The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3649: Life and death

"Oh la la..."


The mysterious situation is constantly falling apart, and the two figures seem to have escaped. Do not

Broken jump.

Escape from Lingxiao Temple and escape from the zombie secrets. drop

At Nantianmen, the entire Nantiancheng has sunk and cracked on all sides, not only on the ground, but also in the sky. black

The color of the smoldering is constantly coming out. This

It is the rhythm to be swallowed up by the black hole in the plane. except

In addition to the cracking of the mystery, the transmission array outside Nantiancheng is constantly flashing and cannot be supported.

The plane is cracked, and everything in it will be destroyed.

If you can't go out in time, Longfei will die here.

Watching the transmission array swaying, the dragon flies and wrinkles, saying: "Time is not enough!"

Nantianmen is still a long distance from the transmission array, and it is a bit difficult to rush in the first time.

The face of the cold woman is dark and pale. "Maybe... it’s too late!"

Rumble! ”


The sound of the mountain raging tsunami came from all directions.

The huge stone from the entrance of Nantianmen was broken.

Nantiancheng was directly swallowed up by black smoldering. This

The horror that comes from the end of the world, this power that transcends everything, the life of man is really in front of this power... too

Weak and weak! even

A cockroach ant is not counted.


The air is split. One

The black lightning bolts down and connects directly to the black smoldering. pause


The heavens and the earth are connected together, and the black lightning begins to wreak havoc like a huge minefield.

It is dense and full of lightning.

The cold woman’s footsteps retreat slightly, her body trembled, her forehead oozing cold sweat, and her mouth muttered: “I can’t go out, we, we can’t get out.”

Blame me! ”

"I blame me for staying in the hall for so long, otherwise it won't be like this..."

Blame me, ah..." high

The cold woman is a bit uncontrollable. she was

The spirit collapsed, and both hands grabbed their heads, trembled wildly, from a cold beauty to a frightened little girl. Do not

Retreat from the ground.

Her mind is more trembling in her mind when she thinks about what happened in her previous life.

Without warning, it will become like this all at once. This

Let Longfei be a little caught off guard.

There was still a chance to fly over, and now she was delayed. Dragon

Flying and grabbing her hand, seriously said: "Look at my eyes, look at my eyes, you can rest assured, I will swear by Longfei will take you away."

The cold woman looked at Longfei’s eyes and shook her head gently. “I,, I,,”

Trust me! ”

Longfei slammed and turned to hold the tall cold woman. high

The cold woman's body shrinks, snuggling in the arms of Longfei, and her eyes are weak and weak, watching Longfei's jaw, as if looking up at a strong person. and

Fixed to the dragon's chest, listening to Longfei's powerful heartbeat, her heart is also quiet.

Longfei’s thoughts moved, saying: “Dragon mad!”

Dragon said: "Master, if you are alone, the time is coming, if you bring her, I am afraid..."

Below the limit speed, an extra gram of weight will produce more resistance. more

Don't say dragon flying holding a person! Dragon

Flying but did not care so much, said: "I want to force the release of the six-level dragon body!" Dragon

Mad immediately said: "No!"

Master, really can't, you forgot the last time you were unconscious for two months? ”

"The last time was the blood stimulation, forcing the strength of the dragon body. If you do this again, the road behind you will be more difficult to walk."

"Really not!" Dragon

Madness is very worried.

Longfei wakes up only a few days, but also to stimulate his own potential, which will cause great harm to his body. Do not

Only so.

Too much use of his own blood, the difficulties encountered by Longfei will be more and more. only

Yes... dragon

I didn’t think so much about flying. “It’s more difficult to be more difficult.”

Any hindrance will jump over me. ""

come on! "Dragon

Flying palms and a drop of blood condensed out, a heavy fist, the forehead blue muscles violent, the whole body muscles are tight, tightly stretched into a muscle, the muscle line is clearly visible, as if the body will be cracked at any time.

"Ah..." Dragon

Flying roar, "Wangu Dragon, six!"

"Give me a drive!"


The **** red blush broke out from his body. "


The sound of the angry dragon roared. Dragon

The forehead of the fly grows a pair of dragon horns, and every capillary hole in the body oozes blood, and the power... is like an endless force. whole

The world seems to be in the same hands.

The eyebrows are locked.

The eyelids turn golden yellow.

The strength of the six-level dragon body broke out completely, with the dragon flying as the center, constantly rotating the power vortex.

The huge dragon hovered over Longfei.

Incomparably embarrassing, just like the real dragon, Longfei stepped gently, "broken..."

The ground sinks and blows directly. and also

At this moment, the ground cracked and a black swell was directly rushed. "



A thousand miles.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it falls in front of the swaying transmission array.

Longfei stepped in and activated the transmission array. pass

The light from the array will wrap up the dragon and slam. "

Hey! "Light

Halo involved them in the transmission array, and the two disappeared. and also

At this time.

Longfei gently sighed, and exhaled a heavy breath, saying: "Okay, finally escaped."

The strength of the six-level dragon body is also quickly received. Dragon

The strength of the body disappeared, and Longfei’s body twitched, even in the transmission space, his body could not hold back.


The transmission array burst in the moment when Longfei entered.

The transmission space is extremely unstable, and the two people are constantly colliding in the space, which is even worse for Longfei. This

A high-cold woman broke out her own strength and protected Longfei. Even if she was smashed, she was also holding Longfei. "




The sending space was affected and bursting continuously.

The crack madly chased both of them. More

The closer it is. only

If all the space is to be split, they will be caught in the turbulent flow in an instant, and they will be crushed into nothingness by various powerful laws.

"Do not!"

"Can't let him die."

The high-cold woman’s eyes must have released a blood.


The colorful light appeared on her body like a rainbow. Seven

The color **** light wrapped the two people together, and the high-cold woman gave a slight sigh, "Ancient anger, give me strength!"

"Bring us out here."


A super powerful and unmatched beast appeared, the huge body directly blocked in front of the crack, and the arms were stretched to directly block the crack. and also

In this moment. Two

People quickly disappeared into the transmission space...

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