The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4394: Direct beating

In the roar, a fire burns the world.

Directly smashed the six phoenixes that swallowed up the power of the six worlds.

Brush it!

All of a sudden, the fire burned the sky.

The figure of the six phoenixes is also changing under this fire.

“Bathing fire is reborn? Is it still getting stronger?” Longfei’s eyes condensed.

Originally, it was incredible.

I feel that the Phoenix family is really unexpected for this day.

I thought that such a ceremonial ritual should be able to catch a boss.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be constantly strengthening the six phoenixes in front of us.

For a time, let Longfei have some doubts in his heart.

"Phoenix family, what are you playing?" Longfei thought of it.

What happened in front of me was a bit beyond the imagination of Longfei.

In Longfei’s anticipation, after the sacrifice, it should be this prehistoric secret, when all secrets are revealed.

However, I did not expect it to be the opposite.

He thought that this Liu Zun phoenix was for sacrifice.

But now it seems that they are fulfilling them.


At this time, one of the six phoenixes suddenly screamed.

Violently change direction, directly toward the dragon fly, whistling.

In an instant, Longfei suddenly jumped out of the void year.

"Nima, this is trying to engage me!"

With a roar, Longfei couldn’t think too much and just avoided it.


Just as the dragon's figure disappeared, the fire of the phoenix burned instantly.

Only one moment.

Longfei will be wrapped in flames.

For a moment, Longfei’s nephew was also indifferent.

"Nima, it’s all over, right, Laozi just got here, it’s aimed."

"Now, I will combine your strength with these six phoenixes and also for Laozi. It seems that you want to do things with Laozi."

"If this is the case, then give it a try."

Longfei’s heart also gave birth to a real fire.

Originally, because of the scale of the dragon scale, Longfei still wants to make a fortune and make a lot of secrets.

Unexpectedly, there seems to be a will in this mystery, and I can't always go with myself.

Keep doing things.

Directly destroyed the plan of Longfei.

However, since it has already been exposed, Longfei does not want to continue to hide.

Since the oriole can't do it, just go straight to the hunter and hunt everything.

Said, Longfei body shocked.

A punch!


Fist out like a dragon, violent to not.

The body of the eclipse reached its utmost at this time.

Without mercy, he slammed into the endless sea of ​​fire and punched out the phoenix.


a punch.

Phoenix is ​​arrogant, and it is the same as the strength of Longfei.

A scream.

Very fierce.

And Longfei, did not intend to stop this, directly step forward, the two hands directly put this phoenix in the hands.

Pull your hands together!


The phoenix wings were directly broken by the dragon fly, and countless phoenix feathers fell.

However, this phoenix is ​​a power, there is no entity at all.

After being killed by Longfei, it disappeared directly.

Even the experience did not give a point.

But now, Longfei has not cared about this.

"Come on, isn't it for Laozi?"

"There are five phoenixes."

"No, **** phoenix, the phoenix between heaven and earth is only the woman of Laozi, you are all flat-haired animals."

Longfei said arrogantly.

As said, Longfei’s eyes were cold and went straight ahead, pouring into the center of the deep pit.


At this time, the five phoenixes also began to be crazy, attacking the dragon fly.

The body emits endless flames.

Between the whistling, as if you want to wrap the dragon fly in the center to melt.

However, this kind of power is of no avail to Longfei.

The flesh of Longfei has already merged with the roots of the avenue, and it is the power of the market.

Every power is the strongest.

Now it has been developed to a near-extreme state.

The flames in the area will not cause any harm to him at all.



A flame continued to spray on Longfei's body.

Can the dragon fly face not change color, proudly said:

"Come on? Continue."

"Mom, no matter what you are, I dare to target Laozi, and I will never give up."

"When Laozi has killed these animals, let's see what kind of existence you are." Long Fei said.

The strength of the body condensed.

Double fists!


The breath of the incomparable explosion radiated from the body of Longfei, and the infinite flame was instantly blasted by the air waves formed by the dragon's breath.



Countless flames are directly annihilated, and even the five phoenixes, under this power, fly directly out.

The phoenix feathers on one body began to slide down. In the twinkling of an eye, they became a hairless phoenix. The strength of the whole body was under the attack of Longfei, and the smoke disappeared.

And Longfei, the pace is still.

In the same way.

One by one, tearing directly.

Simple and rude, there is no pause.

After doing all this, Longfei’s figure has come to this deep pit, looking at the crater below the square and laughing, his eyes are cold.

This crater is the source of all power.

Whether it is the power that you want to target yourself and suppress yourself.

Just now, let these phoenixes take their own shots, all from this.

In other words, as long as you break through this prehistoric mystery, all the mysteries will be solved.

In the midst of silence, Longfei stepped forward.

As for the six empty kings who have been swallowed up in the void, and who are dying in the flames, Long Fei looks too lazy to take a look.

Go directly to the crater.

"The secret of the Phoenix family is it."

"No matter what you are, the Phoenix is ​​the first phoenix between heaven and earth."

"Today, it’s unfortunate to get rid of Lao Tzu." Long Fei said, the whole body condensed on a punch and then slammed out.


A violent explosion appeared.

The entire crater was knocked down by a dragon.

This time the entire prehistoric burial ground was completely submerged by the flames.

Numerous residual bones are directly turned into powder.

And Longfei, under this huge impact, is constantly retreating.


The fire is over the sky and it is raging.

The whole world is filled with the atmosphere of destruction.

In this world of endless flames, Longfei is standing tall and straight, not at all confused.

This kind of flame is really strong.

It is Longfei, who feels the speed of power running in the flesh, in order to resist the power of this violent destruction.

"Sure enough!"

"No wonder the Phoenix ancestors will work hard and dig up you."

"But it's a pity. If you don't want to count on Laozi, maybe you still have to succeed."

"It is a mistake to let Laozi come in."

"You never have a chance to be born."

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