The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4403: Crazy devour


Longfei is even more crazy, raising the blade of the king in his hand, is crazy waving.

However, all the power is lost.

It's totally useless.

There is no force at all, and all the forces will disappear without a trace.

"Ah! No!"

Dragonfly, the scorpion is already hoarse.

In a state of extreme anger, among the eyes, it becomes congested.

Scarlet, like blood.

Terror is incomparable.

This scene fell in the eyes of the ancestors of the Phoenix, and even laughed: "Is it angry?"

Waste stuff. ”

"You still want to provoke the foundation of my Phoenix Valley?"

"Not self-reliant!"

Phoenix ancestors ridiculed.

Full of contempt.

For Longfei has been unconcerned.

At this time, with the resurrection of the Phoenix people one by one, Jojo's body directly became illusory.

It seems that the power of the Nirvana Flame has been exhausted.

For a time, Longfei is even more crazy.

All this, he is looking at it.

Every change in Jojo is like a long gun, piercing his heart.

Especially at this time, the breath of Jojo’s body disappeared in an instant, and it made the dragon fly in the heart, which was extremely painful.


Longfei lost his heart and fell into tears in his eyes.

A pair of fists are weakly bombarded and want to break free of this bondage.

However, there is no response at all.

"Dragon Heaven, help me!"

"I know, you must have a way to break free of this bondage, right."

"Let me your strength."

Longfei hooked up the system space, and the madness of consciousness poured into the dragon scales.

But the result made Longfei completely disappointed.

no response.

Long Ba Tian seems to have never appeared in general, without any response.

There isn't even one fluctuation, it seems to have disappeared.

Longfei knows that Longbatian has not been able to count on it.

"No, there must be strength."

"These kings have not had the courage to touch me."

"Now, their power can bind me?

Never possible! ”

Longfei’s heart is constantly thinking.

Lock directly on the system.

"Level, still need to be upgraded."

"If I upgrade now, the power of this **** can be broken."

Longfei looked at the experience of the distant future, and his mood sank to the bottom.

Undoubtedly, as long as the upgrade, everything is not a problem.

However, everything is now too late.

The 700 billion experience is simply impossible.

Suddenly, Longfei’s eyes must be locked in the experience of the system.

Aside from the ones that were swallowed up before, and left to Li Yuanba and others, there are still seventy-eight.

"One medicinal herb is 30 billion, 700 billion, I only need 23!"

Longfei’s eyes crossed and looked up to the Phoenix ancestors.

Then, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: "No one can insult the woman of Laozi in front of Laozi, so today, you must die."

Longfei snorted.

Nor can the phoenix ancestors hear it.

After that, the crazy fire in the eyes burned directly.

Immediately, one after another, the medicinal herbs are swallowed directly into the mouth.

In a flash, five medicinal herbs were directly swallowed.

The experience, visible to the naked eye, directly soared to 150 billion.

However, the action of Longfei did not stop at all, and the five medicinal herbs were taken out again.

Directly devour one more.

But at this time, the sound of the system immediately appeared: "Hey, the number of experience Dan can bear in the current stage of the player's body is five."

"Continue to take it, it may cause the body to be unable to carry, please consider carefully."

The system sound appears.

The alarm appears directly and the warning light rang.

The sounds of the cymbals converge and slam in the ear.

But now, Longfei simply can't listen.

The woman who looked at him with his eyes was fragrant in front of himself.

It is impossible.

Even if it is dead, to fight for the last hope, Longfei will not hesitate.

And Longfei, in the moment of swallowing this medicinal medicine, can also feel that a crazy force is raging in his body, filled with his bones and flesh, even in the caves and meridians. They are all crazy and crazy.

Even, there is an intuition in Long Fei’s heart, that is, if you continue to swallow it, the flesh will collapse.

But Longfei, no choice.

Even if he is dead, he has to fight.

Immediately, another medicinal herb entrance.

This time, the feeling is even stronger.

The power of madness directly makes the dragon fly and not want to live.

Almost every inch of the skin is filled with a burst of sensation, as if it is going to burst out of the body.

"Hey, the player is in a dangerous state, please stop the swallow immediately, or the body may burst."

"Hey,,,," the system sound came again.

Can fly, the heart is a cross.

"Are you a wool, can you resist the skill of Laozi?"

"You have your rules of the game."

"But Lao Tzu also has his own counterscale."

Then, Longfei directly cut off the connection with the system, and there were seventeen medicinal herbs in the hand, and seven of them were swallowed up, just enough for him to upgrade.

At this time, above the emptiness of the Phoenix Valley, the Phoenix ancestors watched the flying behavior of Longfei.

Initially, it was shocked.

Because the power contained in this experience is too horrible.

Even if she is, she has a desire in her heart.


"You are just looking for death."

"With your current body, you can't bear it.

Devouring the drug?

Do you think you can upgrade now?

It’s simply an idiotic dream. ”

The ancestors of the Phoenix did not agree at all.

The behavior of Longfei is, in his opinion, an idiot.

The strength of Longfei is here, I want to upgrade, think about it with my feet, and I can think of how difficult it is.

Moreover, the power contained in this drug is that she feels horror.

Longfei has been bleeding under this power and can't bear it.

To continue, I am looking for death.

Longfei, for these words, simply turn a blind eye and listen to it.

In his eyes, a crazy color blooms, and then, suddenly, swallowed directly.

Seventeen medicinal herbs, one after the other, were directly swallowed by Longfei.

At this time, on the body of Longfei, there was a slap in the air.

Similarly, with the appearance of this light, Longfei's entire person directly became a blood person.

Even if his flesh is already invincible, in all these days, push everything.

Under the power of this violent experience, it cannot be tolerated.

Skin, tendons, bones, and inch.

It is simply unable to withstand the impact of this power, and the whole person has almost collapsed.

At this time, the sound of the system suddenly appeared: "Hey, the player is swallowing too much remedy, beyond the limits of the body, and the body is about to collapse."

"Hey, the player can choose to consume the power of the body and neutralize, can consume power, Star Dan, Changsheng Dan, Nether Dan, Rotten Dan."

The system sound appears.


Longfei said directly.

At this time, his body has reached the edge of collapse. Once the body collapses, whether his soul can be preserved is a matter of words.

Moreover, even if the soul can be preserved, we must start all over again.

In this scene, Longfei is absolutely unwilling to experience.

So make a direct choice.

"Hey, congratulations to the players refining and refining the stars, Changsheng Dan, Netherland Dan, Rotten Dan."

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