The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4390: Dragon scale movement

Long Fei said faintly.


What can I do?

Even for Jojo, Longfei will not refuse.

"Adult, this. Be careful with conspiracy." Jiang Chunqiu's face changed.

Thoughts like them.

They are all old monsters who have lived for countless years. Naturally, they can see that the ancestors of this Phoenix family are definitely not good birds.

At this time, I heard that Feng Fei was constantly advised to let Longfei enter it.

They have already guessed that there is a conspiracy.

"Yeah, adults, why not talk nonsense with him, just do it."

Wang Yun’s temper came up, his madness was high, and his fighting was high.

But Longfei is shaking his head.

No matter what else.

Just for Jojo, Longfei has to go in and go.

For the sake of the brightest, he will take Jojo away.

Let the heavens witness the test.

In the heart of Longfei, this is what he owes to Jojo.

I owe a promise and owe a future.

Therefore, this time, Longfei has made up his mind to give Jojo an identity under the watchful eyes of the heavens.

"Don't worry, it's just a secret. If I want to go, this group of wastes will add up, and I won't leave me!" Longfei said.

Looking up, I glanced at the phoenix without a phoenix.

Straight into it.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Phoenix ancestors directly showed a meaningful smile, which seems to be a conspiracy.

Immediately afterwards, the Phoenix ancestors turned directly and looked at the six kings below:

"Now, it's your turn."

Then, the ancestors of the phoenix moved with their wings, and a flash of fire rushed directly to the figure of the six people and directly into the portal.

At this time, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu also retreated to the side, staring indifferently at the Phoenix Valley:

"Old things, if there is a slight loss of my family, I want you to bury the Phoenix Valley." Wang Yun violently opened his mouth.

Although I know in my heart, with the ability of Longfei, even if the whole Phoenix Valley is dispatched, it is not necessary to leave Longfei.

But now in this Phoenix Valley, he still has no good feelings in his heart.

Moreover, the heart has long been eager for a war, releasing the war in the heart.

So I didn't want to let the dragon fly in.

How hard is it?

However, he never knows, Longfei’s feelings for Jojo.

I can only scream at this time and vent my anger.

Jiang Chunqiu is also a face of indifference.

He is different from Wang Yun and his mind is more transparent.

"Calm, since the adults have made a decision."

"And, indulging in a war, it is only a matter of time. Imagine the world of stars and demon, these people dare to treat the mother, do you think adults will let them go?" Jiang Chunqiu mouth sneer, faintly said.

Wang Yunyi listened, and the war in his eyes was once again high. Looking at everyone, the color was even worse.

But at this time, a fire suddenly burned around the two people.

"Is this seat for you? Two things that don't know how to live and die."

"Since you want to see the means of this seat, then this seat is as you wish today."

"God is burning."

The ancestors of the phoenix had a haze in their eyes, and their hands suddenly lifted up, without the slightest call for action.

"Old things, even sneak attack!" Wang Yun was furious.

It’s even more crazy, and it’s a direct punch.



A fist fell, and the infinite flame began to spread.

"Is this a means? Phoenix ancestors, but this is the case." Wang Yun said.

A look of arrogance.

The war in the eyes is even higher at this moment.

But the voice just fell, but the ear came directly to the voice of Jiang Chunqiu:

"Old war, be careful!"

Jiang Chunqiu instantly opened.

Wang Yun’s face was still with a sullen smile. He heard Jiang Chunqiu’s voice and suddenly turned around:

"I rely on your ancestors!"


The smile on Wang Yun’s face disappeared directly.

Suddenly punched again.

However, it is already late.

The endless flames swept over and drowned his body in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the phoenix ancestors in the void are also screaming:

"Not self-reliant. How powerful is it?"

"No one can stop my fire."

"And, let me go in. As for Longfei, you don't have to think about it. This seat has been arranged for the slaying of the squad. He is best to die in the secret."

"Otherwise, once it comes out, this seat wants him to scream."

"Ha ha ha!" Phoenix ancestors laughed wildly, and the flames suddenly climbed between them, and the figure of Jiang Chunqiu was also wrapped.

At this time, Wang Yunhe and Jiang Chunqiu, who were inclusive of endless fire, were constantly shooting.

The amount of violent violence in the road is raging.

But I can't get rid of the shackles of this flame.

However, their power is also extremely powerful. Even if this flame is called to be extinct, they will not be able to kill them for a while.

"Old devil, old and not dead is a thief."

"However, don't be your spring and autumn dream. If my family is out of it, it will be when your Phoenix Valley is annihilated." Wang Yun was angry and sullen, and he did not care.

Even if it is in the scourge, it is as violent.

"Oh, then wait and see. Rest assured, with your strength, you can burn it for three days under the fire of this world."

"After three days, it is time for you to be destroyed."

"If Longfei's little hybrid can come out within three days, maybe you can still see the scene of his tragic death in the hands of the seat. Hahaha!" Phoenix ancestors are very self-satisfied, and they have everything in their minds. It seems that everything is in her. In the same control, I don’t think so.

At the same time, the people of Phoenix Valley are also awkward.

Looking at the two people struggling in the fire, like looking at the clown, laughing wildly.

But all this, Longfei does not know.

At this point, after entering the portal, Longfei directly became another world.

An unprecedented impact is directly impacting the eye.

"I wipe, prehistoric world?"

“Is it really a prehistoric world?”

Longfei’s heart is also a shock, and the scene in front of him is a shock that has never been touched.

Compared with the original, Longbatian let him see the impact of the evolution of the ancient world, but also tyrannical.

Here, the stars face, huge.

Here, the mountains are connected to the sky and the sea and sky are integrated.

As it is, everything has never evolved, with a breath of the most primitive.

Even here, there is no such thing as the ability to absorb refining.

Everything is filled with endless sense of absurdity.

"No, the old things of the Phoenix family will never be so kind, let me see the world before history."

"There must be an unexpected existence here."

"But, what is it? Where is it?" Slightly sinking, Longfei suppressed the horror of his heart and meditated.

At this time, it has been silent, like the dragon scales that have been annihilated, but at this time there is no reason to start shaking.

Longfei’s heart is moving, and the mind enters the system space:

"Dragon Heaven!"

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