the mad king wiped the bridge of his nose and said: "I haven’t met one who can play when I come here. You are not bad, a little power."


"The power is not enough!"

"Is it a big slap?"

"Then I will smash it."


The figure disappeared.

The palm of the hand is tight, and his reaction is also very fast. In the moment when the big mad king disappears, his palm is turned over and directly gripped upwards.

For a moment.

The mad king stood in the palm of the palm of the hand, and the five fingers were held as if the rootless pillar was crushed.

"The reaction is good!"

"It’s a pity..."

"Unfortunately not fast enough!"

The mad king was excited and smiled, his body was slightly sinking, his eyebrows were awkward, like a buddha, silently, "God!"

"Fantastic days!"


A halo came out of his body.

For a moment.

His figure changed into thousands of ways, each holding a battle axe.


Hit it down.




Every attack is a crit, and every crit is exploded like a blast on the palm of the hand.


"Oh la la..."

The dark and dark sky is like a crack, and one hole after another bursts out, and the palm demon screams, "ah...ah..."


He is still working hard.

The mad king smiled and said: "A mess!"

Longfei glanced at the palm demon and knew that he was not the opponent of the mad king. He also accelerated to the shrine.

The elders were gloomy and looked at the big palms and seriously injured him: "Useless waste."

Also at this time.

Longfei will rush to the gate of the shrine.

The elder elder smiled and said: "Heavenly genius, open!"


For a moment, Longfei seemed to be sucked by a powerful force, and instantly fell down, completely unable to control his body.

He looked a little at the side and found that behind him was an endless abyss.

The elder elder singer smiled and said: "Go to hell."

"Ha ha ha..."

"You still want to fight with me? Not self-reliant!"

Tianzu array, a very powerful array of methods, he is also from the hands of the Emperor, like the shrine of the shrine.

So far no one has been able to break through.

Just as Longfei fell into the endless abyss, suddenly there were a few golden runes behind his back, and the rune directly pushed him to the sky.

Also at this time.

The little priest smiled faintly and said: "Brother, this is my coming!"

The voice fell.

He fell into the abyss.

And Longfei flew up and stood at the gate of the shrine...

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