The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4369: Taboo force

Longfei's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared.

The higher the repair, the less the boss.

Especially after the system changes, it is even more difficult to get a boss.

Even the kings of Wanjie are not even a super strange.

Just like before, he was madly killed and shot.

The system is completely unresponsive, and even a little experience is not considered, and some are just violent values.

However, without bosses, no amount of violent value is useless.

Nowadays, the Star Demon King can directly become a boss, which is to quench his thirst for Longfei.

"Ha ha ha, cool, this time, Lao Tzu wants to see, such a hard-to-seek boss, what can burst."

In the heart of Longfei, the spirit is a hundred times, and the meaning of killing is even more sturdy.

Originally, the Star Demon King has done so many things, it has already been a dead end.

Now, the presentation of the property is even more of a boss.

Longfei is even more likely to let him go.

This is his character.

It’s impossible to let go of the boss.

"Little hybrids, see no, this is the power of this seat."

"Your brother, your woman, and the power of your son have been absorbed by this seat."

"Now, this seat is an invincible representative. Do you think you are still qualified to scream in front of this seat?"

"The ants in the ancient world, not self-reliant, still want to turn the sky?" The star demon king of the avatar star is even more violent.

A voice can make the whole void roar, just like the thunder and the sky, sensational.

At this time, Longfei also collected the long gun.

Although the rifle is a gun, it is not enough to face the boss.

Immediately, the Blade of the Kings appeared directly in the hands of Longfei.

"Not who's loud, whoever is arrogant."

"If you are invincible, can you still be a thousand years old?"


Longfei snorted and disdain.

"Ah, look for death!"

"Give me a swallow!"

In an instant, the king of the star demon king seems to be stinging by the dragon.

Direct anger, directly open the mouth, engulf the starry sky.

Below, Longfei's face is also certain, with both hands moving, holding the blade of the king of the king, directly throwing out a knife: "Crazy Dragon Town!"

Without any accident, it is skill.

The feeling of the Star Demon King to Longfei is extremely unusual.

Especially after the incarnation of the star demon, this kind of power makes the dragon fly feel a huge tear on the body.

It has produced a kind of blood resonance, which seems to be pulled out of the body.

Therefore, it is directly a knife.


A knife falls, the mad dragon is out!

The arrogant dragons screamed in the sky, and the scales radiated an endless scent.

Sweeping the world.

The body of the mad dragon is also in the vertical and horizontal direction, toward the star demon of the king of the demon king, reloading the past.

The face of the Star Demon King is also slightly changed, but only for a moment, it becomes crazy and greedy: "Is this your strength?"

"The king of the ancient world? Hahaha, I can't think of it, you are a thief, it is the king of the ancient world."

"But this is the best, wait for this seat to swallow your power. No matter what mysteries of the ancient world, it will be the contents of this seat, give me a swallow!"

In a flash, the more violent devouring power broke out from the star demon king, and his mouth was turned into a black hole, and the whale swallowed the sea.

Even the void was swallowed up by him, and the whole world was sharply narrowed between minutes and seconds.

It seems that it is insane to devour the entire area of ​​the star world.

At this time, Longfei was also involuntarily involved in the vortex that was swallowed up.

"I rub, is it so fierce?"

Longfei's face is also a big change.

How strong his physical strength is, he is too clear.

The power of the flesh can be arbitrarily obliterated by the general king.

Even if it was the king of the beasts and the king of the Beidou, the dragon had confidence and suppressed with the power of pure flesh.

However, at this time, even the power of the demon king of the Star Demon king could not withstand it.

How to make Longfei not shocked.

At this moment, Longfei’s heart was strange and not good.

There is also a brand new recognition for the King of the Stars.

"Crazy Dragon Town, give me a sigh!"

However, if you think about it, Longfei will definitely not be able to handle it.

The power of the Star Demon King is too strange. If you are swallowed up, you still don't know what is difficult to control. Longfei will never condone this kind of thing.

Therefore, in time, Longfei once again took a knife.


Suddenly, another mad dragon was born, suddenly slamming directly into front of the dragon flying, blocking the power of this devour.

Longfei seized the opportunity and pulled out and stood directly above the void.

At this time, the two tens of thousands of mad dragons, the power was directly swallowed up, and the two dragons gradually disappeared under the power of this violent devouring.

"Ha ha ha, how? Little beast, are you struggling again?"

"I don't believe in this seat, what else can you do?"

"And, this trick has no effect on me at all. How much you can come, how much can you swallow this seat."

"When your power disappears, this seat will see you in front of this seat, become a dog, and be the most humble star demon."

"Ha ha ha"

The star demon king is laughing and laughing, and his body is bigger.

It seems that this time, the devour, the fusion of the void, the power surged again.

Longfei’s eyes gradually flashed a dignity.

"Is it swallowed? Is this the rule of the star demon world?"

Longfei thought of it.

The more you think, the more likely it is.

Because now, the ordinary power has no damage to the Star Demon king.

And Longfei, there is no way to see all aspects of the Star Demon king.

Even if you want to find weaknesses, it is impossible.

After all, at this time, the king of the star demon king is too large, across the world, the naked eye can not see the beginning and end of this body.

For a time, Longfei’s heart began to think about the power that he now has.

"I have the power of the rules."

"But the second knife of the king of the kingdom, there is no way to unblock it now."

"Seven Stars Boxing is also a rule force, but it is impossible to face the rules of engulfment."

"What else??"

Longfeixin Center's thoughts are turning rapidly, and the eyes are constantly searching through the system, trying to find a force that contains rules.

Suddenly, Longfei’s eyes lit up, and in the system skills, a force that flashed the word forbidden was reflected in Longfei’s eyes.


"What is this?"

"System, when did I have the skills of 'forbidden'?" Longfei quickly linked the system.

"Hey, this skill is the 'Hand of the Avenue'. After the system is approved, this skill is too powerful, so it is set as a taboo force, and the player level can be used once. Moreover, the player needs to fill the energy to use the second time."

"Every time you fill, you need a force to rule."

The system responded.

Longfei only reacted at this time.

"The hand of the avenue?"

"Hey, I almost forgot this. Just this time, I will try it with the hand of the avenue to see how the system can be set as a taboo strength. How strong is it." Longfei thought secretly, slightly I looked up and said with a cold voice:

"System, start the hand of the avenue!"

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