The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4414: Burst out of the sky

Longfei’s crazy shots did not hesitate.

Because of this third knife, there is only one knife.

It can only be applied once before the fourth knife is unsealed.

In other words, his chances are only once.

Fortunately, this knife did not disappoint Longfei.

The whole form is reversed.

Before, in the presence of respect, his power is like a child.

But now, the dragon is out.

It is respect and only struggle.

boom! The thundering knives of the sky, the fall of a knife, slashed on the body of the respected, as if to be smashed into minced meat.


"Dog things, you are dead."

"Do you think you have decided to respect the deity?

This is just a avatar of the deity. If you dare to do it, the deity guarantees that you are the nine! ”

Said with anger.

At this time, under the power of the anti-Dragon, he has a knife mark.

The power of the body is constantly broken.

Coming soon.

Longfei’s eyes are still indifferent.

But in my heart, it was a stormy wave.


Is it just a avatar? ”

For a time, Longfei felt the head of the incomparable.

I thought this was the last boss. As long as it was gone, this star river was bound to be rampant.

I did not expect that it was just a avatar.

"Nima, is it so strong?

Is there anything reasonable? ”

“Can you still have fun playing?”

Longfei’s heart is resentful.

But the movements on hand are still constant.

The threat does not exist.

Even if it is a avatar, Longfei will not let go.

"Hey, my nine people?

It also depends on whether you have this ability. ”

"Today, Lao Tzu can explode you. The next time, you will destroy your deity."

Long Fei Zhen Zhen said.

Not at all.

Let him think?


Especially this demeanor, almost killed his life, cut off Jojo's nirvana opportunity.

Now I want to let Longfei let go with one sentence?


In Longfei's dictionary, there is no fear of two words.

If anything is scared, it is impossible for Longfei to have it today.

As soon as I read this, Longfei’s eyes must have disappeared, and all the worries of the wandering disappeared. The sorrow that was born before the heart was also instantly disappeared: “Is it a detachment, and I can’t stop anyone.”


After heavy drinking, Longfei made all efforts, step by step, stalking the edge of the king, directly to the side of the respected by Lei Guang.

With the advent of Longfei, the whole dragon is violently violent.

More violent power broke out, and the body of honor will be blocked.

The scales are directly peeled off, and the growth of the knife is accompanied by the action of Longfei.

"Do not!"

Respectful roar and his eyes roared.

However, it is simply futile.

The power of the anti-dragon is the practice of the system.

Especially this knife, the power of the Thunder is extradition from nothingness, there is no slight relationship in this world.

It is the power of dignity, and it is impossible to break free.

Be restrained.

Boom! In an instant, seven long knives with inverted scales were directly bombarded on the body of Zun.

One size fits all! And the blade of the king of the dragon in the hands of the dragon, also fell in this moment, directly cut on the head of the respected, a knife dagger.

Suddenly, the whole world was in a state of silence.

All the sounds disappeared.

It seems that time and space are still.

The only thing that exists is Longfei’s ancient knife.

"Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing the devotees.

Gaining experience of 50 billion, the source value is 5 billion, and the violent value is 1 point. ”

The system sounds abruptly stopped.

And Longfei, his eyes suddenly widened.

Unbelievably, the mind is directly immersed in the system.

"System, how about you playing me?"

"Well, even if you are very strong.

But can't you ignore my experience so well? ”

"So strong boss, you give me experience?"


Longfei looked resentful.

It is totally unreasonable.

Even respect is only a avatar.

After all, it is too strong.

This level, if it is not the third knife of the king of the king is successfully activated, there is absolutely no possibility of defeating the victory.

Therefore, for the system is so harsh, only exploding experience, Longfei feels extremely unhappy.

However, the system does not respond.

There is no response at all.


Long Fei said with hate.

For the system, there is nothing to help.

After all, even if this respect is stronger, it is only a avatar, and it is impossible to explode.

However, just this experience, Longfei is really upset.

Only with the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, open the violent.

What makes Longfei unexpected is that the sound of the system reappears: "Hey, congratulations to the players for their civilization."

"Hey, congratulations to the players to kill the super boss, get the system special reward: lucky halo."

The sound of the system fell.

After the violent storm, there are two more things in the system space.

Although there are only two things, Longfei’s eyes are already very hot.

Directly locked in the system's second surgery: "Civilized brand: after refining, break away from the Wannian civilization, not bound by the power of civilization."

"Lucky Aura: Players can arbitrarily specify, disposable items."

Seeing the moment of this second technique, Longfei’s heart is not calm.

"Ha ha ha, civilization imprinted."

"Extreme, are you not arrogant?

Isn't it just that you are the master of this universal civilization? ”

"When Laozi refining this power, the power of your civilization, I will repress my son."

"At that time, I have to look at it, how can you force it!"

Longfei is excited.

Not cool.

Before being suppressed by Zun, there was no resistance at all, which made Longfei’s heart almost collapse.

Now, with this brand of civilization, it is directly equivalent to the fundamental disintegration of the power of respect.

It is not enough to fear.

At least, it is impossible for Zun to rely on the identity of the leader of civilization to use the power of the rule of the world to suppress Longfei.

The rest is nothing but hard.

For Longfei, it’s hard to beat, who is afraid of who?

The lucky halo is more heart-felt for Longfei.

In the previous system, the lucky value was also a key to improving the explosion rate of Longfei.

The difference is that this lucky aura can be arbitrarily specified.

For a moment, Longfei’s eyes looked at the flame that Jojo had made.

"Making eggs, I almost forgot you!"

"Long Yu nine days, give me a sigh!"

Long Fei shouted and shot instantly.

The second knife of the king of the king, a knife.

In an instant, the half-dead phoenix, which had been tortured by the dignity, did not even have time to struggle, and was directly killed by Longfei.

"Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing Yuan Feng, gaining an experience of 30 billion yuan, getting a spiritual source worth 3 billion, and getting a violent value of 1 point.”

“Hey, congratulations to the player for the fire of extinction.”

"Hey, congratulations to the player to get the true soul of Phoenix!"

"Hey, congratulations to the players to get Nirvana!"

The system sounds again and continues.

In the eyes of Longfei, it is also an instant release.

Because of this wave, it can be said that it is a big explosion.

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