The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4360: Star demon

Let Longfei be a strange lover?


What's more, it is even more impossible for this kind of behavior to give people a head.

For a time, Longfei flashed a game vocabulary in his mind.

Report the local Beidou, and send a thousand miles to the head.

This is really too relevant.

Not far from the pursuit of thousands of miles, even the space of their own shuttle is wrong, falling in the world of stars, but also failed to escape the tracking of Beidou.

How can Longfei be as bad as he wants when he squats with a pole.


The dragon flew in the air and the eyes condensed.

The force of the flesh of the cockroach vented, directly killing the last drop of blood of the North Fighting King.

"Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing the king of the back, gaining 100000000 experience, the source value is 1000000 points, and the violent value is 1 point.”

The system sounds down.

Longfei’s heart was silent for a moment.

Sure enough, experience is suppressed.

If you put it before,

"System. Your sister's, even if it is not a boss, it is super strange, and it is so much higher than me, how can we experience so little? I have clearly used the strongest physical strength!"

"Even if you directly erase the super-weird this level of experience, can you still consider my experience?" Longfei heart in the belly.

Totally unacceptable.

Originally, I also thought about killing all the way and killing Wanwan.

The level is directly increased by several levels.

Unexpectedly, the system once and for all, directly to the end.

Even the level of the Northern Fighting King has given 100 million experience. Is there any missing king of the kingdom?

The more I think, the more uncomfortable Longfei’s heart is.

"Frenzy! Fury!" Longfei said, a look of resentment.

"Hey, the player started the violent success."

“Hey, congratulations to the player for the Big Dipper map.”

"Hey, congratulations to the player for getting a seven-star boxing, whether to practice."

The system prompts you.


Longfei said directly.

Qixing Boxing, Longfei has already seen it, and is connected with the Big Dipper map, directly mobilizing the power of the Beidou Wanjie.

Extremely horrible.

He is invincible and more powerful than he is now.

Longfei simply could not refuse.

Because with the increase of strength, many means can not keep up with his cultivation.

At present, in addition to the hand of the avenue, there is also a knife of the king's blade, and there is a nine-shot attack that has just burst out. Longfei can only use one punch and invincible.

But the invincible punch, after all, is simply the power of the flesh.

Let Longfei not feel the slightest feeling.

It can be said that this power is what Longfei wants.


With a flash of light, Longfei directly cultivated successfully.

“Hey, congratulations to the players for their success.”

When the system sounds down, Longfei only feels that his hands are full of explosive power, especially in the moment of being connected with the Big Dipper, the strength that Longfei can feel is instantly increased by a hundred times.

It seems that this world has been unable to withstand its own strength.

"I wipe, the power of the Beidou Wanjie, so arrogant?"

"How is the North Fighting King so garbage?" Longfei stunned.

This power is too strong, and it is not at the same level as the previous show of the North Fighting King.

However, in the thought of turning, Longfei’s eyes directly inspected the Big Dipper map, which was seen to be fundamental.

At this time, on the Big Dipper map, the villain condensed on each star is his own.

This is equivalent to saying that it is equal to eight of them punching at the same time.

"This is awesome. I am afraid that the person who respects the world will definitely not resist this punch?"

"And the woman, what about the goddess? If you can really see it, you have to look at it, who is stronger and more powerful."

In an instant, Longfei’s heart could not be reached.

Just a big word against the void, who else!

Of course, Longfei’s line of sight has never left the condensation of the portal.

So far, it is only 80%.

But the speed is getting slower.

Although Longfei is anxious, there is no way.

At this time, in the star demon world.

In front of the Star Palace, countless people have gathered.

Under the star demon world, people from all walks of life have arrived.

In addition to the kings of the world, there are some masters of the world, all gathered in the star demon world.

This time, they naturally received the call of the Star Demon King, came to the grand event, and waited for Longfei to be desecrated.

"A big big battle, let me wait for Wanjie to see a person's death."

"Even if he is dead, he is proud enough."

"It’s just a thief, and it’s not enough to die.”

"Yeah, a little thief, can die slowly after I have seen all the people's insights. It is also a kind of honor."

Under the star demon, the king of Wanjiejie, talking and laughing.

Now, they don't have to live or die at all.

Because, as long as the dragon flies, the Wanjie under the star demon world will advance directly, and there is no need to fight, so they can sit on the Diaoyutai.

So now, they are intimate with each other and seem to be friends.

It can be said that compared with other people in the world, it has been directly superior.

At this time, the figure of the king of the demon king suddenly came out from the Star Palace.

"I have seen the King of the World!"

Everyone screamed.

Incomparable worship.

In their minds, the king of the demon king is the existence of God.

The king of the star demon king waved his hand slightly, and the face was mad.

"Very good, no matter how long, etc., will be promoted, become the super strong world, the strongest."

The star demon king said.

"Ha ha ha, it’s still the means of the king."

"Catch the relatives of the thief directly and let him vote for himself."

"Yes, as long as the thief is dead, we can advance. It is all about the power of adults."

"Haha, big talents are the most powerful, what the world of beasts, what the world of Beidou is rubbish."

The people in the world of the stars and demon circles said.

At this time, several other super-strong people also followed behind the star demon king, looking at the scene in front of them, one by one is very incomprehensible.

Extremely unwilling.

However, there is no way.

Because the star demon king, it is really the sky.

Here is the only true God.

Where do they dare to say half a word?

"Ha ha ha, that's good."

"This seat is the true God here, it is the master."

"Any disobedience, in front of this seat, will be crushed into slag." Star demon king said, arrogant to the extreme.

At this time, in a corner of the Star Palace.

Two figures crouched in it.

It is the 丫丫 and Hong Qiu.

At this point, they have been mixed into the crowd and want to secretly shoot.

Of course, Hong Qiu is trying to shoot alone, and will not let the adventures happen. He has already linked the boat on the other side to his body.

"Big sister, don't, please don't."

"You are not their opponent at all."

I am pleading for it.

But where is her opponent of Hong Qiu, she can't break free.

"Oh, hey! Obedient, now is the time when they are most proud, I only need to rush."

"As long as you kill the King of the Stars, everything will be enough." Hong Qiu looked firm and shocked.

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