The dragon fluttered and the hand of the boulevard crashed down.

Countless rhymes, one million, one burst directly.

Under this power, the three emperors were directly crushed down.

"Do not!!!"

"I hate, don't kill me, I will make you a dog, and I will listen to you forever."

"Give me a life, I will help you get rid of the control of adults."

The three directly asked for mercy.

The moment became a threat.

However, useless!

The hand of the avenue has fallen, and there is no possibility of reversal.

For a moment, after the three people opened their mouths, the entire head burst under the pressure of the hand of the avenue.

Directly crushed to death.

At this time, the power of the hand of the boulevard began to slowly dissipate.

As for the result, Longfei has already thought of it.

There is no doubt at all. This kind of refining system is defined as the existence of taboo power. It is not necessary to get a boss.

"Hey, congratulations to the player 'Dragon Flying' to kill the boss three emperors. Get 15 billion experience, get the source value of 1.5 billion, and the violent value is 1 point."

“Hey, congratulations to the players for their longevity.”

"Hey, congratulations to the player for the rotten refining palm."

“Hey, congratulations to the player for getting the Nethered Bone Fingers.”

The sound of the system keeps falling.

The three rays of light flash directly into the system space.

The breath and strength of these three weapons have long since surpassed before.

The power radiated from the body is much more powerful than the chaos sword.

More importantly, these three forces are the personal methods of the three great emperors, some are weapons, and some are exercises.

A ratio of cattle.

Compared to before, this is definitely a big explosion.

Among the eyes of Longfei, it is also a fine flash.

"Frenzy!" Longfei opened again.

For him, the violent value is the second welfare.

Especially this time is still beyond the ancient boss, Longfei is even more impossible to let go.

Subsequently, the bluntness of the system reappears:

“Hey, congratulations to the players for their longevity.”

"Hey, congratulations to the players for the power of the Nether."

"Hey, congratulations to the players for their decay."

This time, the violent violent, directly bursting out the power of the three great emperors, rolling around.

Suddenly, Longfei’s eyes were full of fineness.

The power of the Three Emperors, this can be exactly equal to the strength of the three ancient scorpions.

Lost to 丫丫, small invincible and Zhang Yue, can definitely let their power instantly trace the source, and go one step further.

But this power is too violent, it seems that there are air machines in which the three forces are integrated, which is already impure.

In one thought, Longfei moved his hands again.

In the twinkling of an eye, Super Alchemy starts directly, purifies the three forces, and directly removes the excess impurities.

After a while, the three medicinal herbs were directly formed.

Each one has a superb and incomparable power.

"Hey, before a star dan, unfortunately, I haven't found anyone who has passed down the inheritance, or it is a matchless force." Longfei thought.

But my heart was watching the drug, and my heart was still moving.

Especially this time, it turned out that the power of the three great emperors broke out directly.

It is even further away from Longfei who wants to unlock the power of these thirteen emperors.

"There are nine, and the next is the Beidou world!"

Longfei thought in his heart.

The reason why it is the Beidou world is also the setting of Longfei.

Because now, the Big Dipper map is in his hands.

It is equal to saying that Longfei directly controls the Beidou world.

The star demon enters it, there is power to pull in the midst of it, and there is no need to travel long distances with the aircraft.

At this time, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu are already close.

No words at all.

A deep face.

"Adult, or we will return to the Long Ting to practice."

"Yeah, adults, feeling like being with adults, we are a burden."

The two said.

Longfei did not agree.

Lightly shaking his head and saying:

"No, you are more familiar than me in the heavens and the world."

"I never expected you to shoot."

"At most, let me know who the opponent is." Longfei said.

Extremely frank.

Suddenly, the two were like a crit.

The face suddenly turned into a pig liver color.

Very painful.

They looked at Longfei with a look of helplessness, and a self-esteem was tyrannical.

Longfei looked funny and said:

"But don't worry, I have prepared for you."

"The power that broke out before, though not for you."

"The three emperors are just like a good thing, waiting for me to make Dan."

Said, Longfei shot again.

The three emperors, although the three emperors have been transformed, but the three forces are intermingled with each other, and they also contain immeasurable power. Refining and turning into Dan can also make the two go one step further.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu’s eyes brightened and looked forward.

Looking at the movements in the hands of Longfei, the corners of the mouth are constantly squirming, full of desire.

The more powerful you are, the more you are eager for strength.

Especially after following Longfei, watching Longfei violently and violently, they can only be a spectator on the side, let them feel incompetent.

Therefore, when Longfei gathers strength for them.

I have been deeply involved and my eyes are shining.

At this time, two medicinal herbs have appeared in the hands of Longfei.

Under the super alchemy, it is easy to condense the body of the three emperors.

After Dan Cheng, Long Fei also subtly perceives that the power of this is indeed a very strong atmosphere. But for Longfei, there is no attraction at all.

"Give you, then you will practice temporarily, I will go to the Beidou world." Longfei said.

But the voice did not fall, and suddenly there was some kind of induction in my heart, and suddenly looked up.

I saw that, above the sky, the sky suddenly collapsed, and a fire suddenly fell from the sky.


The flames burned the sky, burning a void, extremely violent.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu's face changed: "Phoenix?"

The two opened their eyes and their eyes were all together.

And Longfei, the heart is also suddenly at this time, and instantly excited.

A figure floating up in my mind instantly emerged, very clear.

"Young Master."

"Jojo can"

"Young Master."

The memories of the scene swept through, and the eyes of Longfei could not help but emerge.


The first woman in his life, the most ruined, is also the woman with the deepest memory.

For many years, it has finally appeared.

This is a kind of induction between Longfei instinct. He believes that this phoenix will never appear here casually.

Since it appears, it must be related to Jojo.

For a moment, Longfei put away all the momentum, faintly greeted the past.

At this time, the flames gradually became the real body, and it is undoubtedly a phoenix.

"You are Longfei?"

The phoenix opened his mouth and looked awkward.

It seems that Longfei is not in sight.

Longfei's face is also a change, a word appears in his mind.

The person is not good!

"Mahjong! For Jojo, Laozi endured." Longfei forced his heart to anger, said faintly:

"Yes, I am Longfei."

However, the next sentence is to let Longfei, between the moments, anger and anger.

"You are right, this king is coming to report today, my father Jojo, will choose a couple after half a month."

"But thinking of you is also a hyena that he used to, let me inform you, don't forget to go."

When the phoenix finished, he laughed and then left.

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