Since the system is set, there must be a way to pass it.

Although Longfei is not a professional gamer of a certain game, his life in the years of the earth is proficient in various games. The large and small copies in various games add up to more than 10,000, and the number of times he passes is 100,000 times. There are many.

A simple copy does not say.

As long as you have a level, complexity, or a copy of the BOSS, there are definitely shortcuts.

An attack can cause multiple damage.

A position in the map can be stuck, and the monster can't attack it at all.

A BOSS can break the defense as long as it hits a special place.

There are traps in a map.


Even BUGs in direct copies are possible.

As long as it is a copy designed by people, there must be imperfections. This imperfect place is BUG!

As long as you find this BUG, ​​you can easily pass!

I want to kill 100 headed beasts by killing one head and one head, I don’t know if I want to kill the monkey year.

Normal means are simply impossible to pass.


In the copy, Longfei can only use his own strength and cannot use the power of the Wagner.

In other words.

Unless you find a bug, you can't pass this copy!


Longfei calmed down, this copy is basically impossible to pass, but Longfei did not give up.

Phoenix is ​​waiting for him to save.

He needs this system reward.

Very illusory.

He is now a sword repairer, and the madness sword method is very important to him. In addition, he can reward a beast, which is even more needed.

"There must be a way!"

"There is definitely a way!"

"The system can't give me a copy that I can't pass."

"Dragon, you are a game genius. If you don't have money to live on the earth, you can be more practical than the professional players."

"You have found so many copies of BUG, ​​you can find this copy." Longfei encouraged himself, thinking crazy in his mind.

The look of the wild beast replayed over and over again in his mind, making sure that he did not miss any suspicious points.

Nothing is obvious, which means that there is nothing special about the monster.

"Blood volume..."

"10,000 points!"

"Properties... temporarily unknown!"

"Red name monster, see people to chase."

"Attack? It should be a close attack!"


"Speed... If I try my best to run, I can't catch up in half an hour, speed is a weakness!"

"But even if it's slow, I can't kill it."

"This weakness is ignored!"

Longfei’s mind is like a computer, crazy calculations.



"This is not the case!"

"Or not!"

Longfei's closed eyes slammed open, his eyebrows wrinkled, and he said: "Can't find a way?"

"Or I ignored it?"


Longfei looked at the steep valley and said: "I have to enter the map again, first clear the terrain."

If you can't find a weakness in the monster, you can only look at the terrain. If you have the advantage of a natural card, you may be able to complete the copy.

Longfei exhaled a breath, "Call!"


He stepped into the valley one step at a time.

Before Shrek, who was at the mouth of the valley, reacted, he rushed out.


A roar.

The Shrek chased it up at full speed.

There are too many tentacles on the body, the armor is too thick, and the speed of movement is very fierce, but it is not particularly fast. In a short time, it is impossible to catch up with Longfei, and it can only follow the back of Longfei's ass.

Longfei ran around, and every special place was not missed.

Because of this.

Almost all the Shrek in the valley was attracted by him, chasing after the madness, the scene... just like the **** on the army.

The valley was swayed by this group of wild animals, and the whole valley was about to collapse.




More and more Shrek chased Longfei.

After a few hours, Longfei ran the valley all over, did not find the cave, and did not find a special place for the card.

Whatever the rock does not work, it will be directly hit by the perverted bulldozer into the sand.

"There is no BUG on the terrain?"

"There is no weakness in the blame, and there is no weakness in the terrain. How does this tell me how to complete the copy?"


Long Fei's eyebrows are locked.

"The BUG in the game is nothing more than these two. If there is, it is a problem in the program."

"System, system, are you trying to make me unable to pass the copy?"

"Your sister!"

Longfei was silent again, then looked at the top of the valley and said: "There is no valley, then look at the top!"

There is no inspection above the valley.


Longfei does not have any hope.

If you still can't find a way to clear the customs, Longfei will choose to give up. He has been using it for a long time in the copy.

Although the time here and outside is 10:1, he can't afford it.


Today is still a big day.

If you miss today, you can't find a phoenix. What should you do?

Longfei does not have much time to waste.

This copy must be resolved as soon as possible. If it is not possible, he must give up for the Phoenix.

It’s a big deal to use the power of the Van Gogh.

The strength of Wan Gulong’s body is still no problem.

After all, this place is just a ‘mortal’ world, and the eternal body is the existence of ‘God’.


It takes a lot of pain to use the Wan Gu Long body to fly.

Longfei struggled.


Jump out and quickly run towards the top of the valley.

The swarms of Shrek are behind him, and each Shrek is mad, and he wants to swallow the dragon.

Their names are red and bright, which means how much they want to kill Longfei.

Running from the mountainside to the top of the mountain, constantly searching, constantly checking, but...

I just didn't find the BUG he wanted.

"Really do not have?"

"The system really plays Lao Tzu?" Long Fei's eyebrows locked tightly, rushing to the top of the valley in one breath, because the speed was too fast, almost rushed down the cliff.

The gravel under the feet rolled down, and the sound of landing was heard only after a few minutes, and all of the following were scattered stones, which would be pierced if they accidentally fell.

Longfei looked at the forehead of the cliff and stunned a cold sweat.


"Since the valley is a cliff!"

"I rely!"

"This map..."


Longfei looked at the red-haired Shrek who was rushing to himself, and his eyes were tight, "BUG!!!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"I found it!"

"I finally found it!"

"Genius, I am a genius!"

Longfei laughed wildly because he found a one-off customs clearance method, which is just the same as a BUG!


Under two, Mingbu!

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