The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4285: Hard 怼

Lonely, cold.

The words of the Emperor Xuan are cold and frosty, and there is no trace of emotion in it. on

It seems that I have ignored life and silently.

It seems that there is nothing worth worrying about between the whole world. "

Forced. ”

"Is Laozi a fart? If Laozi is a fart, then what about your Xuan?"

how about you? ""

It’s a shit. ”

"From the beginning of the Tiannan domain, you will suppress against Laozi. How is it now? Is it true that Laozi is standing still in front of you?"

Longfei sneered.

Killing the hair. mysterious

The emperor's nephew was cold, and a chill broke out in his body. "

Therefore, the Emperor is here today. Today, you will never have the slightest possibility to escape from here. ""

Here, it will be your burial place. ”

"From now on, there will be no more possibilities for your existence between the whole world." Xuan Di said.

Every time he said that the whole sky was under a pressure of his suppression.

Rumble. no

The pressure on the side came down.

Terror is incomparable.

Longfei is okay, and his own physical strength has been detached. For this kind of pressure, he does not look at it.

However, the people of the screen are not.

They simply can't resist this kind of pressure. puff


Suddenly, two vomiting sounds appeared. only

See two disciples and disciples. Under this pressure, the body burst and the death directly disappeared without a trace.

Longfei’s eyes were tight and his heart was shaking.

"Can't wait, they can't bear the pressure of the Emperor." Longfei thought. Spin

That is, his gaze looked at the Emperor. "

Xuan Emperor, the **** of the dog, you can also bear this. ""

There is a kind, do you come to deal with Laozi? ”

"If you are a man, you will shoot at Laozi. I will see if I am going to kill anyone today," Longfei said.

Between the words, the figure of Longfei has also risen to the sky. One

The sword is empty.

At the same time, chaotic armor, chaotic crown, all dressed up. instant

In the meantime, the chaotic motherhood of the road flows out of the chaotic crown. One

The articles are washed out on Longfei. Such as

The same baptism.

In the distance, the Lord of Chaos saw the change of the breath of Longfei, and his expression changed greatly:

Chaos motherhood? How can you possibly have it. ”

The Lord of Chaos is full of shock. This

This kind of means has always belonged to him alone. root

I never thought that Longfei could have it at this time. One

Time, for the dragon's jealous color, more intense a few points.

However, the Xuan Emperor above the void is still indifferent. Look

With a breath of dragonfly, the corner of his mouth was slightly picked up, revealing a smile.

"District roads, but also dare to make axe?"

Heavenly robbery! ”

Xuan Emperor said coldly.

For a moment, the thunder of the sky suddenly formed, rolling robbery, and rendering the whole world. fear



Rumble. tight

Then, the thunder of the sky roared down and came down. "

cut! "Dragon

A strong eye in the eye, a sword slammed out.


Suddenly, the swordsman rushed into the sky, colliding with the thunder of the sky in the void. boom


Rumble. drama

Under the fierce collision, it directly forms a piece of devastating atmosphere.

The void is bursting. To

With such a degree, they can annihilate one side of the world. this

At this time, this unreserved confrontation is beyond the limits of the ancient world. day

The ground is shaking and it seems to be going to collapse. under

Fang, Miao Yao and others looked at the dragon in the battle, and the eyes were anxious. but

Yes, in this case, they simply can't help. "

go! "screen

Yao gave a big drink. This

At that time, she was the leader of the screen. Now

At the same time, she can only understand Longfei. Dragon

The reason why the fly is so anxious is because of them. Place

So, they can give Longfei the best help, just leave here. instant

In the meantime, the disciples of the screen, under the leadership of Miao Yao, left again. and

Also at this time, the people of the Xuan people want to pursue. but

Because the method of the Emperor Xuan Xuan had just been moved, the distance had already come, and it would be impossible to catch up with it for a while.

And on the side of Longfei, there is no distraction.

Xuan Emperor is too strong. simple

A single confrontation has made Longfei feel that his power is being suppressed everywhere.

Even if there is a chaotic sword, the power of the sword will not hurt the Emperor.

On the contrary, it is the power of Xuan Emperor. Even if Longfei wears chaotic armor, he also feels that every force can stimulate his body.

Very shocking.

Especially at this time, the Heavenly Emperor’s Heavenly Robbery seems to have no end. no

Thunder and roar. and

Longfei, can only go out with a sword and a sword.

But this is the case, the speed of the dragon flying the sword, or can not keep up with the Thunder. number

The power of the thunder is on the body. pause

At the time, it seems that the flesh is pierced, and the soul is experiencing the thunder of the thunder, so that Longfei has a feeling of pain and unwillingness to live.

But it shows that Longfei has to endure it and still behave as if nothing had happened. "

Is it so powerful? ”

"Xuandi, are you able to endure this? You have to kill Laozi?"

Longfei said, looking at the gap, his eyes looked down. Wait

When the people who saw the screen had left, they were relieved.

Immediately, Longfei’s eyes turned and looked at the Lord of Chaos. Mixed

A glimpse of the mind of the chaos, a bad foreboding rushed from the heart.

"Dragon, what are you doing? This is the contradiction between you and the Emperor." The main source of Chaos said. Announce

Tell your own position.

"Contradictory Nima. Just said by yourself, this ancient world is not yours, it is his, or it is Laozi."

In this case, you still want to stay out of the way? Come in to Laozi. ”

Longfei sneered, his body moved, and went straight to the Lord of Chaos. and

This thunder of the sky is also bombarded at this moment.

In an instant, the figure of Longfei and the Lord of Chaos is shrouded in it. "

Longfei, you bastard. The Lord of Chaos screamed.

Hate it. he

I did not expect that Longfei would be so shameless and would pull myself into the battle group.

However, at this time, he was not allowed to think more, and he had to use his means to resist.


The thunder of the sky is still going on.

However, at this time, because of the addition of the Lord of Chaos, Longfei suddenly relaxed a lot. "

Now this kind of attack can't hurt the Emperor. ""

Unless it is a nirvana. ”

Longfei’s heart turned rapidly. miss you

A means of annihilation. but

So far, all the power he controls is simply impossible to be the opponent of Xuan Emperor.

The singularity of a Xuan Emperor who was strangled before, compared with the current Emperor Xuan, is not a fart.

It is even said that the original Emperor Xuandi was separated, and even the power of Xuan Emperor did not inherit the past. Place

So, even if it is broken now, it is still not an opponent.

At this time, the figure of Xuan Emperor is another step forward. letter

Walking in the thunder of the sky:"

The Lord of Chaos? ”

"Longfei. Two wastes are generally present."

"Is it really the name of the first strongest person in the ancient times, is it fake?"

"Ominous, kill!"

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