The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3627: Still not?

It rained all night, and it stopped until dawn. fire

The soil found Jinmu and the two of them were almost washed away by the big water. After a round of healing, they finally woke up.

"Go, the boss is in danger!" Kim woke up the first sentence. wood

Also anxiously said: "Go soon." Fire

The two men asked for a voice at the entrance of the yard. They walked into the yard and saw the blood in the yard had drained. The man with two bodies in his body had a tight eye. Look

To the clothes under the man's black robe, the two men even raised a chill. "

The inner door elder! ! ""


shit! ”

Immediately. Two

People don't have time to think about it. One person rushes out with a corpse. straight

Go back to the cliff and drop it.

"Call, whisper..."

When I finished this, the two were already sweating, and the whole body collapsed. They usually sat together on the ground. The heart was full of sorrow: "Is the inner door elder, is it really an inner door elder?"

The boss still hasn't woken up, who killed it? ""

Is that..." brain

The shadow of the phoenix appeared in the sea.

Did not say it, but a lot of dry throat, because it is impossible to imagine, a luoli is actually a super strong? earth

Dao: "Don't think so much, no matter who he is, what we have to do is protect the boss."

A bitter smile: "Is there such a strong person, do we still need our protection?"

in fact.

They have been here for more than a month, day and night. Have

These are self-deception, but their hearts will feel better.

It seems that their protection is a bit ridiculous now. he

Even the cannon fodder can't be counted, and the cannon ash can at least rush up. What about them? There is no qualification for going up.

It is not a taste in my heart.

However, they did not shake their determination to continue.

"I don't know who this elder is?" The fire exhaled and looked at the bottomless abyss. deep

Among the mountains. ring

A sigh of sorrow, a blue-black figure turned slightly, not waiting for the two bodies to land, directly swallowed.

Earth Road: "The last time I heard that Dong Fengkui, the peak of the peak of the device, fled back from the fire, but also escaped from the fire cattle valley. Will it be related to the boss?"

"In this way, the elder who died just now is the door?"

"Dong Tiankui was injured by the boss?"


At these points, the two were a little scalp and numb.

The more they think about it, the more horrible they feel. Do not

I dare to think about it anymore. ...



The phoenix changed back to the shape of the little luoli, grabbed the hand of Longfei and murmured, saying: "Husband, I am wrong."

Apologize when you come up. because

For her promised that Longfei is not allowed to use his own power, nor is it allowed to become a phoenix. just

Only then did she use the power of Feng Yu.

One hit kill.

Few of the mortal strong can block such power. sword

The strongest of the emperor is the existence of direct spikes.

Phoenix admits the wrong way: "I just used my own strength, I promised that you did not do things, sorry."


No one is allowed to hurt you. ”

"Whoever hurts you, I must let him disappear into this world."

Husband, wake up soon. ""

good or not? ”

The phoenix said and said, tears in his eyes. This

Waiting for more than a month, her heart is so painful, she regrets, she should follow the dragon to go to the Valley of Fire. that

No one can hurt Longfei like this. Have

She is, she will not let Longfei hurt anyway.

What if you expose yourself? on

How about being found by those in black? she was

not give a **** about. This

For a long time, her heart was also suppressed. The elder appeared, she did not hesitate, directly killing.

The power of Feng Yu is unstoppable. can

Yes. This

A kind of divine power, it is easy to be discovered. square

Within a radius of 100,000 kilometers, as long as there is a strong person in the space of God, it can be immediately felt.

Phoenix didn't think so much, he just wanted to let those who bullied Longfei die! "

Husband, wake up soon. ”

"You have been sleeping for too long."

I really want to eat your grilled meat. ""

Really Want! "phoenix

Huang grabbed Longfei's hand and leaned on her cheek. She said softly, and she didn't know if it was too tired or something. She slowly slept.

Also at this time. Dragon

One finger of the fly moved a little.

"Ah..." Longfei roared, "The four dragons are open to me!"

Rumble! ""

Rumble! ""

Rumble! ”

The sound is like a thunderstorm, and it is constantly raging. The dragons burst into flames, and powerful forces constantly rush from the body of Longfei. "

Hey, hey, hehe..."

One ring and one ring.

The body of Longfei is like a dragon, and the power is surrounded. This feeling... is so cool.

"Ha ha ha..." dragon

He laughed. "There is no disappearance. The strength of the four-level dragon body has not disappeared."

"It is!"

The strength of the four-level dragon body can be opened, which means that his body is stronger again.


His rank is already in the realm of swordsmanship!


"Call..." Dragon

The breathing of the fly is aggravated. four

The strength of the dragon body can be turned on well, but... he can't afford to endure this kind of strength.

The strength is very good, but if it continues to open, his body is still unbearable. Have

time limit.


Longfei does not think so much now.

Longfei walked out of the space and looked at the huge door of consciousness. He was excited. "Can you always break through this barrier?"

I want to go out now. miss you

To restore your own consciousness.

I want to ‘live’.

He stayed here for too long, he didn't know how long it was, and the feeling of being out of the world outside made him very upset. he

Worried about Phoenix.

Worried about Liuluo Creek. and also

Worried about other brothers.

Be sure to go out. "

The four-level dragon body, give me a drive! ""

Rumble! ”

Longfei stood under the huge consciousness door, roared, and suddenly the wind raged, and a white arrogance broke out.

The four-level dragon body... He never opened it.

It’s now open, and with both hands, it’s like holding power, not a powerful world. Dragon

Flying staring at the giant door, the body moved.


The shadow disappeared.

Immediately before the door of consciousness, a heavy voice, "Give me broken!!"

A fist smashed up. "

Rumble! ”



The door trembled and did not blast first. Dragon

Flying eyebrows are tight, "Is it still not okay?"

"I will not hesitate!"

Longfei body bombed and fell back to the ground, he did not want to wait any longer, and he was afraid that he would go crazy. Two

The eyes are heavy. Dragon

Fly and look at the door of consciousness, drink your heart, "The power of eternal life, give me a drive!!"

"Infinite glove!"

Boom, bang..."

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