The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3614: Phoenix King Blood

Phoenix is ​​afraid of this parting.

The dragon mad felt that the third energy without Nirvana entered the body of Longfei, and he was excited.

"Another one?!"

"This..." The dragon screamed and the whole person was loose. "Thank God!"

"still have a chance!"

"Master, I will definitely save you!"

Even in his time, Nirvana was precious, and it can be said that it was the treasure of the Phoenix family. A small girl had such a lot of Nirvana, which shocked him.

Dragon madness can't think too much, he can't waste a second now.

Any second will determine the life of Longfei.

He once again controlled Nirvana's Nirvana rebirth power into the body of Longfei.



The limbs are screaming.

Longfei’s body twitched.

The complexion is in pain.

The limbs are changing and reborn. This process is extremely uncomfortable. It is transformed on the basis of the original, just like new bones grow in the bones. The pain cannot be described in words.

The dragon screamed and said: "Master, you must hold back, if you hold back, your strength, your body can directly enter a three-turn situation!"

"Be sure to resist."

The dragon madly tried his best to make Nirvana's power not to be wasted.

After a few minutes.

Nie Dandan's power entered the dragon's body little by little, and then quickly consumed. After a few minutes, the Nirvana power in the dragon's body was consumed again!

The sorcerer is still going on.

Not finished!

The body of Longfei has not been recast.

The power of the three medicinal herbs is not enough! ! !

The dragon mad was a little panicked. "How could this be? Impossible, how can the master's body be strong enough?"


"What did the owner have experienced before?"

"in the end……"

The dragon mad in his heart.

In general, a Nirvana is enough to allow the implementation of the Soul Dafa, even if Longfei’s body is seriously injured.


It is still not enough for three Nirvana to enter the body.

This is not the cause of serious physical injuries. This is the strength of the body beyond his expectations.

This is related to the experience of Longfei!

There have been too many things in the past. Every time Longfei is biting his teeth, his body, his fearless will, his heart, his knowledge of the sea, and the spirit is physical strength. One!

These are not calculated by the dragon madness.

Because of this, three Nirvanas entered the body of Longfei, and the secret of the soul was still not completed!

The dragon is mad and gasping. "Is there Nirvana?"

"Is there still?"

At this point, he did not hear the phoenix.

Phoenix looked at Longfei's body and twitched. She didn't know what happened. She didn't dare to move. She looked at Longfeidao: "Husband, what's wrong? You can't bear the power of Nirvana? Aunt." I have said that the mortal people can not withstand the power of Nirvana, just three consecutive, is ... is ... beyond the limits you bear?"

Nirvana has great power.


If such a medicinal herb is not the body of the super-god, even if the sacred swordsman is not able to withstand it, one can make its body explode!

Phoenix is ​​afraid.

And... she has only three Nirvana!

The painful expression of Longfei made the Phoenix panic.

She only wanted to save the dragon, and did not think that the power of Nie Dandan was too fierce, and the average person could not bear it.

For a time.

Phoenix is ​​extremely worried inside. "Husband is my fault. I shouldn't let you take so much Nirvana. It's my fault... oh..."

The phoenix cried directly.

The dragon madly yelled in the body of Longfei. "One more, fast, fast, and another Nirvana!"

"Come on."

He is more anxious than the phoenix.


The secret law of the soul cannot be stopped during the process of release. Once the time of stopping is too long, it will be abandoned. Not only will the caster suffer heavy losses, but Longfei will die directly.

The current dragon fly is in an extremely dangerous state.

Taking a step back is death.

A slow step is also dead.

Only advance!

But... this advance requires strong support.

No power to support everything is in vain.

At this moment, the dragon mad is like an ant on a hot pot, and is in a hurry. "What to do, what to do..."


Longfei's body is concave, and the corner of his mouth overflows with black blood.

The dragon mad feels that the power of the eternal magic is fading.

The loss of power can't support the operation of the eternal secret law. For a long time, Longfei's body will quickly enter a state of death.

By the time……

Even if Da Luo Jinxian came, it would be useless.

The dragon is mad and anxious.

He has to blow up his brain now, and he doesn't know what to do.

As eager as he is, there is Phoenix.

Seeing the black blood in the dragon's mouth, her face was so scared that she was so pale that she didn't know what to do. "Husband."

"Human adult..."


"What should I do?"

"What should I do? What should I do?"

The phoenix was pale and incomparably confused.


The eyes of the phoenix moved gently, "The Phoenix Blood!"

"My blood..."

"My blood can save people."

"Yes, yes, yes, my aunt said that my blood is especially precious, and it is the most precious and unique blood of the Phoenix family."

"Phoenix King Blood."

Phoenix doesn't know what to do, but she has to do something.

Nirvana is her most precious remedy. She didn't want to let the three let Longfei take it down. Now she saw Longfei vomiting blood, and she didn't even think so much.

Cut your own palm directly, and the bright red blood rushed out.

The Phoenix pointed his palm to the mouth of Longfei and said: "Husband, wake up, wake up."

Also at this time.

The dragon was shocked and shocked, "Phoenix King Blood!"

"Oh my God!!!"

"It is actually the blood of the Phoenix King. It is difficult for the Phoenix family to have a Phoenix King blood in 100,000 years. This girl..."

"It's really bad!"

"Can this power always be?"

The dragon is extremely unexpected.

He could not describe the shock inside, because the blood of the Phoenix King is really scarce, and the entire ancient world can say that the blood of the Phoenix King can be ranked in the top three.

It is no wonder that he saw the first sight of the phoenix and said that he can break through without practicing himself.

This kind of blood is a natural strong, no need to practice.

The key is.

The phoenix is ​​still an eight-turn super-god.

She can only use one word to describe, horrible!

The dragon mad double fists heavily grasped and controlled the blood of the Phoenix King into the body of Longfei. This time, the dragon madness was completely released. The excitement of the face said: "Master, wait for you!"

"If this is not the case, I will die!"

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