All of a sudden, the squad of the Black Wolf Mercenary Corps all followed the black wolf. Dragon

Fly to the speed of his own.


The speed of the swordsman is so fast, so that it is impossible to have the speed of the second-order monsters, and it is even more impossible for the masters of the swordsmen to be fast. Do not

In three minutes, Longfei felt the black wolf's breath on his back.

The eyes are slightly on one side.


The black wolf suddenly made a force, and opened the blood basin and swallowed up.

"Ha ha ha..."

"The black wolf is worried. This kid doesn't have to chase. He is already a dead man."

This kid is really bad luck. ”

"Let us save trouble."

The people of the mercenary squad all stopped, because a sword-cultivator was chased by a second-order monster, and there was only one result. dead


They don't have to worry at all.

Many people clasped their chests with their hands, showing a sneer sneer, saying: "Do you guess the black wolf first bite his neck, or directly bite the head of this kid?"

"I guess it was swallowed directly."

"I guess it is swallowed."

The black wolf hasn't eaten for a long time, and this time he must be swallowed directly. ”

"Ha ha ha..."


Bang! ”

The wind whistling, coming from the back of Longfei, the strong wind almost crushed the dragon fly, and a black shadow came from the top.

As soon as the two eyes lifted, the blood basin swallowed. Dragon

Flying brows are light and wrinkled, not panic.

His body was slightly pressed, and the system rewarded the iron sword. The body suddenly fell to the ground, and the iron sword was placed on a rock with both hands.



The mouth swallowed, but... the first sword suddenly pierced the throat and pierced directly from the upper jaw of the black wolf's mouth. "


The bitter screams, the black wolf jumped directly, all the arrogance, constant chaos, running around, the blood in his mouth madly flowed out. "

Oh la la..."

Oh la la..."

These mercenaries look directly at dumbfounded. How

What would it be like? for

What will happen like this?


Everyone is in a state of procrastination, not exactly what they think. No

Even if I swallowed Longfei, I was smashed by a dragon and a sword. The blood was raging. The black wolf couldn’t stand a few times. It fell to the ground, and the painful low-pitched screams in the throat, then... Slowly weaken, and finally the body becomes stiff. system

The tone sounds.


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Wolf King riding black wolf’”


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” to get the ‘Black Wolf’s enemies’.”

The essence of the second-order monster! ""

Devouring! ”

Longfei's thoughts move, the essence is integrated into the body, and the strength of the body is obviously felt. This feeling is like injecting a warm current into the body. muscle

The meat became tough. force

The amount is even stronger.

Longfei walked over to the black wolf and pulled out the iron sword. He watched the cunning swordsman smile coldly, and then...the whole person jumped again.

At this moment.

The mercenaries reacted. "

Black wolf,,, dead,,, died. ”

"The head of the mount is dead, and, dead!"

Fast, fast, if we don't catch him, the head of the team will peel off our skin. ”



"Kid, where are you running?"...


All of them are in a state of violent walking. because

For the black wolf to die, if you do not catch the dragon fly, then they are the next to die, the temper of the head of the Wolf King, they are clearer than anyone else.

He will really eat people when he starts the fire.

Crazy chasing up.


Longfei runs at the forefront and he has a natural advantage.

The body suddenly stopped.

"Boom!" Long

The sword moved and slammed. One

The famous members did not have time to react. I did not know that Longfei would suddenly stop and a sword would pierce his throat directly.

Both eyes are angry. "

Ding! ”

"Congratulations to the player 'Dragon Flying' killing the 'Black Wolf Mercenary Members'? Is it ingested?"

Many people are repaired. Dragon

Flying did not consider, directly refused, "No!" He

You can't give up so many rewards in the space because of a little level, and he still has a copy to pass. This

A copy of the madman must be completed before the swordsman's realm. If the sword is in the realm of the swordsman, the copy will be automatically cancelled. Dragon

Fly is not willing to do this.

The reward of the system is the king, and he is not in a hurry.

A member of the team fell, and Longfei was a mad man.


Ah..." The captain was furious. "Give me a chase. I must have slaughtered him personally." ”

Nothing can be done.

Two members hold bows and arrows in their hands, "Hey, hey..."

The two swords are released. No


The flying serpent of Longfei is too flexible, and the bow and arrow are completely useless in this jungle.

suddenly. Dragon

The flying figure disappeared.

Another moment. "

Ah..." one

The member of the group made a scream. pharynx

The throat was cut, and the throat was held in both hands, and I couldn’t hold it anymore. The blood burst out. Dragon

The flying figure appeared again.

The squad is not mad, but it is a turn. Take a chain of eagle claws from the space ring and shake it a few times. "

Hey! "One

The next child locked a big tree, slammed it, and took it out of the body.

In the air. also

It is an eagle claw shot.

This time, I directly grabbed the back of Longfei.

"Kid, take your life!"

The eagle claws flashed cold.

"Hey!" broken

The sound of the air rang, and the body of Longfei suddenly turned to the side.

"Boom!" Eagle

The claws were caught on the stones on the ground, and the stones suddenly fell apart. The dragon vest was cold. "If Nima is caught on the back of the old man... it is dead."

The claws were not caught, and the captain’s body was around. From

Hundreds of meters away from the moment, rushed to Longfei.

Longfei's eyes were slightly sinking, the right hand holding the sword, staring at the captain, the sword was moving, and suddenly went up. small

The captain is the master of Jianshan's eight products, and after a hundred battles, it is very dangerous to see Longfei making this position and knowing that it will fall.

When the talons move, the eagle claws that grab the ground suddenly pull back and directly lock Longfei's long sword. lock


Longfei simply can't go out.

The captain was excited. "Dog stuff, this is going to kill you."

what! ”

The left hand moves, the left hand becomes a claw, and directly catches the head of Longfei.

He cultivated the eagle claws and his fingers were surprisingly sharp. Dragon

The long sword could not go out and was locked by the eagle claws. Do not


When Yokohama did not go out, Longfei’s body jerked abruptly, and the sword was taken out with both hands holding the sword.

Then a heavy thorn! small

The captain fell and his eyes narrowed.

He did not think that Longfei would suddenly change dramatically.

It’s too late to react.


The sword pierced from his vest. small

The captain’s eyes roared. Longfei glanced at the blood trough on top of his head, pulled out the long sword, and moved his body. The long sword was placed in the next elbow and the small captain’s throat was cut.

Blood rushes. blood

The value is zeroed. Cattle


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