The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4346: go away

Void fluctuations.

In the endless void, a black hole suddenly formed between them, just like a space wormhole, out of nothing, suddenly appeared.

Brush it!

Three figures appear directly.

It is the three people of Longfei.

"Here? Is it the sphere of influence of the Star Demon?" Longfei stunned and looked confused.

The existence here is not the same as that of Longfei.

There are no stars in the palace, no people in the star demon world, and no brothers in their hearts.

It’s like walking in the wrong field, it doesn’t exist.

Here, it is simply nothingness, even a star does not exist. Even if it is Longfei, the world that can be seen by the naked eye is only the size of the stars on the earth, and it is terrible in the distance.

"Adult. I am afraid that there has been a mistake in the transmission between us."

"Here. It should not be the star demon world." Jiang Chunqiu said, a look of embarrassment.

He is too aware of the mood of Longfei, even if it is a delay of one minute, it is a torture for Longfei.

But now, the transmission has turned out to be wrong, so how can they calm down.

"Damn, why is there a mistake in the space channel?"

"Every operation, there is no problem at all?"

“Why is this?”

Longfei’s face is incomparable.

This kind of thing, he did not expect it.

The moment before, he also fantasized that, after waiting for the star demon world, he must unload the eight pieces of the star demon king, and madly turn the star demon world.

But now, everything is empty.

Even the direction of the demon world can not be found, but also a fart.

For a time, Longfei’s anger began to rise.

At this time, Wang Yun suddenly said:

"Adult, I seem to know here, here, it should be a star world."

A dragon flies.

"Stars and circles?"

The star demon star is a word difference, but it is a thousand miles away.

The star demon world is super strong, and there are countless strong.

However, the star world is only a small world under the world of beasts. Even the world of beasts has been turned over by the dragons, and this star world is even more unbearable.

“Hey, congratulations to the player to trigger the system task, refine the stars and the stars, and get the power of the stars.”

"Task time: three days."

"Task reward: any world shuttle door."

At this time, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"I **** your uncle!"

"System, is Nima trying to kill me?"

Longfei’s heart is almost roaring.

As soon as the sound of the system appeared, Longfei had an answer directly. There is no doubt that this space shuttle failed and jumped directly into the nebula world. It must be the system's hand.

Otherwise, what power can be so powerful, God does not know the ghosts directly to the space channel to the confusion.

However, no matter how angry Longfei is, the system has no response.

The atmosphere of Longfei has gradually stabilized, looking up to Wang Yun between the heads up:


Longfei said that among the scarlet scorpions, the killings were surging.

At this moment, he has no choice but to dry the stars.

"Adult. What are we doing?"

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu.

Here, it is not possible to be far away from the star demon world.

If you want to get to the Star Demon, you have to re-transfer, but in this case, it takes too long.

When they come back, they are afraid that the daylily is cold.

They were still worried that Longfei would be hit by some kind of attack, but they did not expect that Longfei would turn around so quickly.

Similarly, their expressions are also a joy, thinking that Longfei has found a way to go back.

"The grown-up is really an adult, so I found a solution to it so quickly."

"It’s a big man."

Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun said.

Wang Yun is not good at talking, nor will he flatter, but at this time he still said.

But the next moment, Longfei said a word, directly smashing their hopes:

"I have no way." Longfei said, in the hand, continue to say:

"But, as long as the world is destroyed, it is enough!" Long Fei said coldly, killing crazy.

Behind him, Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun were both surprised.

Unbelievable look to Longfei.

However, Longfei did not have more explanations at all, stepping out in one step and going directly to the direction of the starry world.

Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun looked at each other and their hearts were extremely strange.

However, since Long Fei said so, they even have doubts in their hearts, and they dare not have any hesitation. They follow the footsteps of Longfei and swept the past.

At this time, what Longfei didn't know was that a figure was moving wildly from the void, in order to find his existence.

It is the king of the Beidou world.

"Well? No? Before I knew through the power of Beidou, I realized that this kid has come to the Great Yang, how could it suddenly disappear?"

"Space channel? No, this space channel is also a mess, and it has not been transmitted to the star demon world."

The face of the North Doujie King was a bit gloomy and confused.

The seven rays in the hand are flickering, but if you look closely, you can see that these seven forces are actually small ones, and they are merging forces together in a very strange form.

Suddenly, the seven forces are once again combined into one.

Then, in front of the King of the North Dou, suddenly there was an image.

It is a world that is broken by one side.

"This kind of garbage world? Why did Longfei go to this garbage world? Is he not wanting to save his brother and son?" The hesitation of Beidou's face became more and more intense.

But immediately, the face of the Beidoujie King suddenly burst into joy, as if thinking of something in general:

"Ha ha ha, yes, it must be like this."

"It must be that Longfei knows that it is not an opponent, but he wants to find the power left by the ancient world before the civilization."

"Hahaha, no wonder, after such a civilization, I have never found the mysterious power. It was in such a run-down world."

"Hey, you guys are so stupid, waiting for others to vote in the star demon world. But I can't think of it, now it's the mouthful of food in this seat."

Wang Daxi in the Beidou sector, laughing wildly.

Immediately afterwards, the strength of the hand was once again moved, pulling out a portal directly from the void, and instantly entered.

The picture turns, and Longfei is there.

At this time, Longfei has come to the sky above the star world.

"Adult, this is the world of stars, but why is it not the same as my memory." Wang Yun suddenly said.

"Well? What's the difference?" Long Fei asked.

He has killed a lot of people in the world of stars, and even his physical strength can be increased by the power of this star.

So for this world, Longfei has a deep memory.

"Adults, just before we went to the Wan Yao world, this star world has not been so stable. But in a few days, the world has gone far beyond the ordinary small world, as if something has changed, it is too strange. "Wang Yun said seriously."

Longfei made a slight meal, but soon, his eyes refocused:

"Don't think about it, no matter how mysterious the world is."

"It is impossible to change Lao Tzu’s determination."

"The only purpose of my purpose is to explode the star world." Longfei said.

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