The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4388: Is this enough?

Falling into the void, endless.

A portal is a mystery, and it is extremely mysterious.

And Longfei, at this time, there is no scruples in his heart, with Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu, step into it.

And with the disappearance of several figures, this portal is also a momentary change, as if it is integrated with the whole world of Wanjie, directly attributed to nothingness.

At this time, in the Phoenix Valley.

In a mysterious space.

The ancestors of the Phoenix family also suddenly opened their eyes and were full of shock:

"Impossible! There is absolutely no power in this world that can lock my Phoenix Valley!"

"who is it?"

"I was able to pull the ancient brand on the Phoenix Valley and lock it directly."

The ancestors of the Fenghuang family were surprised and completely unbelievable.

However, this strange color has not completely disappeared. In front of his eyes, a statue like a phoenix stone sculpture suddenly trembles.




Suddenly, the entire stone sculpture began to collapse, as if it was attacked by some kind of power, directly into a powder.

At this moment, the face of the phoenix ancestors changed:

"No! Who is it?"

"Who's power can actually reverse the guardian power before my civilization?"

"Who is it?"

In the hysterical ancestor of the phoenix, the whole person was in a state of panic, and the power of the road escaped from him and wanted to pursue it, but he could not find any trace.

The phoenix ancestors who had no reason to seek fruitlessness were furious, and the whole face was gloomy:

"It seems that there is something out there in this world."

"Do you want to repeat the battle of the road before civilization?"

"In this case, you can't wait any longer. Nirvana Holy Fire, this seat must be obtained."

The phoenix ancestors said with a sullen face.

Then, suddenly walked out of the space.

One flashes.

Directly appear in the top of the Phoenix Valley.

"Choice, start!"

The ancestors of the Phoenix said.

For a moment, the whole phoenix valley began to sensation.

"Haha, have you started? The Phoenix Virgin is Lao Tzu."

"You also match, don't look at what you are, my family has not yet opened, do you get it?"

"Roll, just the rookie of your family, and also want to compete for the Phoenix Virgin. I think you are eating a bear and a leopard."

In an instant, the tongue war begins directly.

Originally, among the six circles, you can still remain calm.

But just in the moment when the phoenix ancestors opened up, everyone was crazy.

Without it, in their worldview, who can get this success.

It means that it will be married to the Phoenix Valley.

At that time, with the power of the Phoenix Valley, the combination of the two forces can directly invincible.

Even, can stand shoulder to shoulder with respect.

Who can resist this temptation?

But the young masters of the six realms, at this time, are not looking at each other, their faces are very cold and incomparable.

No matter who you look at, it is full of hostility.

At this time, the governor of Phoenix Valley went straight to the front and went to the void.


At one click, the whole world was suddenly silent.

Even the most joyous couple of quarrels were speechless at this time.

Because, in this sentence, there is a direct murder.

In a word, let them shut up.

"This time, my phoenix woman chooses a Taoist, naturally I want to pick the strongest."

"As everyone knows, I have a phoenix valley, and I used to have the foundation before civilization."

"So, this time, my ancestors will open this prehistoric place."

"And, in this place, it contains the prehistoric power of my family. Whoever can get it is a Taoist who can become a saint of my family."

The management of the Phoenix family said faintly.

Finally, add another sentence:

"And this is what I said before for you. This is what Zun and my ancestors meant."

"If you want to quit, you can leave the Phoenix Valley now."

The management of the Phoenix family said faintly.

When you are finished, just step back.

And in the next moment, the people in the six circles below, once again violent:

"Retire? Impossible, who is who is a grandson."

"Ha ha ha, prehistoric secrets? Niubi. What is the secret of prehistoric times, who will retreat?"

"As long as you are stupid, you will retreat."

"Phoenix elders, needless to say, open it directly, I can't wait."

This time, it is the young master of the Six Realms.

This news, for them, is simply too violent.

Moreover, they seem to have known a few eyebrows in their hearts, without any shock, and some only expect.

In the distance, the management of the Phoenix Valley, seeing this scene, a smile on his face.

Immediately, the body moves and directly transforms into a super phoenix.


With a long scream, the entire phoenix began to spurt an endless flame in the void.

And this is just the beginning.

Just after this person, one and another phoenix soared into the sky, and Wan Feng took a fire, just like a pilgrimage.



And under this power, the entire Phoenix Valley began to violently roar.

Immediately, a huge phoenix illusion appeared in the sky.

It is like the illusion of a million flames.

In the most central position of this phoenix illusion, it is a vain gateway.

The atmosphere of the ancient vicissitudes of life was shot out from it.

It seems that after this door, it is another world.

"Okay, you can go in."

"But this time, only the young people from all walks of life can enter. Others,,,,,"

The management of the Phoenix family said.

Although this sentence has not been finished, everyone has already understood the meaning.

That is no qualification.

However, no one has dared to jump out and refute.

In the eyes of the six masters of the Six Realms, they all looked at each other and did not expect such a rule.

However, none of the six people spoke and looked at each other. It seemed that they were waiting for the other party to enter.

Yes, at this time, a figure plunged directly from the rear, without hesitation, stepping into the void portal.

This person, not someone else, is Xuan Tian.

With the figure of Xuantian into it.

A few people can't hold back anymore, and they will be rushed up in one eye.

But also at this moment, on the side of the phoenix virtual shadow.

The three figures went straight out.

Long Fei’s gaze was swept away from everyone.

"Who is the ancestor of the Phoenix family, let the Laozi get out!"

Cold and ruthless.

Just come up.

For Longfei, the practice of the Phoenix family also touched his bottom line.

Therefore, the practice of negotiating with a good tone does not exist at all.

"Let's go, dog things, even dare to disrespect the Phoenix ancestors."

"Hey, who do you think you are? Too arrogant."

"I really don't know who is giving you the qualifications, so it is so arrogant."

"Come, come and give me this person."

The six mains of the six circles quickly said.

The voice can't be dropped.

Above the void, Wang Yun suddenly moved.

Directly punched out.


A few of those who wanted to shoot, for a moment, were directly smashed by Wang Yun.

"too weak!"

"On your own, dare to fight against my family? I dare to swear."

"It's really looking for death."

"As for your qualifications? Now, is this enough?"

Wang Yun said with disdain and indifference.

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