The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4397: Poor picture

Entering the world from Longfei, the control system begins.

Xuan Emperor is an old enemy.

Destined enemy in destiny.

Constantly shuttle the plane, constantly overturning the extreme, in order to finally destroy the Emperor.

Even the true Emperor Xuan is dead.

But now looking at this staring at the Emperor's skin, possessing the memory and emotions of the Emperor, also makes Longfei intolerable.

What Phoenix body, Longfei has not careed.

Just after the death of Emperor Xuan, is the top priority.

So for a moment, Longfei chased it directly.

At this time, with Xuan Emperor and Longfei tearing the void.

The entire prehistoric mystery also began to collapse.

The phoenix in the bath fire also suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.


The next moment, the phoenix fire suddenly rises to the sky, and the entire mystery is completely burst.

At the same time, at this time, in the Valley of the Phoenix God, the portal floating above the void suddenly broke down at this moment.

The entire illusionary phoenix disappeared.


The figures of Longfei and Xuantian appeared one after another.

However, there is still a little phoenix **** valley in front of you, and it has long been a world of fire.

And Longfei, at a glance, found Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu.

At this point, the two are being wrapped in flaming flames.

The body has begun to crack.

You must know that the two men’s current strength can be comparable to the Star Demon king.

In the world of Wannian is also the existence of a general.

This kind of cultivation is ruined by this flame.

It can be seen that the means of the Phoenix ancestors are absolutely not ordinary.

Only the ancestors of the phoenix can display such power.

Otherwise, with the other existence of the Phoenix, it is simply not enough for Wang Yun to kill.

"Is this going to be bloody?" Longfei stunned.

The entire Phoenix Valley has become a flame world, with endless flames everywhere.

And no accident.

Under the burning of this flame, everyone except the Phoenix people did not have a way to live.

Even at this time, there is no one in the Phoenix family.

Only six people in the world are struggling in the fire.

There is also a wreckage that has almost been burned to ashes.

Moreover, this is not considered to have died, turned into fly ash.

It can be seen that this time the Phoenix Valley is really moving.

Not only him, Xuantian is also looking at his eyes.

"Hey, chaotic thief. The old things of the Phoenix family. It really started!"

“Yu Zun said it was good.”

"However, everything is under the control of honor. You are going to die!"

"You are waiting to be suppressed." Xuandi is indifferent.

The expression of Longfei is also a condensation at this time.

For the respect, the heart is also a high point.

But for the killing of Xuantian, it is still not reduced.

This is a kind of hatred imprinted on the bones, even if it is a flaw, it is not the original, Longfei can not bear.

One thought of this, Longfei stepped in a foot, looking coldly at Xuantian.

"Play and play, make trouble, don't make fun of Lao Tzu."

"You die when you die? You are the king of Jurassic?"

"Even if you are a scorpion, Lao Tzu also gives up the gods." Long Fei said.

What he is most accustomed to is this high-spirited attitude, as if everything is in their hands.

And Xuantian, at this time also looked at Longfei.

"Dragon, don't be arrogant."

"Even if the Emperor can't kill you today, but you want to engage in Emperor? There is no such thing."

"Not in the prehistoric secrets. When you get here, you can't do the same."

"Your means can't keep the Emperor, the Emperor wants to go, no one can stop it." Xuantian laughed and hated the sky.

Whether he admits not to admit it is not an opponent of Longfei.

Even if you get some kind of power related to Kirin, it won't work.

Therefore, now Xuantian does not want to fight with Longfei.

At this point, he only wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

Anyway, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, although not the body of the Phoenix, but for him, it is enough.

During the talk, Xuantian had already wanted to retreat, and the crystals in the pyramids in his hands flashed instantly.

Suddenly, all the flames are like a cliff. Just outside the body of Xuantian, they are extinguished directly.

Longfei’s eyes lit up and his eyes instantly locked the crystals of the pyramid.

This thing, the feeling of Longfei is not ordinary.

It seems to contain some kind of power that is not known, and it is exactly the same as the mysterious feeling of his hand.

Suddenly, Longfei’s mind suddenly flashed through the words that the Star Demon King had said before his death, and his heart was clear.

Don't think about it, this is definitely something that is respected.

In an instant, the dragon's eyes are in full bloom.

An impulse breeds in your heart:

"Can't keep you? Then the old man will annihilate the whole space, and will puncture the entire Phoenix Valley to see if you can leave you." Longfei said in a cold, faint.

After that, in the hands of Longfei, the long gun reappeared.

The ability of individual combat, the blade of the king of the king is more than a multiple of this round gun.

But the true power of the fall is reflected in the destruction of the world.

Just like the beginning, a shot broke the star world.


Just do it.

Without hesitation, Longfei shot a shot.

Directly blasted to the highest point of the Phoenix Valley, the gates of the two phoenix wings.



Under one shot, the symbolic land of the entire Phoenix Valley is broken directly from the middle.

And the entire Phoenix Valley, as it changes at this moment, began to violently tremble, as if the entire Phoenix Valley had to collapse.

The face of Xuan Emperor changed.

"Dragonfly? Are you crazy? Don't forget, the Phoenix ancestor is still here, your woman is still here, and your brother, don't you want them to be buried with you?" Xuandi roared, The face was panicked.

This moment.

Even if he holds the treasure of God, he can no longer completely isolate the erosion of this flame.

Not to mention tearing the void and leaving.

Because the entire Phoenix Valley, there has been a complete riot.

Coupled with the layout of the Phoenix ancestors, everything here has long been confused, the space has been fragmented, and there is no complete time node at all, which allows him to exert strength to tear the space.

"They won't die."

"The fire of the Phoenix people in the district can not kill the people of Laozi."

"But you, you will die today." Longfei snorted.

For Xuantian, I don’t think so.

If Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu could not bear such power, they would not be able to follow Longfei.

As for Jojo.

Can the flame burn the phoenix?

Stop it!

So, now everything, killing Xuan Emperor is the only idea.

But at this time, thousands of phoenixes appeared on the entire Phoenix Valley.

As in the array, one by one hovering high and constantly screaming.

Longfei also looked up sharply and looked at the phoenix in Putian, and his eyes changed:

"Is the picture poor?"

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