The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4407: Nirvana third fire

Yuan Feng’s voice finally came out.

Like the transformation between life and death, the soul of the deaf.

It is Longfei. Under the voice of Yuanfeng, I feel that the soul is actually shaking.

It seems that Yuan Feng’s voice is out of the world, and above this civilization, people can’t resist it.

Even, Longfei felt that if he didn't own the system, he might have no courage in this voice.

"who am I?

Lao Tzu is you! ”

"A long time, I don’t know how long it is, I want to jump out of the way?"

"In the beginning, you should destroy you in your hands and let you die on the Kirin arm of the old man."

Longfei said coldly.

As a passerby, the monks do not have dirty words, and the cliff is a self-sufficient skill.

Moreover, Longfei dared to guarantee that these words, Yuan Feng, could not understand a word.

Sure enough, after Longfei finished.

Yuan Feng’s expression was first and foremost, and immediately became extremely embarrassing.

Although he could not understand the sentence behind Longfei.

But the first sentence can still be understood.

"Kid, you are looking for death."

Yuan Feng sounds indifferent.

Especially when the last dead word falls.

The whole figure once again turned into a phoenix, and the crazy impact.

But Longfei, the corner of his mouth moved.

Instantly punch again.

This time, it is the three emperors.

Or, it is Longfei who blasted three punches in an instant.

Longevity punch, decaying fist and genie boxing.

These three forces have interoperability to some extent, and at the same time they work together to complement each other.

Even these three punches converge directly in the void.

"Making eggs, Phoenix?

Not dying? ”

"The old man will take your life, kill your soul, decay your body, and see how you can't die."

Three punches blasted, and the figure of Longfei was also a step forward.

Jojo, who is in the midst of the Nirvana, is tightly guarded behind him.

Jojo has already resisted him for him. This time, he said that Longfei will not let Yuanfeng hurt Jojo.

At this time, the three dragons of Longfei finally collided with the power of Yuanfeng in the void.

I saw that the three forces were directly integrated into the flame of Yuan Feng.

Hey! Yuan Feng is also a crazy shot.

Every time a shot is made, it is a flame.

In an instant, the three flames directly confronted the three punches.

Boom! A large blockbuster of roaring explosions appeared one after another.

But Longfei, at this time, there is a touch in the eyes.

Because it was only a moment, the power that was blasted by him was directly swallowed up by the flames.

Did not cause the slightest wave at all.

It’s just like a cloud.

Lian Yuanfeng did not hurt a hair.

At this time, Yuan Feng’s face also showed a sigh of relief: “I don’t think that this civilized person can actually cultivate to the body of creation.

Moreover, it also has the power of the last civilization? ”

"It seems that you should be the descendant of the old dog of Longbatian."

"However, it is still not enough to see."

Yuan Feng said proudly.

His eyes are low and his eyes are squinting.

Full of contempt and disdain.

Longfei eyes must be, sinking down.

Never thought about it at all, Yuan Feng actually has such a strong strength.

"Impossible, according to the truth, now he has no Nirvana success."

"The key point of his Nirvana is Jojo."

"And Jojo's current strength, he did not touch at all.

Therefore, he is not a real creature at all. ”

"Yes,,,, why, if there is no success in Nirvana, will he still have such a strong force?"

The dragon fly center center thinks to turn quickly.

I don’t understand it at all.

Even if the Phoenix family is going against the sky, a existence that has been annihilated as early as hundreds of millions of years ago, can there be such a force without Nirvana?

This is simply not possible.

Otherwise, what kind of battle did the civilization have, and what happened to Dragon Heaven?

This Yuanfeng still waits until today to be Nirvana?

I have long established a common world, created a civilization, and used it now?

The more I think, the more I feel in the heart of Longfei.

I always feel that something is wrong.

But at this time, Yuan Feng shot again.

Moreover, there is still a rush of expression in the eyes, and it seems that I want to solve the problem of dragon flying.

Longfei didn't have time to think more, and between the backhands, he punched directly.

At this time, the power of the flesh is the only reliance of Longfei.

Moreover, Longfei does not believe that his physical strength has reached the level of creation, and he can't resist Yuanfeng.

boom! Longfei's eyes are horizontal, and all the distractions are put down in the heart, and the power is brewed to the extreme.

Then suddenly attacked.

Hey! In an instant, one person and one phoenix collide directly in the void.

In a flash, the whole void has become extremely embarrassing.

In the middle and the cross of the flame, the figure of Longfei is up and down, changing rapidly.

Punch and punch from his hand.

Almost all the power was used.

But Yuan Feng is also tyrannical, simple and rude, just constantly bombarding the power of the flame.

The boundless Phoenix **** feathers are washed in the void, and each time the wing is falling.

It is the endless flame power falling.



Rumble! The more you fight, the more brutal it is.

The phoenix **** valley, which has become a ruin, is once again caught in the **** of the two under the power of the two.

Any traces of a little bit no longer exist.

Even Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu are simply unable to withstand the spread of this power.

Can't hide in the distance, waiting for anxiety.

"This,,,, adults should not be in danger?"

"What kind of existence is this, it is so violent, just relying on the power of the flame, the adults will be forced to this extent!"

"Hate, we are purely ants in front of this kind of power, and we can't help a little."

Jiang Chunqiu kept sighing and shaking his head.

Although Wang Yun did not say a word, he sold him like a face.

At this time, in his heart, only unwilling and self-blame.

However, it is useless.

He is even more aware that even Longfei is struggling to face it. If he goes up, he will be burned into **** in an instant.

In other words, at this time, they can only watch, and they can't help a little.

Time to fight.

In a blink of an eye, it is a few hours past.

Longfei seems to be tireless and fighting wildly.

From heaven to the ground, from the void to the nine.

It seems to be a tireless machine, always entangled with Yuan Feng.

At this time, the atmosphere of Yuan Feng is getting more and more violent.

A will to death, bursting out among his power.

Moreover, it is becoming more and more violent, as if to destroy everything.

Hey! Between Longfei and Yuanfeng, the two men’s attacks finally stopped.

"Ha ha ha, I understand."

"It turns out that the old things of the Phoenix ancestors simply don't know."

"This will make your Nirvana fire on your body."

"Or, you are the third Nirvana fire."

"In this case, I will explode you anyway!"

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