The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3432: you are too slow

The voice is furious and murderous.

For a moment.

The killings released from the sound of Longfei are filled with the entire shrine.

The disciples in the shrine came out of the house one by one.

For them, no one has ever dared to be so loud in the shrine, and even dare not release this intense killing.

"Who is tired?"

"Who is so arrogant?"

"Too crazy?"

"Does this person want to die?"

Some Tianzu old people are very angry.

No one has ever dared to let the heavens relax, even if they are strong in the ancient world.

Because they are heavenly people.

Because they are descendants of the Emperor.

The name of the surname of the Xuan Emperor rolled out, which undoubtedly angered the bottom line of the Tian people.


The sound of Longfei fell, an ancient strong figure appeared, like a heavy thunder descending from the sky, standing 10 meters away from the dragon, "You are the dragon boy?"

Longfei has a look at his eyes and a word directly: "Roll!"

The ancient strong face sank, and the breath of his body suddenly changed dramatically.


The enormous power formed a super-strong crushing, the pressure was concise into a substantial force, the void was broken, and an ancient beast rushed to Longfei.


With a roar, the **** mouth will swallow the dragon fly.

The gloom enveloped and fell down.

Longfei’s eyes were glanced, and the infinite glove set was a heavy grip. “Roll!”


It’s going to be a punch, but... a dragon figure flies out and a tomahawk blasts out.



A heavy blow, the Wan Mo on the Amazing Tomahawk is whistling, and in a flash the fallen shadow of the ancient beast will be degraded, and the shadow will be broken.

The mad king stood proudly in the air, staring at the distant ancient strong, and faintly said: "I didn't hear what my boss said?"

"Let you roll!!!"

"Roll, can you understand?"

The mad king killed.

Look at his appearance. The palm demon under the shrine should be cleaned up by him.

Very domineering debut.

The Tomahawk slammed into a slap, squinting on the shoulders, squinting, coldly watching a group of ancient powerhouses in the distance, faintly said: "All the children listened clearly, roll!"

"do you know?"

Very crazy, very pretentious.

Which of these ancient powers is not a monster?

Can he be so arrogant?

It is not good to see the mad kings one by one.

The mad king looked like a lover, saying: "Look at Laozi is not good? Who is the **** come out? See how I killed him."

Longfei stepped forward.

Mad King said: "Boss, you are resting on the side, here will be handed over to me."

He looked at Longfei's right arm while he was talking.


The power released from Longfei’s right arm is different from the beginning.

Longfei's eternal power has been in the state of release, excessive consumption, although Longfei has stepped into the threshold of eternal power, but it is only the primary stage, so consumption is very unfavorable to Longfei.

Coupled with the state of Longfei, if it is excessively consumed, he will have serious problems.

Longfei did not feel the overdraft of eternal power. His heart was full of killings. For the mad king to help, he said: "There is nothing in your place!"

"They all have to die!"

The dead words are particularly heavy.

Killing is extremely heavy.

The mad king’s heart was slightly shocked. “Good killing.”


"If there is a problem with the state of the boss, it will definitely cause huge trouble to him in the future."


No matter how much the mad king, he smiled and said: "Have you heard it? You all have to die!"

The voice fell.

The mad king rushed to the next step...

Also at this moment.

An ancient strongman has a look at him. "It should be you who died."

When the sky is moving, the sky bursts instantly.

A huge sword in the crack slammed like a beam of light.

"I am waiting for the ants to dare to arrogate in front of us and die for me!"

"Thunder is a sword."


As soon as the sound fell, the huge dazzling white giant sword slammed down, and it was as if the magic locked the mad king. No matter how fast the mad king was, he could not hide.


The mad king never thought about avoiding it.

There is no such word in his life dictionary.

The reason why he called the mad king is because of the extreme, extreme madness.

Defense, dodge?


The magic war axe moves...

Oh la la!

The screaming sound of the slap in the air, falling in an instant, stood directly in front of the ancient strongman, and gently tapped the corner of his mouth, saying: "Dead!"

An understatement of a word.

The ancient strongman’s eyes narrowed and his eyes tightened: “You think too much.”

There was a golden light on the body, and the defense of a body protector broke out.

Breathless city, sturdy as a magic shield, instantly wrapped him.

The mad king shook a little, "defense? That's useless!"

"It's still the same!"

The blue veins on the arms burst, the strength increased, and the battle axe smashed the heavens and the earth to the ancient strong.


A force came.

Almost from the side of the mad king.

The mad king’s mind sank slightly, and when he reacted, his eyes changed, “Boss?”

I don't know when Longfei suddenly rushed up, and it was faster than him. It was almost one step. Even faster, the mad king's axe had not yet fallen, and Longfei's right hand slammed out.


A fist hit the chest of the ancient strong.

The body shield of the ancient strongman was broken, the body was concave, and a blood spurted out. The long blood tank on the top of the head dropped a section, but it was not spiked.


The mad king muttered: "Boss, I can second him."

The ancient strong is also a pair of eyes, staring at Longfei screaming, "dog things, actually dare to attack the old man, see how the old man ..."

His words have not been finished yet.

Longfei’s fist violently went out with a punch and a fist.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

A combo!

Two combos!


Three thousand six hundred and eighty-eight hits.

The infinite glove of the tyrants and the eternal power that erupted from the dragon fly, the ancient powerhouse was completely crushed, and the blood rushed out.

The fate is that Longfei specializes in playing one place.

Just one second.

The long blood tank on the head of the ancient strong became a single digit, and his chest was directly bombarded and exploded.



The last punch burst, and Long Fei stepped on the head of the ancient strongman. He glanced at the mad king and said, "You are too slow."

"Give me aside."

Mad king is crazy?

It’s like being learned by Longfei like a child. .


The mad king still can't refute.

I can only look at the back of Longfei and mutter, "You are arrogant!"

"Forget it, let you be bullish."

In this state of Longfei, he can only let it go. If he forcibly blocks it, the murderous anger of Longfei’s heart may not be irritating.


The style of Longfei's work is very clear. Once he decides, he will never regret it!

I owe one.

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