The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4379: Undead beast

Guanghua circulates and disappears.

As time went by, the three dragons fell faster and slower.

At this time, the sky is dim and dark, and all the light is not here.

Looking into the eye, the whole is a dark world.

As if it is dark, it is the only theme here.

Not only that, this dark breath shuttles, and even the ability of Longfei's perception is declining, and there are alarms on the body.


With a cold cry, Longfei’s body was shocked.

A touch of fire appeared from the hand.

However, this light is only momentary, it is directly swallowed by the endless darkness.

No traces left.

Longfei’s eyes were condensed, not dying, and once again condensed a fire.

However, there was still no accident in the end, and it was extinguished instantly.

"Adult, this place is very different, this kind of breath, so cold."

"It seems to be the same as the power of the world of stars, even more overbearing. I feel that my life is shrinking."

Life is different from life.

Life is a illusory existence.

At the beginning, when he was still in the low plane of the ancient world, Longfei had refining Shouyuandan.

But at that time, everything was in the hands of the **** of destiny.

But now, let alone be yourself, that is, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu, just one, can dominate the ancient world. It was the original Emperor Xuan, who could not stand up in front of both.

In other words, they basically have an endless life.

Heaven and earth are destroyed and I am not destroyed, the sun is ruining and I am immortal.

Alternate with glory, has long been detached from the outside.

Who can control their birthday?

Who dares to stipulate their longevity?

But now, the strangeness of this place is actually consuming their life.

It’s Longfei, it’s not calm.

Moreover, Longfei also felt some kind of power, and he was constantly breaking through his physical defense and wanted to sneak into it.

If his physical strength is too strong, he will not be able to withstand it.

"Devouring life? Among the thirteen emperors, is there still in it?" Longfei was shocked and became cautious.

However, at this time, a re-enterment appeared, and a real space began to roar.




In an instant, countless space fulcrums collapsed.

An inadvertent, the figure of the three dragons fell instantly.

"I rub, is this going to be buried alive?"

Longfei’s heart moved, and one turned over and took back control.

Wang Yunhe and Jiang Chunqiu were not so lucky, they could not withstand the suppression of this power, and the body continued to fall.

Longfei’s eyes were extremely cold, and I wanted to see what it was, but I saw Jiang Chunqiu’s reaction, shaking his head and the body swooping down.

For a moment, Longfei held his hands together and pulled the bodies of the two to prevent them from continuing to land.

But at this time, it is a direct re-emergence.

Heavy pressure.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu, the body squats in an instant, spit blood.

It is Longfei, and it feels like a shoulder sinking, as if the entire sky has collapsed.

"I am Nima, it’s gone, isn't it?"

"I want to see if I am, what is it."

The dragon screamed with a sigh of relief, and a green glow in his hand reappeared.


This is what the system had drawn in the ancient world when it was in the ancient world. It has not disappeared.

Even more vigorous.

In the midst of the fire, it is connected with Longfei’s mind and continually jumps on Longfei’s palm.

This time, the entire dark space is also filled with light.

"Fire, hahaha, the fire is not extinguished."

"The things unearthed by the system are Niubi." Longfei’s heart was so cool, and his mind was moved. This fire was directly thrown into the void by Longfei.

In an instant, the fire will rise, the endless light will appear, and the glory will be dark, and the house will be cleaned up.

Any dark corners no longer exist.


And at this time, a roar of voice appeared.

Longfei was shocked and his eyes were slightly lifted, only to see an indescribable behemoth flooding the void.


Compared with the star demon of the Star Demon king, it is not too much.

Even more terrifying is that this behemoth is full of decaying power.

It seems that this is not a **** at all, but a death that has existed for more than a few years.

Wang Yunhe and Jiang Chunqiu also reacted at this time and gathered around Longfei:

"Undead? Undead behemoth?"

"Adult, what is this?"

The two were astonished and filled with fear in their pupils.

Seeing the cracks, staring at the behemoth above the void.

Longfei was indulged and silent.

Not that he didn't want to say it, but for this thing, he also didn't know what it was.

Even the system can't judge at this time, this is something.

There is no boss light, and there is no property introduction.

It is like this thing, it is not a living thing at all.

"Oh, the **** thing, I dare to smash the stars."

At this time, the behemoth spoke, and a terrible force broke out from the behemoth.

Longfei’s eyes became more complicated, because at this moment, he actually perceived three different forces from the undead beast.

The power of decay, the power of longevity, and even the power of the Nether.

For a time, Longfei was directly forced, and I wondered if I could understand it.

The undead beasts above the void can never give Longfei the time to think. After that, a pair of tentacles comparable to Tianzhu fall directly from the sky.




The three forces erupted instantly, sweeping the entire space.

When the dragon flies at the corner of the mouth, the cold breaks out and turns around. Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun are pushed aside. The backhand is straight, and the falling guns are shot and they are pierced.


Suddenly, a roaring bang, a huge tentacle moment fortress, an unspeakable substance fell from the void.

In the eyes of Longfei, there was a flash of disgust, a long shot and a stroke, and the awning was rotated to form a shield to protect his body.


The blood is drifting above the void.

With a strong corrosiveness, all the powers touched are annihilated as a powder under the power of this undead beast.

However, it could not touch Longfei at all.

Longfei grabbed the mans to isolate, just like the world, the law does not invade.

Moreover, above the void, the power of the fire is also an instant deflagration at this time, it seems to be the anger of Longfei's heart, the light is more hot, and the world is burning.

It was only a moment that these forces were directly melted and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Longfei’s mind was set in the middle of his mind, and he was ready to take the initiative.


"It seems that the ancient emperor was not as simple as I thought."

"The power of the three emperors can be merged into one, and, this is a bit of a slap."

"However, just like this, no matter how much power you have, you can't stop Laozi's footsteps."


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