The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4163: Sinister woman!

Thirteen scorpions descended from the sky.

Just like the skyfire hit, crashing down.

The next moment.



The palatial Emperor's Palace exploded in an instant, and under the attack of this power, the palaces collapsed.

The material is unique and difficult to break?


Because power is homology, it is equivalent to the collision of the same attribute, coupled with such a large impact, even if it is super-successful, it can suddenly die.

Not to mention the palace.


And at this time, a figure of the sky rises to the sky, as if the enemy.

Brush it!

Numerous Jinjiawei are also arrays of platoons, forming a square array in an instant, looking around the heavens and protecting the Emperor's Palace.

"Where is the thief, dare to confuse my Emperor's Palace?"

A powerful voice shook the sound and spread it through the void.

"Husband, this person has a super-successful nine-layer repair, let me shoot?" Yourou asked.

"No, there is a sergeant in the district, a person who is not physically fit, and a cow is forced to make a wool. If he dares to shoot, Lao Tzu will smash his egg again." Long Fei said casually.

"Is he not an eunuch? How?" Yurou was innocent and didn't even hear the meaning of Longfei.

"Yes, so, he has no chance to shoot." Long Fei said, his eyes must be.

Directly locked a figure in front of Jin Jiawei.

"Hand of Chaos!"

If you don't say anything, just take it and take it.

Without any accidents, this **** was instantly separated by a dragon from a dragon, and he got it.


"Eight explosion!"

A punch hit.


The **** had no time to open his mouth and was directly punched.

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’s’ killing the owner of the Emperor’s Palace East, earning 110 million points, a spiritual source value of 110,000 points, and a violent value of 1 point.”

Instant kill!

A one-time impact on everyone's attention.


"Heaven is mad, too mad!"

"This is to provoke the majesty of my empire. The public will listen to orders and give me thieves."

The Emperor's Palace was instantly rioted.

Surrounded by so many Jinjiawei, it was even killed by Longfei.

Make their faces full of fear.


A road of gold armor began to rise to the sky, endless murder spread.

Longfei took a look and saw a surprise.

It is indeed a surprise.

The repair of these Jinjiawei is completely different from the previous Li Wuqing’s stream, and it is only a primary one.

But for Longfei, it is already a wave of welfare.

"Soft children, cohesive, I want to let them all go today." Long Fei said quickly.

This is a big wave of experience.

What Longfei is most lacking is experience, which is level.

How could you let them go.

Yurou nodded, and after the opening of Longfei, he began to sketch directly. In an instant, he sketched out a pattern of Yantian.

The painting is made of jail and formed in an instant.


Then, Yurou waved out of thin air, and an invisible cage instantly landed.

At this time, tens of thousands of Jin Jiawei rushed in.

"A big dog, I dare to provoke the authority of my empire. Today, I will use your head to prove my invincibility!"

Said the general who led.

Longfei took a faint look:

"Invincible? Do you dare to say invincible?"

"The old things of the Emperor of Heaven are like the pugs in front of others. Do you dare to say that the dogs of this group of heavenly kings are invincible?" Longfei said faintly.

"Let's go! Dare to be disrespectful to the Emperor, kill!"

In an instant, Jin Jiawei rushed to the sky, one by one holding a long rifle butcher knife and waving to Longfei.

And Longfei, wait for this moment.

"Big killer, killing space! Kai!"

Longfei's lips are slightly moving, one word at a time.

In an instant, the endless killings began to spread, and the moments spread to the real cage.

Yurou painted the ground for the prison, and the dragon flew to kill the space.

The superposition of two forces directly forms a paradise on earth.




A sound broke through the belly.

In the killing space, the killing is almost congested, which is a hidden killing of the big killer.

At this time, it is a nightmare for these Jinjiawei.

It was instantly erased and the traces were not left behind.

Aside, Longfei and Yourou stand side by side.

The whole process did not even take action.


"Hey, hey!"

A series of system prompts appear.

Of course, there is nothing else but experience.

But the single experience, less pitiful. After all, it is only a super-come, and the strength of Longfei is too big, and the experience has only been given hundreds of thousands.

However, the accumulation of less and more, tens of thousands of Jin Jiawei, let Longfei's experience has risen to a full eight billion experience.

This eight billion, plus the Li family before, made Longfei's experience bar come to an end.

There are already more than four billion experience.

Only five billion will be able to rise to another level.

"Unfortunately, people are still a little bit less. I don't know how many Jinjiaweis there are in this palace."

Longfei sighed.

At this time, the system sound that just fell is reappearing.

"Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing the old parents of the field, gaining 140,000,000 points, the spiritual source value is 140000 points, and the violent value is 1 point.”

“Hey, congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” to kill the old parents of the field, gaining 160,000,000 points, the spiritual source value is 160000 points, and the violent value is 1 point.”

It is also a series of experience surges.

Almost one breath, there are more than one billion experience.

"Ha ha ha, good big King Kong."

"Li Jia solved it, Tian Jia solved it, and the rest is the Emperor Palace."

Longfei's heart moved, his eyes instantly locked the shrine.

But suddenly, a familiar atmosphere erupted from the Emperor's Palace.

Let Longfei feel a pain in his heart.

It seems that people who are extremely important in life are locked in this palace of heaven, and suffer from day and night.


Anxious to attack!

Like the feeling of blood connection, let Longfei feel pain in his heart.

"Who? Who? Why would you give me this feeling?" Longfei sounded and looked deep into the palace.

"Husband, you are fine." You soft face panic, and quickly helped.

At this time, in the Emperor's Palace.

Purple Phoenix Temple.

A woman with a beautiful appearance, wearing a phoenix robes, staring blankly outside the palace.

This person is exactly what you are.

The sister of the ancient road, the aunt of Guqin.

"Dog things, kill my brother, destroy my nephew."

"When the palace refines the fetus in this abdomen, even if you resort to the sky, you must let your life be lost."

The woman said, Danfeng's eyes flashed a hot.

"Come, no matter what, give me a resistance to the outside. The emperor is not, the order of this palace is the sacred purpose." Hearing, then moved.

In this palace, a dark grid was opened and then stepped into it.

At this moment, Longfei is almost mad.

Eyes are red!

"No matter who you are, as long as you dare to move Laozi, Lao Tzu wants you to die!"

Longfei got up and madly rushed to the heavenly palace.

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