The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4348: My life is like living a burning day

The sneer of the sky appeared.

The waves are higher than the waves, and the overwhelming sounds are all ridiculous.

It’s exactly what they said, it’s watching the show.

The two men are Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu.

Both faces are angry.

Well, both are the kings of the world.

Especially after following the dragon fly, the mood changes, it is no longer forbearance, that is, want to fight the blood, violent days.

Especially Jiang Chunqiu.

Before in the Great Yang Dynasty, it was ridiculed and mocked, and now it has been ridiculed by this star.

I can't bear it at all.

The anger broke out in my heart and continued to surge.

"Oh, is this want to resist?"

"Stupid, if you are outside, you are arrogant, but now, you still want to be arrogant here? Didn't you find out that your cultivation has been imprisoned?"

"Come on, resist, the more you resist, your power will be swallowed up by the power of the fallen stars, and finally become our strength. Hahaha"

Crazy laugh.


It seems that I know the strength of the two people, and there is no scruples.

At this moment, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu's face suddenly changed.

Repaired as a ban?

The more rebellious the repair is, the faster it will be lost.

Two sentences, let the two people directly nervous.

Even more frightening is that they clearly follow the dragon flying behind them.

But now, there is no dragon flying at all.

"Not good, it is true. These forces are too strange. I can't use any power at all. The more I push, the weaker I feel." Jiang Chunqiu said with a bite.

This change made him feel the fear.

We must know that everything in the world is, in the final analysis, absolute strength.

Anything that exists must speak with strength.

Now, in the face of this power that allows them to lose their cultivation in minutes, how can they not fear.

"This place is really weird, but adults will never have anything. Now, as long as we move and do not fall to a certain extent, they will not dare to do it." Wang Yun calmed down and said quietly.

Immediately, the two looked at the people in the stars.

As Wang Yun said, they did not intend to shoot.

"Not moving? But the result is still the same, just a matter of time."

"We are here to guard, and it will take long before your power is swallowed up and completely turned into a waste."

"At the time, it will be our meal."

"Oh, absorb their own power, and all cultivation will become our strength. Hahaha."

One more person said openly.

It’s like a fishing person who finally caught a big fish, and both eyes are coveted.

In their eyes, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu at this time are two big fish.


Wang Yun snorted and silently.

If they don't have hope now, they will die, and he won't let everyone succeed.

"Calm, now we can only wait for adults."

"I believe that after the arrival of the adults, they have good looks." Jiang Chunqiu said.

At the same time, we will compress our own power fluctuations to the extreme. Only in this way can we avoid the passage of time as much as possible.

And the people who think about the world of singularity are even more greedy with faces on their faces. The eyes are fixed on the two people.

At this time, Longfei entered the other side of the world.

Originally, on the way to falling, Longfei still captured the breath of Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun.

But just in the moment of coming into contact with the world under this abyss, an inexplicable opportunity erupted from the moment, and the body of Longfei was also involuntarily and was swallowed up.

It is also the world in front of you.

Here, there are craters and deep pits everywhere, which is more magnificent than what you saw outside.

Moreover, the entire space is also the power of stars.

All the stars are also constantly coming together to enter a huge stone monument.

At this time, Longfei also felt that in the system space, a force of inheritance began to struggle wildly. It seemed that he wanted to break through and break away from the management of Longfei.

Just, it is impossible.

Not to mention that it is only a force of inheritance. It is the true emperor's coming, that is, respect, and it is absolutely impossible to break free of the system.

"Sure enough, it is related to the thirteen emperors."

Longfei’s heart was shocked.

Because this power is the inheritance of a great emperor.

The Great Emperor.

After this force broke out, Longfei had not found a suitable inheritor.

Originally, I wanted to leave it to the Lord of the plane.

Just helpless, in order to deal with the Emperor Xuan, the Lord of the plane has already lost his life.

Except for Ma Gu and Fei Xian and the magic source, there is no one left.

Moreover, this power has been quiet in the system space, until now, it broke out.

And this also just proves that within this world, it must be related to the 13th Emperor of the ancient times.

Not only here, but also under the abyss of nine days and ten places.

As soon as I read this, Longfei’s eyes also flashed a few bright lights.

Long in the unknown, Longfei has already known from the Emperor Yantian that they are not dead.

Or, there is no real degeneration.

It is a conspiracy to plot something.

Long Fei has been searching for it when he entered the place where Wanjie intersected.

"Oh, no matter what you are, the so-called king before civilization, or the great emperor of the ancient world."

"Don't want to tie my footsteps." Longfei said in his heart.

Said, Longfei gaze, step out, and directly to the stone monument gathered by the power of the stars.

I saw this star above, the dragon and the phoenix dance a few big characters.

Falling stars, 陨 Wanjie, my life is like a fire.

In an instant, Longfei’s heart was shocked.



Even Lung Feifei was immersed in an instant, and it seemed that he saw a scene of a bonfire.

A roaring star, then angering the world, incarnation, no fire, burning the world.

What kind of domineering this kind of scene?

Even if they are between each other, this is a hostile relationship. Longfei’s heart also feels a little admiration.

At this time, on the whole stone, there are also some changes.

The power of the stars is swaying on top, gathering together into an unspeakable grain, like a stream of magma flowing through, making this stone monument instantly incomparable.

Longfei’s eyes are slightly stunned.

"Would you like to open it?" Longfei snorted.

I felt that with the change of the stone monument, the inheritance force of the fallen emperor in the body was once again uneasy, and I guessed that the existence under the stone monument in front of me could not hold back.

"In this case, then I will help you."

"Invincible punch, collapse!"

Longfei’s eyes were stunned, and he shot instantly and punched.



A huge sound came out, and the stone in front of it was also under the punch of Longfei.

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