A powerful attack? Strong

Big sword meaning? huge

Big sword?

Longfei didn't even look at it, and stood in the same place to make you jealous.

He said it.

Any one of the ancient sects can hurt him with a hair, even if he counts. old

What about the ancestors of the ancestors?

Still not in the eyes. angry

Under the squat, Longfei did not move his body.

The eyebrows wrinkled. blue

The sword is broken.哗

Lala fell to the ground. blue

The ancestors of the ancestors were all forced.

His strength is much stronger than the white-haired ancestors, but still can't break Longfei's defense?

This... Jane

Straight can not imagine. sword

The spirit king’s eyes are tight and slamming, “Rely!”

He thought that this move could make Longfei two and a half, but Longfei still stood still in undisturbed place, shattering the swordsmanship of the blue-haired ancestors. all

The field was in utter disappointment. Two

Looking at the dragon fly.

The blue-haired ancestors stared at Longfei and said, "Who are you?"

He does not believe that a disciple can have this powerful defense force.

impossible things.

Longfei mouth corner, a smile, said: "I am you!" Blue

The old ancestors stunned and yelled, "You are looking for death..."

Furious. body

The power on it is like a rocket from the Wanfa rocket, and it is lifted to the top. can


Unable to wait for the strength of the blue-haired ancestors to form an attack again, Longfei's right hand raised up, and the slap in the face of the blue-haired ancestors was a slap in the face. sword

The realm of the emperor.

Whether it is attack or defense is instantaneous, it is like the reaction of the brain subconscious.

Longfei slaps down the palm. blue

The defense of the ancestors was also released instantly, forming a giant blue air shield. gas

The thickness of the shield is ten meters.

This kind of defense...

unbreakable. blue

The ancestors of the ancestors also proudly smiled. "Small scorpion, is your attack?"

Oh la la..."

If the words are not finished, the defensive gas shield that he released is broken. bump

At the moment of the dragon's palm, all broke. Dragon

The flying plate is generally big and the palm of the slap is fanned down. The accurate fan is on the cheek of the blue-haired ancestor. "

Snapped! "ring

Bright and incomparable. blue

The eyes of the ancestors were tight, and the body fell to the ground. "

boom! "brain

The bag was heavy on the ground.

like a statue.

A slap in the face is turned over to the ground. move

Can't move. "

I bother! ”

"Old ancestors?"


Longfei slammed, his eyes glanced at the purple-haired ancestors, and smiled coldly, saying: "Next!"

His voice is like **** death.

It is as if the **** of death is harvesting the undead.

The ancestors of the blue-haired ancestors who have been practicing for more than 9000 years are so slap in the face to shoot on the ground? This

How many metamorphosis is there? This

Still human?

Is this really the realm of sword fairy? old

Is the realm of the ancestral swordsman a fake?

what's going on?

Each of the heads is short-circuited and completely forced.

The heart of the sword spirit king is suspended to the mouth of the scorpion, and he does not even dare to breathe. White

The ancestors also made two moves. can


The blue-haired ancestors were directly shot by a slap on the ground, and now I don’t know whether it’s life or death. How horrible is this dragon fly?

What kind of realm is it strong?

His eyes slowly moved to the front of the Zifa ancestors. he

It is a thousand years old monster.

Jianling Mountain was created by him.

A strong person who can compete with the strength of the sovereign.

but. in

At this moment, the sword spirit king is not a rival to the purple ancestors. because


Watching his apprentice being beaten by a slap, he didn't use it.


The purple ancestors were horrified.

There has never been such a horror. Strong

Until he can't speak. station

In the same place, he looked at Longfei, and looked at Longfei's gaze. His heart was tight and his body trembled involuntarily.

now. he

On the mind, a huge faucet is suspended. in

In front of the faucet, he was as small as an ant and could not move.

The faucet can swallow him at any time. This

The feeling is not caused by the pressure, but a gap in strength. purple

The heart of the ancestors trembled.

Longfei once again, "Who else?"

Who is not upset? ”


Longfei is more arrogant. Dragon

The strength of his body is blessed, and his heart has changed slightly. He has become more arrogant, and he is the one who is unhappy. all

The field is quiet, and no sound is dare to come out. and

And all did not dare to look directly at the eyes of Longfei. Dragon

Fei Dandi: "The old guy said that madness is going to cost, what is the price? What is the price, trouble you come out and let me know what the cost of madness is?"


Rather like crushing. sword

The spirit king is in his heart, and he is also looking forward to the purple ancestors who can shoot. "Up, up, up, hit him."


The purple ancestors did not shoot, but respectfully said: "Adult, we are wrong." Light

Lightly. he


His voice fell, all the disciples in the audience were a glimpse, and then they understood that even the purple ancestors were not the opponents of Longfei.

Longfei’s eyes swept away and looked at the slashing slash in the sky. “Is this a service?”

"If you are not satisfied with oral administration, even if you come, I will say, you can't do it alone, you can be a group."

The purple ancestors sighed with a deep breath.

The long swords all fell to the ground.

The breath of the body is one, and it becomes an ordinary old man. he

This life has never been so soft, never feared so much, but... now... he has to be soft.

Say the phrase 'Adult, we are wrong', he used the power of a lifetime.

Even if he encountered the strong man in the space of the past, he did not. but


He has to say.

Because of the gap.

Because he is not an opponent of Longfei at all.

Longfei was not interested, said: "Is this served? I still want to be a group, it is really boring." Sword

Ling Wang is crying in his heart.

Longfei looked at his angry eyes and said: "Swordsman, do you seem to be a little dissatisfied?"

Uh? ”

The sword spirit Wang looked light and quickly said: "I have served."

The ancestors are not opponents. What can he do if he is angry again?

Going up to find abuse? Do not


His heart is extremely hateful.

This thing will definitely spread out, when his Jianling Mountain will become the laughing stock of the ancient sect. miss you

To these.

Under the sleeves, his fists could not help but hold a few points. "

Nothing! ”

"It's really boring."

Longfei’s face was uncomfortable, and he exhaled a long breath and said: “Since you are all served, forget it.”

"Sword King, I am here to ask you for a person."

The sword of the king of the sword is slightly stunned, said: "Longfeng Lord, please say." Dragon

Fly: "Is there a sister named Liu Luoxi among your disciples? I want her today."


The sword spirit king is tight, and the corner of his mouth is lightly ticked. "Liu Luoxi, she is indeed my disciple, but... he is not in Jianling Mountain now!"

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