The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3718: Hard 怼

In the ancient world, the beastly dragonfly did not cultivate.


The change of the ancestors is definitely the same. again

then. he

The practice is ancient animal surgery!

When the mind moves, the powerful mental control directly flows into the sea of ​​the beasts, and at this moment, Longfei also feels extremely broad. "

My embarrassed..."

"I have always said that my knowledge of the sea is very big, but compared to this one, one percent is not good." Longfei felt a glimpse. knowledge

The bigger the sea, the stronger the mental strength.


This huge sea of ​​knowledge can engulf any mental power that enters it, and it is also because of this that it is seriously injured. Dragon

The flying beast enters the body of the beast, and quickly searches for the central nervous system.


The beasts felt that the dragon's beasts had entered his knowledge of the sea, and he was also furious and issued a series of screams.

The world around it seems to be falling. Strong

The incomparable power is released from his body.


The search rate flew out first, hitting the rock wall, and a blood spurted out, and said: "Long Shidi, this guy's knowledge of the sea is too strong."


Looking for an idea.

Holding a thin and long sword in his hand, the body flicked, the power of the Sword Emperor's realm broke out to the peak, and the sword was a illusion.


The sound of the squad blasted, and countless swords and shadows in the air were superimposed on the sword in the hands of Lu Xun, and slammed down to the beast.

Baili Tianhai immediately said: "Useless." No

Wait for him to finish.

The long sword stabbed down, and the distance from the beast was two meters away. A force burst and directly blocked his long sword. force

A burst! long

The sword is bent.


The long sword broke, the broken sword was shattered into pieces, and the whole land was once again hit and flew out. This time the injury was heavier, and even the blood that was sprayed out was black. hundred

Li Tianhai hurriedly said: "Don't go up, this guy's defense, the power is almost perfect, impeccable."

Going up is to die! "hundred

Li Tianhai looked at Longfei, loudly: "Big brother, no matter what, let's go!"

To escape into that narrow hole, the beasts should not be able to catch up.

This may be their only chance to live.

but. hundred

Li Tianhe is very clear about the temper of Longfei, he is absolutely impossible to go.


The beast is a guardian, and it is the guardian of the ancient world. This kind of guy can be said to be the boss of the ancient period.

How can I let it go? on

What if there is no boss aura?

As long as you kill, it is possible that ancient artifacts of the ancient period will burst out.

Thinking of this, Longfei's heart jumps a little faster. very

I want to explode the beast. non-

I often think.

But now this is the case...

All but one of himself was injured.

Once the beasts attack again, these people are not injured, but will die here. Dragon

Flying wants to explode him, but he wants to keep his brother's life. Spin

which is. Dragon

Flying and sinking, said: "You go first, first escape into the narrow hole, there is a seal on it, this guy should not catch up."

Baili Tianhai: "What about you?"

Longfeidao: "I will drag him first, let's go first!"

fast! "cloud

Look at Longfei.

She wants to release her power of summoning, but... even if she summons the war pet, I’m afraid it’s not the opponent of the beast.

Longfei looked at the cloud and said: "What are you still hesitating? Don't you go too fast? Do you want to spend a night with me here?"

"I can still remember that you owe me one night."

Rest assured, I will not die, the person who can kill me is not born yet! ""

Come on, go! ”

Yunxiao looked at Longfei. hundred

Li Tianhai knows that if they drag on, they will die here. This

The head of the beast really has no way to deal with it. Now

In the still-beat of Longfei, the idea of ​​the beast enters the sea of ​​the beast, otherwise, as long as he bursts a little power, they will die. Now

If you don't leave, you can't go away. hundred

Li Tianhai shouted, "Big Brother, you are careful!"


"Let's go!"

The brothers want to stay, but how about leaving Lee? It will only drag Longfei.

"Boss, be careful!"

"Boss, be careful!"


Lu Xun glanced at Long Fei, his eyebrows were tight, and his heart said: "You must be alive!"

He came to Longfei to learn things. Now

Just after coming, if the dragon flew out, would you still learn a hammer?

Longfei looked at Lu Xun and smiled and said: "When I go up, you are my brother!"

Their cultivation is not high, and the defensive flight can't be supported for too long, it depends on Lu brother. ”

Lu Xun’s eyes flashed a trace of fine, nodded, said: "No problem!" Sword

The atmosphere of the imperial realm exploded, and the people were directly lifted, and they screamed, "Go!"

They are gone! Say

It’s strange to say that the beasts are not blocked. Dragon

The flying beast's idea is to enter his sea of ​​knowledge, but he does not control him, and he also has enough power to deal with the hundred miles of the sea you want to escape.


The beast did not do this. he

The one-eyed eye has been staring at Longfei. From

The flying power of Longfei broke out of the body of the ancient dragon, and then the power of the ancient beastly surgery, which made him a little surprised. Look

Go to the brothers to leave.

Longfei’s idea was collected and directly recovered the power of the beast.

Beast? will

The beast becomes his war pet?


What he wants is explosion!

Not a war pet! and

And... just now he searched for a long time, even the central nervous system of the beast could not be found anywhere.

The power of the beast cannot be suppressed, and it is too difficult to surrender, basically impossible.

This will only consume your own spiritual strength, and even be countered by the spiritual power of the beasts, not worth the candle. Dragon

Leaping to a hundred meters away, my heart is tight, "Rely, I will not believe that you can't cope with you!"

To Longfei said this, the dragon mad heart immediately tightened, "Master, you will not open the power of the six-layered dragon body again?"

Flying double fists clenched a bit.

This is his strongest strength.

If you want to deal with the beasts, the power of these six-level ancient dragons is not useful.

He wants to open seven levels! very

To be more advanced! Dragon

Madly: "You have not promised that I can't force this kind of power?"

Flying and sinking: "Now I can't manage that much." He

I only think about one thing in my heart, that is, exploding the beast! must

It must burst.

In an instant.

Longfei’s palm is moving, “Hey!”

A drop of blood is suspended from the palm of your hand.

This sub-long is more afraid of the next, he thought that Longfei opened the six-level Wan Gu Long body, Long Fei directly released the essence of blood, this is to force the activation of more advanced power. "

Master, you will be dead like this! ”

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