The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4382: Still give the old man a burst!

Long Fei took a deep breath and looked at the changing bodies of the three emperors.

It was a completely unexpected change.

Originally, relying on the suppression of the world's fire, coupled with the violent violent storm of the Seven Stars.

Longfei thought in his heart and took it away directly.

As a result, it’s pitted!

Unexpectedly, contrary to what he thought, instead of exploding, he let the other party undergo a second evolution.

At this time, there was a burst of violent laughter in the void:

"Ha ha ha, little bastard, would you like to thank you?"

"Do you think our strength is so bleak?"

"We are just relying on your strength to help us get rid of the direct separation of power."

"Now, the three of us are united in strength. How do you fight?"

In the corpse of the three emperors, a voice came out, and the tone was full of ridicule.

Longfei’s eyes are gloomy, and he looks at the past and instantly captures this property.

I saw that at this time, the original huge three emperors disappeared.

Instead, it becomes a three-headed monster.

Three heads.

Above each head, you control a force.

Above the left head is the power of longevity.

In the middle, it is the power of the Nether.

The right head is the power of decay.

A three emperor.

Similarly, the introduction of attributes has begun to change.

"Three emperors: 亘 ancient level + boss."

"Blood volume:????"

"Defense: one trillion."

"Skills: the power of the Three Emperors."

"Special skills: the power of the Three Emperors."

Seeing the system's redefinition of the attributes of the three emperors, I immediately understood.

One corpse, one body!

The difference between words is two levels that are completely different.

Moreover, it is finally known that the blood volume description of the three emperors was given infinitely +.

What the **** is meant.

It turned out that this has long been doomed, the Three Emperors corpse, is basically not dead.

Even if it is violent to the end, it will become the three emperors.

Therefore, there is no blood at all.

"Nima, is there such a singer?" Longfei felt sick in his heart.

Even if it is initially faced with the three emperors, Longfei will not have the slightest resistance and fear.

However, the three emperors still have to use the power of Longfei to change.

This makes Longfei feel like he is in the throat and feels sick at home.

At this time, the three emperors were on the emptiness, and they burst into a violent smile.

"Ha ha ha, boy, you are still too tender."

"Do you know what you are facing?"

"Three great emperors, do you know?"

"Is it the three ancient emperors of the world?"

"Even if it is God, it will tremble under this power."

"You, in front of us, is a little ant, want to pinch you, and do it."

Very violent, extremely embarrassing.

In every voice, there is a sense of sight that is high above.

Like all beings, in front of them, they must bow down.

I have to tremble.

They can only continually plead for the general.

In an instant, the dragon flew, and the backhand explored, if the fire directly turned into the initial fire, return to the hands of Longfei.

But the entire space is still a bright light at this time.

The fire of the world, the world can be shrouded, can not shine this space?


"grown ups."

"How many people are so powerful, how can we do it?"

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu came to Longfei next to him.

Everything that happened before, they are in the eye.

Originally, they thought that Longfei was invincible and they could destroy each other in an instant.

I did not expect that the situation broke through.

Yes, the changes in the three emperors, in their eyes, are a breakthrough.

Because of their concept, there is no such thing as a change.

But what really scares them is that the power of the breath after this change is completely different from the previous one.

There is no comparison at all.

Even if they have faced the strongest star demon king, in the face of this power, they can be ignored.

The horror of the three emperors, the terror of the three, has already made them feel uncomfortable and feels dying.

However, Longfei is not moving, and there is no confusion.

Instead, the body is even more exciting.

"How come? How can I do it? Of course I did it."

"Use my power to change, don't even think about it, where is there such a good thing under the sun?"

"They dare to use it, I will dare to burst!"

Longfei said quietly.

Killing the sky.

Moreover, let go of everything, in the face of such a head, beyond the ancient boss, let Longfei let go?

Totally impossible.

Moreover, the other party is still the ancient emperor.

That's more than just hard.

"Hey, laugh at me? Kid, haven't you seen the situation yet?"

"Breaking us? What?"

"Use your small to poor traffic?"

“It’s just a joke!”

However, the three emperors in the void did not agree at all, one by one cold face, looking at Longfei with a disdainful look.


Longfei was screaming, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense. Between the backhands, Qixingquan shot again, and a punch was more violent than a punch.


The seven punches are violent, all the power, gather a little.

There is only one goal, and that is the three emperors.

But at this time, the three emperors were moving.

Nearly ordinary people, the size of the three emperors, the same glimpses of a force in the eyes.

It's like a laser.

But the power is different.

Puff puff!

Six ray of light, directly colliding with the seven-star boxing force that Longfei bombarded.

But this time, it did not cause a large-scale burst.

The power of the Dragon Flying Seven Stars was instantly annihilated.

"Hey, boy, are you doing this too?"

"If you do it again, are you absolutely useful to us now?"

"The worm is a small skill, and it is annihilated."

The three emperors opened their mouths and were full of disdain.

Longfei's gaze is also a condensation.

Shocked in my heart.

For the power just now, Longfei asks himself, even if he is facing the star demon king, in the case that the star demon king does not display the rules of the star demon, he can instantly become a meat mud.

But now, even the other party is easily broken.

"Crazy Dragon Town!"

Longfei once again issued a knife.

There is no hesitation.

"I don't believe that Laozi, you three old things, still do not die, give me away."

Longfei’s eyes are like one, the cold awning is flashing, the hand is bound to the king’s blade, and the output is crazy.

However, the results remain the same.

The tens of thousands of mad dragons can't nearly reach the body of the three emperors, and they collapse directly in the void.

"Ha ha ha, little beast, come, come on!"

“Waste is waste, and this power is also rebellious?”

"The Emperor has long said that if you don't respect it, you will die. You will give up your struggle and sacrifice your body. This emperor will let your soul become a ghost!"

The voice of the Three Emperors is orderly, and it is even more arrogant after annihilating the mad dragons in the town.

And Longfei, the anger in his heart has been thoroughly stimulated at this time.

"A three-headed monster, what is it?"

"Is there really no means for Lao Tzu?"

"What about the Three Emperors? How about the integration of power? I thought there would be no way for such a young man?"

"I want to kill you, that is, Dragon Ba is alive, and I can't stop it!"

"Even if it is evolution, it will burst!"

Longfei’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and the indifference said.

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