The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3679: I have to do it.

Zhao Dazhao’s temper is more violent. level

When you are stupid, you can't see it, laugh at him. He doesn't care if he hits him many times, but don't touch his bottom line. he

The bottom line of the past is the hundred miles of the sea.

No one can say that the bad things in the sky are different now. Now there are more dragons flying. Look

When someone laughs at Longfei, he can't stand it.

The body rushes. Ground

The surface vibrates in an instant, and the scene is just like a heavy tank. One

Stepping into a deep footprint, the whole person rushes directly to Zhong Qi. Dragon

It’s too late to fly to stop him. bell

A strange mouth, a cold smile: "Looking for death!"

The body sinks and the sword is in the hand.

Sword shadow illusion, Zhong Qi figure changed, "Thousand Shadow Sword."



Hundreds of swords and shadows will be shrouded by Zhao Dazhao, Zhao Dazhen completely disregarded, the demon emperor can not hurt him, a district odd?

He did not look in his eyes.

Heavy jumps. "

Overlord top! ""

boom! ”

The body is extremely heavy, just like a mountain. strength

The wind is raging. bell

Odd eyes, a deep, "Thousand shadows kill!"

"哗啦啦......" sword

It’s like a wind blade, and it’s crazy to wave on Zhao Dazhao. It’s just that... every move goes down, Zhao Dazhao doesn’t seem to feel pain. he

There is no trace of a trace on the body.

However, Zhong Qi felt that the tremendous force that had fallen from the sky was crushed down, and the complexion sank, and the figure moved and bounced off in an instant. "

Rumble! ”

The ground is concave and a giant deep pit appears.

All the cracks in the pit were cracked. If this was to be seated in the butt, it would not be dead. bell

The strange face is dark.

Just as he jumped away from the attack of Zhao Dazhao, the figure of Baili Tianhai had already calculated the route that Zhong Qi avoided.

The sword is moving. "

Take your life! "straight

Sneak to the throat of Zhong Qi.

The last time in Nantianmen, he and Zhao Dazhao were both stunned by the clock... The picture was still vivid.

The points were robbed and the body was severely wounded. he

Did not elaborate on Longfei, because ... this is his hatred! he

I want to report it myself! One

The sword locks the throat and is extremely fast.

Zhong Qi’s palm oozing a trace of cold sweat, his body has not yet fallen, this sword is coming, and certainly can’t escape.

moment. bell

Qi directly grabbed the Hu Lie fire around him and jerked it!

The eyes of the sea are tight, and the body twists and turns. The long sword bypasses Hu Liehuo and stabs in the clock.

however. on

Because of this little time, let Zhong Qi have a reaction time, the tip of the toes is a little bit, and bounced out again.

It falls at ten feet.

Zhong Qi’s eyes became gloomy, “You two slag!” Zhao

Daxie jumped from the deep pit and sneered: "Who is slag?"

Baili Tianhai: "I swore that the hatred of Nantianmen will be reported ten times back!"

Wonderful and ridiculous: "Is it by you?"

The strength of the Baili Tianhai has become stronger again, and I want to shoot again. can

Yes, just

At this time, the thick voice sounded. "

Zhao Dazhao, the score wherein it is cleared! ""

Wherein it is smoother! "Two

The voice of the road fell. Public

People are slightly stunned.

Zhong Qi laughed. "Ha ha ha... hahaha... the score is cleared, your two wastes fail directly, hahaha..."

"Want to kill Laozi?"

Just two of you? ”

"It's still a long way off!"

Zhao Dazhao’s eyes sank and he glanced at the sky and the sky, and then he screamed, “ah...”

So much.

I don’t want to be so proud of it.


Longfei screamed, "Da, stop!!"

Obviously, it was because Zhao shouted the first shot and cleared the score directly. That is to say, there is no private fight in this assessment site. Whoever shoots first will be scored and cleared. This

Or they have a rating.

If they don't, I am afraid that they will be eliminated directly.

Zhao Dazhao was stopped by Longfei.

Baili Tianhai was even more angry than Zhao Dawei, but when he saw Longfei, his anger was slowly suppressed.

He also knows that if they take another shot, I am afraid that this assessment is really no play.

It doesn't matter if you fail to pass the assessment, but the points for their assessment are all given by Longfei. Even the boss is not good.

Zhong Qi saw that Zhao Dazhao and Baili Tianhai stopped, and they couldn’t do it. "Come, come, come hit me, hit me."

"Just the points are cleared, now if you want to do it, then go straight out, hahaha..."

Are you not arrogant? Not to avenge me? Come, come kill me. ”

"Ha ha ha..."

Unparalleled arrogance. Zhao

The big teeth are biting and squeaking.

The same is true of the hundred miles of the sea, two eyes staring at Zhong Qi, I can't wait to blow his cockroaches out of his mouth!

Longfei walked forward and smiled lightly. "Isn't it enough to eat last time?"

rest assured! ”

"It will make you eat enough."

Zhong Qi’s face suddenly changed, and immediately stared at Longfei with anger, saying: “Dragon!”

Thinking of a picture of a smashing into his mouth in the hall of the mission, his stomach was rolling. Yesterday

Every day, he saw that he wanted to vomit. angry

The fire is raging! Dragon

Flying smiled: "What do you want to do? Want you to feed you to eat?"

"You..." Zhong Qi’s eyes must burst out. "Long Fei, this assessment is your death. Please wait for me."

Longfeidao: "Reassured, I have been waiting."

Anytime, anywhere. ""

You have to move me now, I am killing you now. "bell

Qi cold laughed and said: "I don't have your two brothers stupid, do it in the supervision of the elders, wait."

How long can you live? "Say

Finish. bell

Singing the sleeves and sipping, "Let's go!"

The group of scorpions quickly followed Zhong Qi and disappeared into the forest.

Zhao Dazhao and Baili Tianhai looked at Longfei.

Longfei faintly said: "What happened in Nantianmen?"

I only know that Zhong Qi grabbed their score cards and injured them. They didn't know the cruel scene.

Baili Tianhai: "Big Brother, can you leave his life to me?"

Long Fei gently exhaled a breath and said: "Your cultivation is getting stronger, but it is obvious that Zhong Qi's cultivation is stronger than you. Just now you seem to have the upper hand, but it is actually falling into his fist. Among them, he knows the rules of the assessment here."

Li Tianhai: "The next time I will pay attention, I must have his life."

Longfei nodded and said, "Well, if you want to solve it yourself, then solve it yourself."

He is not saying much.

Longfei originally wanted to let the demon emperor get a few monsters back, and then kill Zhongqi to death, so that he would not deduct his rating. can

It is the look of the eyes of the hundred miles, he knows that he will not kill the clock, and the anger in the heart of the hundred miles will not be flat!

night. mountain

Gu quietly. One

The shadow of the road moved gently and the blink of an eye disappeared.

The next moment, it falls next to the hole where Longfei lives...

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