The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3701: problem occurs

Longfei has enough confidence. and

And. This

It is the matter of the two of them, then they must have their own solution. If they don’t solve it, then they will blew themselves up. Want

It’s that Zhong Qi’s self-destruction will definitely leave a shadow in his heart. Have

Enmity will go to the newspaper. Have

People go to kill. people

Living for a while is just for this tone! Do not

To be embarrassed, just do it!

Longfei stopped the elders, and his breath was slightly released. ...


Zhong Qi’s death buckled Zhao’s neck, and Zhao Dazhao’s crazy effort, but... can’t get rid of it.

For a time. face

The color is white and the breathing becomes rushed.

The sky is constantly attacking, but... his talent is not power, and his attack does not play a role in this state of Zhong Qi.


Zhong Qi kept laughing wildly. "Ha ha ha... haha... you two are destined to lie in front of me forever."

"Go to hell!"

The arm is forced again. "

Hey! ”

Locking Zhao’s neck, the neck constantly makes a sound of bone bursting.

Longfei’s eyes sank and his fists clenched. This


Baili Tianhai also shouted: "Da, big 憨..." Zhao

Daxie is still working hard.


Still unable to break free, his neck was already broken, and he could not help but make a painful cry, but he did not ask for help. Dragon

Flying a bit can't stand.

Several elders looked at it with eagerness.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Give me to die." Zhong Qi power exploded again.

at the same time. Zhao

Daxie also made a roar, "ah..."咔


A loud noise. Zhao

The big neck broke, and Zhong Qile lived in Zhao’s head and took a few steps back, making a crazy laugh. “Ha ha ha... hahaha... waste things dare to swear in front of me?” Zhou

Surrounded by a sigh of relief.

All were scared and forced. on

This twisted the head? hundred

Li Tianhai was also scared and pale, his body trembled, "big, big..."

Flying is also a tight eye, but! he

Not much panic, not scared, because his eyes have been staring at the blood tank on the top of Zhao Dazhao. Undertake

Affected by what kind of attack, how many points of damage, Longfei can be clear.

Just hit a broken head. of


Zhao Dazhao floated a bright red injury number on his head, but he did not die. He said that he still has two-thirds of his blood. This

The amount of blood is very safe. and also

That is to say. just

Only when he broke his head, Zhao Dazhao did not die.

Long Fei then looked at the head of Zhong Qi’s hand, which was a stone. Even a drop of blood was not there. Long Fei could not help but excite. “I rely, is this evolution?”

He didn't bleed? ”

"You see, how is the head held in Zhong Qi's hand a stone?"

Huh? It really is! ""

The head is broken, why is there no blood flowing? ""

what's going on? ""

what happened? ""

Is it difficult for him to change? ”


At that time, Zhong Qi also reacted. He saw that the head he had unscrewed was just a big stone. The whole person was angry and rushed to Zhao Dazhao again.

"Boom!" Zhao

A stone was re-growed on the neck of Daxie, and a blink of an eye directly turned into a new head. hundred

Li Tianhai exhaled a heavy breath and said: "Da, you scared me."

Zhao Dazhao smiled and said: "Two brothers, have you seen it clearly?"

A glimpse of the mouth of the sea, "clear!"

The posterior part of the heart is in an air defense state. ”

Zhao Dazhao excitedly smiled and said: "Understood!"

Zhong Qi rushed and swept out. Zhao

Dad laughed. "

Oh la la..."

His body was completely broken down, and his stone body was completely divided. hundred

Li Tianhai was also a homeopathic bomb, flying directly behind Zhong Qi’s body. and also

In this moment.

The split stones were instantly combined and combined into a super stone man, and the right fist sank, and hit the back of the heart of Zhong Qi.


Rumble! ”

Punch a punch.

Zhong Qi’s eyes slammed fiercely and made a fierce cry. “Ah...”

The body is also trembled quickly, the body quickly changes into the original position, the painful screams, "ah...ah..."

Every part of the body is cracking, and blood is rushing out.

His body has been smashed by the powerful source of anger. One

The elders of the inner door fell down and looked at Zhong Qi, who was dying on the ground, and asked: "Where is the source of the anger?"

Zhong Qi’s body curled up, his lips cracked, his mouth wide open and he wanted to talk, and his throat said: “Yes, yes, yes,, Lin, Lin...”

Wait for him to finish.


The body bursts directly.

There are a few bones left in the whole body. dead


The elders of the inner door exhaled with a deep voice. "What is Lin Lin? What forest?"

Turn around.

Longfei’s eyes glanced, “Lin Yuan?” He

The elders around me asked: "What did you say?"

Longfei immediately recovered his look and smiled: "Nothing."

The strange enmity is the thing of Baili Tianhai and Zhao Dazhao. Lin Yuan is a person of Longfei. His things are naturally done by himself. "

Lin Yuan? ""

Fortunately, wash your **** and wait! "One

A farce. bell

The death of the odds allowed the assessment to continue.

but. To

So far, Phoenix has not come back.

Not only did the phoenix not come back, but even the clouds that went to find people did not return. The two seemed to be evaporating, and Longfei could not even sense the breath of both of them.

"There must be something." Dragon

Flying hearts are getting more and more worried. "

Next time! ""

Dragon fly against the sword fairy! ""

Two disciples are invited to the stage. ”

When the voice fell, many people's eyes were focused on Longfei.

Longfei seems to have not heard the same.

Wu fire was excited and said: "The boss is up to you."

Longfei's brow is locked. Wu

Earth also said: "Boss, you are on the scene."

At this moment, Jian Xian has stood on the ring. "

No! ”

"It must be something." Longfei thinks that the more wrong it is, the only thing that can make the phoenix leave is that the powerful black killer appears. miss you

At this point.


Longfei's eyes lifted and rushed out of the square.

This makes everyone stunned and can't figure out what's going on. cowardly

Did the battle run away?


Inner door, the main hall. square

Wan Peng squatted on the main hall and kept talking.

but. and

Not many people listen to what he said. Big

The elders are also thoughtful. Dong

Tiankui hurried into the hall and saw Fang Wanpeng’s eyebrows screaming. “Fang Wanpeng, do you dare to come back?”

"You dog thing!"

Wan Peng saw that Dong Tiankui was also a glimpse. He did not think that Dong Tiankui was still alive, and he could not help but be shocked: "Are you still alive?"

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