The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4411: Tiger mouth

Respecting the condescending, standing in the world.

In the heart of Longfei, it was shocked at this time.

This is his second time, hearing the vocabulary of the Lord of Civilization.

As soon as he entered this world, Longfei knew that there was a civilization before the existing Wanjie.

The current Wanjie is just a cosmic state in which the victorious people re-enacted in the battle of civilization.

There is no accident. At this time, the Lord of civilization, which is said to be honored, has already been shown.

Zunjie is the winner of the year.

Only in this way can we be qualified to be the master of a generation of civilization.

But this is not the key. The most important thing is that this power is almost supreme.

Impeccable in general.

The power of Longfei was directly crushed at the moment of confrontation with this palm.

Without any accident, it was shattered in an instant.

“How could it be so strong?”

"Complete suppression, how does Nima fight?"

Longfei’s heart can’t be calm.

It is the face of Yuan Feng that does not have this feeling.

It is completely a feeling of powerlessness.

As the gap at the level of the hierarchy is generally suppressed.

Take it now, it’s completely violent, and it’s the strongest force in creating the flesh, but it’s an understatement.

For a time, Longfei was in a mess.

"No, this Nyima is a super bug."

Longfei’s heart is not depressed.

This level is completely beyond the scope of his current strength.

Even if it is an adventure, it is not an opponent at all.

Thinking of this, Longfei Jianmei is slightly wrinkled.

It is impossible to give up until now.

Yuan Feng must be exploded.

Because at this time, Jojo has been nirvana, and if there is no such power to destroy the fire, Nirvana is very likely to fail.

"No, you can't wait."

"Even if you can't do it, you must first explode Yuan Feng."

"This way, in order to let Joe Joe Nie."

Longfei’s heart is extremely anxious.

In the face of respect, his heart is really powerless.

The power of dignity gives him endless oppression.

At this time, Xuan Tian’s arrogant laughter came again:

"Ha ha ha, can't you?"

"The Emperor has said long ago that you are a waste in front of adults."

"Even if you kill the Phoenix ancestor, what can you do with the phoenix of this last civilization?"

"Everything is in vain, but it is for the adult to make a wedding dress." Xuantian laughed.

The panic and loss of his face were replaced by smug.

The eyes are shining with the fine mans.

Incomparably excited, it seems that Longfei is a big worry, and will be killed in the next moment.

Longfei raised his head slightly and burned in anger.

The words of Xuantian are like a sword, hanging down.

Let the anger of Longfei’s heart burst out instantly.

“A dog walking is also qualified to yell in front of Laozi?”

"What do you think you are?"

"Weigh the emperor, don't make a face. The original Emperor Xuan, if you know that you have fallen, completely become a dog, it is estimated that you can climb out of the grave."

"It’s a pity that the smoke that has already been played by Laozi has disappeared. Don’t say that the grave is the loess, there is no one." Longfei said.

Go back directly.

But the eyes are constantly drifting.

Look for opportunities for Yuan Feng.

At this time, Yuan Feng’s figure has gradually begun to change.

It seems that it has really dried up.

Start ablation in general.

The body that has been condensed by the fire of extinction has been unable to continue to support and is about to rupture.

This moment, whether it is Longfei or respected, is a move in the eyes.

"Ha ha ha, Yuan Feng, the first phoenix in prehistoric times? Hey, the gift that the Tao has given you will become the object of the deity!"

"Give me a melt!"

Devoted to laughter, with both hands moving, directly control the fire of extinction in the hands.

At this time, Yuan Feng’s body also quickly dissipated.

The entire face was covered with shackles and twists.

Diligence, two interest,,,,

Time passes quickly.

But time has not passed, Yuan Feng’s breath is getting weaker, just blinking time, Yuan Feng

And Longfei, a tight heart.

"It's now!"

In an instant, the dragon flew up.

Whether it is an opponent or not, you must take it.

If Yuan Feng died in the hands of Zun, do not say whether he can report respect.

Even if it is explosive, it will not necessarily kill the fire.

Therefore, there is no time to consider Longfei.

What Longfei can do is only war.


Longfei quickly punches.

It seems to be tireless.

Six punches are a punch.

Overwhelmingly, desperately exerted.

It’s just a blink of an eye, and the whole world is full of boxing.

"The tiger mouth eats food? The dog thing is not self-reliant."

"I just dare to rob the true soul of the Phoenix with this seat?"

"Get out!"

Respected and shouted.

Don't put Longfei in your eyes at all.

Just as the shadow of the sky is about to approach him, his eyes are stunned and two shots are shot.


Just like this, a loud noise appeared.

The shadow of the sky is disappearing without a trace.

Directly imprisoned with a glance.

"Do you dare to force yourself in front of the deity in this simple way?"

"The representative of the civilization is the invincible, the master."

"As long as you are a creature in this civilization, then you are a dragon, and you have to give it to the deity." Zun said proudly.

The eyes are full of contempt.

However, at this time, Xuantian’s voice suddenly appeared:

"Adult, there are scams!"

Xuan Tian exclaimed.

And Zunyi also reacted at this time to withdraw his sight.

The next moment, anger is unstoppable.

Because the moment I was just shooting, the body of Yuan Feng, who was consolidating in his hands, disappeared.

Moreover, it is not someone else who is shooting, it is what Longfei does.

This is the intention of Longfei.

Since Ming knows that he is not an opponent of respect, so in the moment of the shot, the purpose of Longfei is to confuse the audience. Distracting the attention of respect, and for yourself, it is against Yuan Feng.

"Hahaha, you are so powerful."

"You are arrogant, not the same, you have to drink Laozi's foot wash."

"What if I am not your opponent?"

"This thing, in front of Laozi, does not belong to you."

Longfei laughed loudly and did not wait for the dignity to respond. With the body of Yuanfeng, he instantly returned to the flame.


"However, do you think that you can escape the means of this seat?"

"Too naive." Zun's face was raging and his eyes were stunned.

A killing of the word, from the scorpion.

It seems that being played by Longfei has already angered his majesty.

No forgiveness.

Between the words, it is directly shot, and it is pressed against Longfei.

Longfei’s eyes must be fixed, and the body has not stopped. He feels that the pressure of the sky is falling from the sky.


For a moment, Longfei felt his bones creaking.

It seems that under this pressure, it will be broken.

"Do not!"

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