The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4355: A shot burst!

The sound of Longfei was faint.

But this sentence, like death, controls life and death, cold and ruthless.

Especially at this time, a word.

Confirmed your eyes, you are dead.

Simple and overbearing.

It’s crazy to say it.


What is even more bizarre is that as the sound of Longfei falls, the changes in the whole world are more intense.

All the power of the stars, even crazy, began to dissipate in the void.

And the people in the world of stars, the breath of one body, began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Many people are even more than a moment when all the power is swallowed up and languish.

"No, no. This is my strength."

"Elders, help."

"The elders, kill him, kill him and we will be fine."

Crazy shouting, asking for help.

But it didn't work at all.

Because at this time, their elders are also difficult to protect themselves.

"Cough and cough!"

"Who are you? What have you done?"

The elders of the Xingyijie have a severe cough, and the whole person is aging faster, and it is directly cut off.

More than before Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu.

"Hahaha, oh, oh, yeah."

"I also put it in front of us, and said that we want to watch the movie? Wait for us to be repaired and swallowed up?"

"Now? Laozi is the person watching the movie." Wang Yun laughed wildly.

Everything was unhappy at this time.

Looking at the people who have already made the stars in the world, the heart is dripping.

This is the real reversal.

The power that originally acted on them, because of the arrival of Longfei, directly reversed the past and engulfed the cultivation of the native people of the Nebula world.

On the contrary, they have no influence at all.

"Ha ha ha, that's right."

"The grown-up is really an adult, not moving, a word, a look, a person who is a whole world."


Jiang Chunqiu has no lower limit of compliments.

And Longfei turned around and looked at the whole body and repaired them as two people who had already dissipated cleanly.

Looking at the changes in the world of the Nebula at this time, the heart is already clear, knowing what is going on.

Immediately, he took out Star Dan.

In an instant, the world roars.

The power of countless stars has erupted in the world of stars.

And those people in the world of stars and stars are even more screaming.

"Oh no!"

"No, please don't."

"Where is the king? King of the world, save us."

Their faces are full of helplessness and powerlessness.

Because the power of the stars that are raging in the sky is drawn from them.

Wang Yunhe Jiang Chunqiu also looked at the star Dan in the hands of Longfei, feeling the power of the above, and his face became very strong.

Longfei is also in deep thought.

"No, how can you have such a pure power of stars? Why, our star world is the master of the power of the stars."

The elders of the Stars and the World are almost crazy, crying wildly.

Then, as crazy, the hands continue to lead the void, want to take down the power of the stars.

However, it does not help at all.

No response.

It seems that there is no power at all to be able to be towed by him.

"Do not!"

For a moment, the elders of the starry world were desperate, staring at Longfei with anger and anger.

But Longfei simply ignored it.

He looked at the star Dan in his hand and guessed:

"There was still this operation."

"This Nima star is a world that is rooted in the world."

"And, this star-studded world is simply because of the ruins of the sacred practice. And the power they practice is nothing but the abandonment of the waste that is excreted."

Longfei thought of it and realized what was going on in an instant.

I feel the rejection of this star's power against the raging stars, and I think of the space where the former is located and the place where there is only one space-time fault, and then combine the means of the world's people to pull the power of the stars.

Everything is already understood.

It is precisely because of this that now that they control the Star Dan, the people of these nebula worlds will be weakened, and the power of the stars will be swallowed up.

"Ha ha ha, if I say this, I don't have to shoot, can this nebula world be directly destroyed?"

Longfei’s heart is a good one.

He has always been direct.

Simple violence is the most direct.

It is hard just.

But to destroy a world, even if he is strong, it will take some time.

But now, a star dan, directly brings him a surprise.

No sound, you can kill a circle between the fingers.

How strong is this?

At this time, the people in the world of Xingyi have completely gone to the confusion, the oil has dried up, and the whole body has been dissipated and turned into an ordinary person.

Longfei’s eyes were fortunate, and he looked at Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu and said faintly:

"Wait, I will reunite for you," Longfei said.

Then, Longfei's hands were printed.

Super alchemy, the method of refining the virtual.

Whirring whirring!

In an instant, the power of the raging stars suddenly became quiet, and the madness swept through the hands of Longfei, and then merged with each other, and finally became two medicinal herbs.

This is very fast and it is almost outrageous.

It's almost done in a blink of an eye.

This speed is Longfei, and they all feel shocked.

"I rub, in the end is the system burst out, this speed, but no one." Longfei thought.

What is the power of this star?

It is basically the cultivation of the entire nebula world.

It’s hard to count, but it’s a fusion of two medicinal herbs, only between the shackles. Who can say no?

On the other side, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu were also completely shocked by the means of Longfei.

"Adult. Is this for us?" Wang Yun asked tentatively.

I can't believe it at all.

"Of course it is for you, swallow it, your repairs should be able to recover, maybe even more powerful." Long Fei said.

He could not give two people to the star of the refining and refining.

But these stars power, Long Fei does not care.

"grown ups."

The two said, the eyes were excited.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry refining. When I destroy this star, we will do business." Longfei said, turning around, put the star Dan into the space.

Now, the entire world of stars, including the strongest elders, has become a waste.

In other words, this task of destroying the stars and territories is only the last step.

"You actually ruined my star world, you wait, my border king will let you refine your life, so that you are not as good as death." Star elders hate to say.

"Boundary king? Ridiculous. If you say the king of the kingdom is the existence of that layer of space."

"Then tell you very directly that he has been killed by Lao Tzu." Long Fei said, his expression was light.

Subsequently, a long gun appeared directly in his hand.

"Yu Xing!" Long Fei took a stroke with both hands and shot a long shot.

In an instant, a force of destruction broke out above the long gun and instantly fell on the starry world.



All of a sudden, the long gun directly into the starry world, the whole world began to burst into an endless roar.

The people of the entire comet are also swallowed up in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

At this time, the system's prompt tone sounded madly, and the series continued.


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