The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4297: It’s crazy

It’s arrogant and arrogant.

Now the dragon fly, carrying the green sky, the starry sky does not fold the strong ridge, proudly stand.

"Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing the elders of the honorable band, gaining 50000000 points, the source value is 500000 points, and the violent value is 1 point.”

The sound of the system also appears.

A dragon flies.

Immediately, there was a surprise on his face.

One hundred percent of Longfei can be sure that the person in front of him is just a common little mob.

There is no difficulty in killing between them.

Even the elite monsters are not counted.

However, in this way, it also gave 50 million experience.

"Ha ha ha, come, come, and get away from the ancient world, the rules change, and the experience gives you a violent start."

"Shuang! It will take a long time to upgrade again."

"Ha ha ha, that is the pretending to commit a crime, this time to see who killed who."

Longfei laughed in his heart.

A sour taste.

I felt that all the haze disappeared in a flash.

Experience represents the level.

Now, what he lacks is the rank.

As long as the level comes up, what can't you do?

Who can't be whole?

With this in mind, Longfei’s expression is even more awe-inspiring.

Do you want to see who is more arrogant?

In this case, then do it.

At this time, in front of this bridge.

The people of Wanjie did not dare to look directly at Longfei, one by one to dodge, some people want to regress, do not want to stay here for a minute.

Because Longfei’s gas field is too strong, there is still someone who is directly enemies with the heavens and is an enemy of Wanjie.

However, the people of Wanjie do not even dare to put a fart.

If it was before, Longfei would dare to be so arrogant, and these people must attack and attack.

However, the strong man of Lian Zunjie was vulnerable to Long Fei.

Directly punched a serious injury, one hand pinch.

This kind of combat power has been branded in their hearts, an indelible mark.

An innate sense of the moment, swept the heart in an instant.

Two words.

That is fear.

And Longfei is also a sneer.

It doesn't matter if there is no world.

It is also secondary to force the unloading.

What is important is that they are people of respect.

So, kill them, there is no need to be vague, go up and do it.

For the current reaction, Longfei is also extremely satisfied.

Completely in his expectation.

However, Longfei has a little doubt in his heart.

Isn't it the king of the world?

The people of Wanjie are at this level?

That is still fighting for a fart.

It is not enough to kill one hand.

"You, come over!" Longfei scorpion moved and looked at a respectable person.

In an instant, the man was cold and sweaty.

No words at all.

And a few of the people around him, at this time, also screamed a bit of anger.

It’s too much to deceive.

In the past, only the part of them who bullied people, there will be such a situation.

It was directly put on the face.

"Kid, don't you bully too much, bully what we are? The strong people in our respectful world have not yet arrived."

"If you are interested, you will retreat to the side."

"Otherwise, it is a crime of death for you to bully us by the people who respect me."

Immediately, people with respects began to refute.

I want to use the name of Zunjie to suppress Longfei and let Longfei know how difficult it is to retreat.

A sneer appeared in the corner of the dragon's mouth.

"what did you say?"

Longfei is full of playful smiles.

The side ear past, seems to have not heard the general.

The people of Zunjie believe in it.

I thought that Longfei was really shocked by his own words, and immediately the tone was a bit arrogant, saying:

"Kid, Lao Tzu said that if you want to be interested"


But he still hasn't finished talking.

Directly a large palm print down.


A direct slap was fanned.

The figure of Longfei is also a grazing at this time, stepping on the person's face.

"Are you stupid?"

"What did Laozi ask you? Do you dare to say?"

"The strong man of the respected world? Well, Laozi is waiting here."

Longfei said coldly.

This is the most contradictory of him, and there are no eyes.

I can't see the form at hand, just roaring here.

It seems that he really has any jealousy about respecting the world.

In fact, it does not exist at all.


The people in the world are furious.

But before we have finished speaking, an unprecedented sense of crisis has swept our hearts.



Longfei fell on his feet and was merciless.

Directly exploding his head.

"Hey, congratulations to the players to kill the disciples, to gain 40000000 points, the value of the source is 400,000 points, and the violent value is 1 point."

The system prompts the sound to come.

Longfei’s heart suddenly cheered.

This time, it just happened to confirm what Longfei thought.

The rules here have changed.

A disciple who took the hand directly brought so much experience to Longfei.

For a time, Longfei’s eyes looked at the people of Zunjie.

All eyes are coveted and longing.

These people are already naked experiences.

Longfei, one does not want to let go.

Moreover, whether it is because of the Yangshen world, or because of himself, and the respect of the world is not endless.

And also at this time.

Because Longfei shot again.

Under the entire bridge, everyone’s hearts have become embarrassed.

Especially those who respect the world are even more inconsistent.

Longfei is now completely aimed at them.

However, what can they do?

As long as you resist, you are dead.

Between life and death and dignity, they have no choice.

And Longfei has no doubts in his heart.

A band elder, a disciple.

Obviously, they are only looking forward to seeing, there is no strong person at all.

"come here."

Longfei’s technique is re-applied and he wants to do the same.

As long as the other side dares to resist, Longfei will directly kill.

It is logical.

But at this time, the void is empty, the light of the endless stars suddenly eclipsed, and a few extremely powerful breath suddenly came out from the stars.

"A big dog is so bold that I dare to humiliate my people."

The anger of the sky broke out directly from the endless void.

A wrath was directly spread throughout the starry sky.

Oh la la!


Countless stars burst directly under this sound, turning into pieces that fall under the stars.

Longfei slightly frowned.

Come, is a strong person.

But this expression is only a moment, and the corner of Longfei’s mouth is a sneer.


The stronger the better.

Only the stronger, the experience brought by this is more abundant.

As soon as I read this, Longfei looked up and looked at the starry sky, and the corner of his mouth was enough to ridicule.

Brush it!

At this time, several figures have come strong.

Directly to the Zunjie people, all face anger.

"Is it yours to kill my respect?"

Immediately, a strong and strong man said.

The man was dressed in black, and his entire face was wrapped under a black robe, which was extremely different.

But the breath of the body is a powerful one.

It was not at all comparable to the previous two.

"What about me killing?"

Longfei looked straight and didn't move.

Don't look at him at all.

"A good arrogant thing, I don't know how high the earth is."

"The sky is thick and thick, I don't know, but I am arrogant, I agree. Why, you are not satisfied?"

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