The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3554: Big sword shot

They were sneaked last night, and today they have prepared, and they have a sigh of relief in their hearts. If this son does not ask for it, it will lose the face of the maritime city. Zhao

The power of the big bang, the mind of the sea.

With a little cooperation, even if it is not as good as Ma Dongchao, it can beat him. even

Continued two moves, hitting Ma Dongchao.

For a time.

The Ma Luo around Ma Dongchao are a bit worried, this is the two people they oppressed yesterday? Finish

All changed people. horse

The East Dynasty wiped off the blood on his nose, and his anger was soaring. His eyes were staring at the hundred miles of heaven. He knew the horror of the four-brain genius today. flow

Although the Star Sword method is not a high-level sword, but it is also a medium-sized sword in the outside, only took a look, and found the cracking method in a few seconds. This

The brain is not a brain at all, it is a supercomputer! horse

Dong Chao sipped, "Let's go together!"

"Is it four brain days?"

"I see how you count!"

You deal with the big man, I will give up the four brain genius. ”

Ma Dongchao screamed.

Step out.

At the same time, the dozens of Miluo behind him also rushed out. "

A starter, see how you can count! "Ma Dong looked at the corner of his eye. He believed that the world relied on strength.

No matter how good the brain is, a punch! Do not

Over! he

Ignore the power of the four brains. Zhao

The body collapsed and directly blocked in front of the hundred miles of the sea. The body sank slightly and a breath came out.

now. he

It is like a mountain that seems to be in front of a hundred miles.

The hundred miles of the sea faint smile, said: "Left step, bang!"

Zhao Dazhao moved and punched out. "

boom! "One

The name Luo was directly blasted out. "

Further, the right three steps, bang! Zhao

Daxie did it again and punched it out.


Another scorpion flew out and landed on the ground, and he couldn’t get up.

"Step back and resist a punch."


Zhao Dazhao did it again, his body sank, and a fist hit him in his chest. His body did not move, but the disciple’s fist squeaked and the joints were dislocated.

Zhao Dazhao burst into a punch.


The brain is calculated faster than lightning, and one is completely done. One


"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Some of the rushing scorpions were shot and flew out one by one. Their moves, boxing, and swordsmanship were seen through the sky before they came out. Minute

Solution, looking for flaws. Zhao

The big bang banged out. Two

The perfect match for people.

In just a few minutes, the dozens of Jurassic were all bombarded on the ground, leaving only one Ma Dongchao who had not been on the road. this


His scalp is a bit numb.

Is this a person?

This **** is like a ghost. This

The speed of the brain's reaction is completely enchanting. he

The look of the turn, looking at Sun Yong who is not moving behind.

Sun Yong’s eyes were tight, “a bunch of useless waste!”

Coldly, at this moment, Sun Yong stepped out.


The shadow is like a illusion, and one step falls in front of Zhao Dazhao.

Zhao Dazhao’s eyes are tight. hundred

Li Tianhai is also a dark face, a direct voice, "body sinking, defensive posture!"


slow! Sun

Yong shivered and said: "You are too slow!"

The fist is in the palm of the hand, and the heavy bang is on the chest of Zhao Dazhao. Zhao

The body of Daxie was concave, and the back of the back penetrated with strength, directly smashing the clothes on his back.

His whole person was also spurted out of blood, and the whole person flew out. Do not

Wait for him to fall. Sun

Yong figure once again, falling in the air, jumping to the body of Zhao Dazhao, stepping on Zhao’s head, his body sinking, “falling!”

Li Tianhai’s eyes are tight, and the loud voice: “Dayu!”


Zhao Dazhao’s body fell wildly, and he was heavily squatting on the ground. Half of his head was directly trapped in the ground, leaving half of his head exposed. fresh

Blood is pouring out.

Zhao Dazhao’s body is also twitching. Such as

If he is not a granite abilities, his head may have already burst. Sun

Yong stepped on Zhao Dazhao’s head with a hook on his mouth and sneered, saying: “Are you not calculating?”

"Now can you calculate if I can step on him?"

Cold smile. stare

With a hundred miles of sea, it is full of fun.

Baili Tianhai clenched his fists and said: "What you want is my life, let him go, I will dispose of you."

However, knowing that he is a four-brain genius, there is only one possibility.

Lin Yuan’s people. Want

It is Qin Wancheng, or the person who is the elder of Jianling Mountain, but the latter two are the inner-door elders who do not have to compete with them as a foreign disciple, then there is only one possibility, Lin Yuan!

Baili Tianhai thought of Lin Hai, but what he did not think of was the emergence of Sun Yong.

He thought that it was still a group of people from Ma Dong Dynasty yesterday. can

It is a stronger person, he ignores this possibility! Sun

Yong smiled: "Is afraid you can't figure it out?"

Your life can't escape naturally. I want you to calculate if I can step on him, hahaha..." Sun Yong is very proud.

Baili Tianhai stood up and said: "My life is for you, let..."

Wait for him to finish.

Sun Yong sipped, "Give me count!"

The eyes of the hundred miles are tight.

Zhao Daxi died, stepping on his head, he could not move.

Baili Tianhai is extremely worried. Sun

The strength of courage exceeded his expectations. Now Zhao Dazhao is in this state. Can you explode his potential?

The hundred miles of the sea are not dare to count, he can not count, he can not make fun of the brother's life. "

Not that right? ”

"You don't count, I count!"

I count him to die. Sun

A corner of the mouth of the mouth, revealing a touch of sneer, then forcefully under the feet, it is necessary to step on it. Do not


Also at this moment.

There was a message behind him, "I am sure you will die!"

Sun Yong’s eyes glanced, his eyes turned, and he looked at the door of the yard. He felt the breath and sneered. “Waste of the swordsman realm?”

When Ma Dongchao saw Longfei, he also smiled and said: "Do you dare to disrespect Sun’s brother for this waste?"

Sun Yong no longer looks at Longfei. One

There is no need for a waste in the realm of a swordsman. eyebrow

The heart sinks. foot

Slamming hard... also

In this moment. Dragon

Flying swords and moving.

Sun Yong is still not in the eye.

just. under

For a second, his feet were too late to force, his eyebrows were tight, his back was cold, and he felt a giant behind him.

The eyelids are shrinking.

His reaction was also extremely fast. At this time, he did not want to kill, but he was self-protected.

Slammed back. jump

A few seconds, the moment of landing. he

The eyelids sink again, because the feeling of being stared at by the behemoth has not disappeared.

The eye muscles twitched a few times and turned over and stabbed. "

Hey! ""

Dangdang! "long

The sword broke. From

The eyebrows began, a thin blood mark went all the way down, Sun Yong stood in the same place, his eyes were very big, and the blood tank ‘唰’ on the top of his head bottomed out!

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