The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3559: Chasing girls is paying attention to the thick skin


Liuluo Creek has entered the ancient sects. She is a loner, has few friends, and has never been with anyone.

Her master reminded her to find a partner several times, so that cultivation is beneficial.

Many of the geniuses of the ancient ancestors expressed their admiration for her, but she was indifferent, even if the patriarch personally gave her a marriage.

Because she is waiting for someone.

Wait for a man to appear.

After so many years, that person has not appeared.

The heart of Liuluo Creek is flustered. She is afraid that the person will not appear. She is afraid that the man is no longer in this world. She is very scared.


She learned that there was an ancient artifact in the ancient patriarch.

Looking for a mirror!

As long as the mind and the mirror are united, the heart is thinking of a person, and the position of that person will appear in the mirror.


It takes a lot of points to redeem the frog mirror. It is too difficult for her current points to redeem the frog mirror. The only way is to complete the mission of the three gods.

Only then can her points be redeemed for the use of a finder.

She can do what the man waiting for is in the heart.

to this end.

She worked hard.

But... the task is too difficult, she has failed continuously.

This time she still has no confidence.

Even if there is a little chance, she doesn't want to let go!

She must find the man.

"Husband, beautiful sister seems to be angry, what do we do?" Phoenix played with his clothes and looked at Liu Luoxi's back to mutter.

Longfeidao: "She doesn't want us to follow us."

Phoenix Road: "No!"

"Husband, do you know how to catch up with girls?"

Longfeidao: "Do you know a little girl?"

Phoenix Road: "Three ways."

Longfei asked: "The three?"

Phoenix Road: The face is thick, the skin is very thick, and the skin is thicker than the city wall. Only this kind of persevering spirit can catch up with the girl. "

"Husband, let's go after the beauty sister."

"You just said, what kind of task is very difficult, if something happens to her, then you will have one less wife." Phoenix said seriously.

A dragon flies.

He is not the kind of cold **** who likes to stick to others with his hot face.


Liuluo Creek is different.

Aside from her beauty, her name Longfei always feels familiar, just like the first time I saw the phoenix, it is also the familiarity.

Only he can't remember.

Longfei looked at the phoenix and said: "People are big."

"Taro, how do you think she is my woman?"

"Just because she is beautiful?"

Longfei is very puzzled.

There are a lot of beautiful women, Liuluo Creek is really beautiful, but it is because of beauty?

Phoenix smiled and said: "I don't know. Anyway, when I saw Luo Xi's sister, I was happy in my heart. I think a beautiful woman like her should be a husband's woman."


"Let's catch up."

"The beautiful sister will be gone."

Longfei and the phoenix chased it up.

Not long after, the phoenix pulled the clothes corner of Liuluo Creek and said: "Beauty sister, don't be angry."

"My husband, he doesn't have anything. He is a weak person in the realm of a swordsman. He wants to follow you and you will take him. I assure you that he will never give you trouble."

"is it okay."

The phoenix is ​​selling again.

The big eyes suddenly looked at Liuluo Creek, his mouth was slightly stunned, and his face looked like a spoiled look. It was so painful to see.

Longfei also said: "I will follow it, I will not drag your hind legs."

Liuluo Creek looked at the phoenix and looked at Longfei.

She refused in her heart.


At this moment, her heart was loose again. I don't know why she agreed, and faintly, "Well, watching the little girl's face will let you follow."


"You will follow me, don't do anything, and when you come to the secret of Nantianmen, you can only wait outside, you can't enter the secret."

Without waiting for Longfei to speak, Phoenix immediately assured: "Good, good, I promise."

Liuluo River Road: "Then you send the temple to wait for me, I go to the black market to buy a few things."

Longfeidao: "I also talk to my friends."

Liuluo River Road: "The half hour later, the temple will meet."


"I have a mission."

"There are a few Lingyuan stones here, you keep it."

"The third child has injuries. I have to rest in these few days. You should take care of him in the second child."

"Additionally this is your identity card."

Longfei confessed a few words.

He didn't know when Lin Yuan would come to trouble again, but... Sun Yong, one of the top ten masters, was second for him, and should not be so fast in a short time.

Ma Dongchao never dared to come again.

Baili Tianhai: "Big Brother, you are careful outside."

Longfeidao: "I will!"


Half an hour later, Long Fei came to the transmission hall.

Here is the ancient sects leading to some specific places, there are special portals.

"Husband, why aren't the beautiful sisters still coming?"

"She won't have gone yet?" Phoenix worried.

Long Feidao: "It should not. If she promised, it should not let us pigeons."

The two waited for more than ten minutes, still can't wait for people.

Longfei felt a little strange, and secretly said, "Is it really my pigeon?"

Phoenix proposed: "Beauty sister went to the black market, why don't we go to the black market to find her?"

It was at this time.

Liuluo Creek said with a slight voice, "I am coming."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure fell behind the phoenix.

The breath on her body was a little bit violent, and her face was a little red. I should have fought just now, and the breath has not subsided.

Liu Luoxi looked at the distance and hurriedly said, "Let's go in."

Phoenix did not think much, immediately followed Liuluo Creek into the transmission hall.

Longfei paused and looked at the black man in the distance wearing a strong suit and constantly looking for it in the crowd. Longfei looked at Liuluoxi, who was walking into the hall, and didn't think much about it.

"Go to Nantiancheng."

Liuluo River has a faint sigh.

Send the disciple: "Sister, go to Minnan Tianmen?"

"Do you have a helper this time?"

"Sister, are you not a lone ranger? How are you today..."

Liu Luoxi’s eyes are cold.

The disciple immediately did not dare to swear again.

The three people walked into the transmission array, and when the white light flashed, they appeared in another place.


"Young master, that kid really went to Nantiancheng with Liu Shijie."

"And, just now, Liu Shijie grabbed a thing in the black market, and the black market has sent someone to check her."

The young master of Tianjian did not listen to the latter sentence, and his eyes narrowed up. "Hey, I really brought it to Nantiancheng."

"damn thing!"

"Do you dare to fight for a woman with me?"

"I will definitely let you go back!"

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