The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4399: Infinitely resurrected phoenix

It’s hard to stop killing, and it’s fierce.

After the cold and cold response of Longfei, it is directly shot, the world, the sky.

Every punch is the ultimate in strength.

Boom! Endless flames are flying, floating in the sky.

Under the strength of Longfei, it dissipates directly.

Among the dragon's eyes, there is only one, that is the Phoenix ancestor.

. However, the ancestors of the Phoenix did not move from beginning to end, the huge body of the Phoenix, suppressing the void.

"Hey, do you think your strength can really destroy my family?"

"Then you don't know if my phoenix family is not dead?"

"With your strength, how can you kill them."

"Carry, let me rise again!"

The ancestors of the phoenix screamed and screamed.

Immediately, countless flames erupted.

A bang of the phoenix screamed again.

Then, a phoenix appeared again.

It was the Phoenix people who had been bombarded by Longfei.

Longfei’s eyes were condensed and stood in the void.

"Are you alive?

Are you still alive? ”

"Impossible, even if it is not dead, but the system has already decided to die, how can it still live."

"Never impossible!"

Longfei’s eyes are full of doubts.

The phoenix has an undead attribute, and it can return to the heat of the Nirvana.

This is what Longfei knows.

However, this kind of thing is also a rigid requirement.

That is, the phoenix is ​​only dead, but not annihilated.

However, Longfei believes that the power that has just erupted from it is absolutely nothing left in the **** that bombards a phoenix.

How to resurrect under this kind of payment?

How is Nirvana?

However, the facts are in front of us, even if Longfei does not believe it, I have to admit it.

"There are some means, but what about the resurrection?"

"Resurrection, Laozi will kill again."

"See how many times you can resurrect!"

But in the blink of an eye, Longfei adjusted it, and his eyes were cold and the killing was revived.

Resurrected, and then kill.

In the interpret, Longfei shot directly.

The Blade of the King of the Kings whispers to the heavens and the earth, and a statue of the singer is coming out.

Moreover, it is not one, but ten, white, and thousands.

Boom! At this time, between heaven and earth, there was also a very shocking scene.

The whole world has become a battlefield between dragons and phoenixes.

However, this group of phoenix is ​​not an opponent of the dragon at this time.

Just a few times, the phoenix group was directly smashed by the dragon, roaring and roaring, and died for the second time.

The power of the mad dragon town community also dissipated.

Longfei looked up and looked at the ancestors of the Phoenix: "If you see no, just like this, you can be resurrected and how can you?"

"You can erase between the backhands."

Longfei said indifferently.

At this moment, the body is rising to the phoenix ancestor.

But at this time, in the void, in the infinite flame, the phoenix of the sky reappears.

The second resurrection.

And in the eyes of Longfei, there was also a change at this time.

At the corner of the mouth, Qixingquan shot again.

In a word, directly kill.

"Haha, kill it."

"Every time you kill, they are born again, and the stronger they are."

"This seat is to see you, when can I kill."

The phoenix ancestors sneered.

I don't care about the killing of Longfei.

At this time, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu appeared again.

Just, the face was flustered.

"grown ups!"

The two directly rushed into the battlefield.

Wang Yun directly replaced Longfei and launched a crazy killing.

One punch and one punch.

The war of war and the breeding of killings seem to be the means of phoenix ancestors before revenge.

And Longfei, also pulled out and looked at Jiang Chunqiu.

Instinct, Longfei has a bad feeling.

The mind is as active as Jiang Chunqiu is actually a look of depression, thus, the results have no need to think about it.

"Adult, we searched the entire Phoenix Valley, but we did not find the mother."

Jiang Chunqiu said.

There are cockroaches on my face.

Originally, they were refining the power of the three emperors in the beasts of the beasts.

I thought I could accompany Longfei to fight for Wanjie.

I did not expect that the first battle was smashed.

Burned directly in the flame for a day and night.

If it wasn't for the flight of Longfei, they would have to be ashes sooner or later.

In addition, the things that Longfei directly ordered were not done well, and they even felt embarrassed in their hearts.

In particular, Wang Yun’s coming out of this battlefield is a big old man who directly rushed to the past and left the endgame to him.

And Longfei, the heart is also a shock.

"did not find?"

"The whole Phoenix Valley is so big, but the territory of hundreds of thousands of miles is not found?"

Longfei speaks to himself.

The more uneasy in my heart.

Everything he came here to do was for Jojo.

Even Jojo’s own person can’t find it, and Longfei’s heart is full of worry.

One thought, Longfei turned directly and looked at the Phoenix ancestor: "Old devil, where is Jojo?"

After a heavy drink, the killing of the sky is brewing in the lines.

At this point, Longfei has already moved the real fire.

Between the look up, the face is stunned, and the eyes are also scarlet.

"Ha ha ha, want to find your woman?"

"Yes, as long as you kneel for mercy, this seat will open the net, let you finally look at your woman, how?"

"Hey, are you not arrogant?

Isn't it possible to do anything for your woman?

That part of the house is to see if you can kneel for her. ”

Phoenix ancestors said.

Full of fun.

"Oh your ancestors, wait for Lao Tzu to explode you, throw you directly into the adults, and see if you are still pretending."

Not waiting for Longfei to open, Wang Yun has been angry and open.

Crazy warfare raged and roared out.

Then, it was a more violent attack, and the phoenix that was head and head was directly torn in Wang Yun’s hand.


In the blink of an eye, but a few breaths.

The overwhelming phoenix was killed for the third time.

At this time, the phoenix ancestors are still calm, and the face does not change color.

Looking at Wang Yun, I look at the clown.

Full of ridicule and drama.

At this time, Wang Yun did not care about it. Under the urging of his heart and infinite warfare, he took an angry shot and went straight to the ancestors of Phoenix.

"Wang Yun!"

Longfei must have a pair of eyes and a big drink.

The figure is also suddenly rising from the sky.

Although Wang Yun was violent, the power of the Phoenix ancestors was too strange.

Even if he does not dare to face it easily.

Moreover, until now, there is still a look of fearlessness. Longfei is worried that this kind of bombing will only want to block Wang Yun.

However, it is already late.

At the moment of Wang Yunchong’s rise, the ancestors of the Phoenix directly became human beings, and in their hands they were in control of six extremely horrible flames.

"A king of the district, dare to let go in front of the old man?

When you are in the world, your world has not yet been born.

Give me death! ”

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