The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4433: Yuanba exit

In a word, the endless warfare has soared again.

Even the starry sky can't stop, and it bursts instantly.

The bridge on the other side is even more shattered under this war.

The small invincible figure is like a rootless duckweed, falling instantly.

not only that!

As the small invincible figure fell, that huge war word was also crushed in an instant, endless warfare, turned into a kind of killing force, and bombarded.

Brush it!

In the twinkling of an eye, all kinds of defenses on the small invincible are directly turned into nothing.

The Nether suit that Longfei gave before, also instantly collapsed at this time.

Fragmented into pieces.

It is simply unable to carry the power of this horrible war.

The invincible face of the invincible face is unwilling, and in this battle, he tried his best.

But after all, it still lost.

"Daddy, I am shameful for you!"

"You are invincible, but I have not won even a battle."

"Disappoint the name of your invincible."

In the eyes of the small invincible, the color of regret is surging.

He is desperate because he is the son of Longfei.

He wants to prove himself to be able to guard the Long Ting and hold his mother.

Therefore, once it comes up, it will be such a crazy means of exertion, that is, a hard work.

After all, it is still not good now.

Not that he is not strong enough!

Rather, the means and cards of the Zunjie are too many, and the accumulation of countless tens of thousands of bounds is not what he can compare.

And he is only a child.

At this time, Hong Yi’s figure was directly sluggish.

Both eyes are full of blood and roar the world.

"Do not!"

With a roar, Hung Yi rushed over in the past and wanted to bear the blow for the little invincible.

However, at this time his strength is not enough.

If you have never been close, you will be directly overturned by this violent force.

"Little Lord!"



There are only a few dragon kings in the world, but also burst into a shock and shocked the past.

Like Hong Yi, I want to use my body to resist this power.

However, it is useless at all.

Even the power of Hong Yi can't stop, and their power is even more than a drop in the bucket.


A burst of sound reappeared, and these kings were directly in the body, and there was no chance to get close.

At this time, the small and invincible body has also begun to crack under this violent force, and the power of the road is cut on the small and invincible body, and even the strength of the six guards is cleaned.

"Hey, little beast, are you arrogant?"

"Just by you, still want to stop this ruin?"

"Do you know now? In the face of absolute power, what you call killing is a joke."

"What if you kill the people of Zunjie? If you make a person, you can get all of you."

"Now, what other means do you have?"

The battle of respect for the world is extremely arrogant, the eyes are full of pride, and the smile on the face is more and more embarrassing.

Looking at the little invincible that has fallen almost, and the Dragon King who has died, the eyes are even more cold.

"Now, it's your death!"

As soon as it fell, the war that condensed on the void suddenly fell, and went straight to the invincible and smashed the past.

It is conceivable that the breath alone will already make the invincible body unbearable, if it really falls.

There is no life!


But at this time, no one had ever thought of the rhubarb that had fallen to the side before. After refining the power of the two men, it had already recovered some of its power for a short time, and even rushed directly toward the invincible.

It is the invincible eyes that are full of surprises.

You must know that this rhubarb is the king of the Star Demon king.

There is absolutely no reason to come and save him!

Immediately, a small invincible eye condensed, and two lines of tears fell from the scorpion.


Xiao Invincible whispered a word, simply closed his eyes.

Not bad!

At this time, the rhubarb will be shot, completely because of the flight of Longfei.

Although the release of the grinding disc is left to a small invincible, but after all, Longfei refining.

When he was handed over to Xiao Invincible, Long Fei had already laid his hands and feet. Once the small invincible life and death crisis, then the breath in the grinding disc will touch, control the rhubarb, to protect the life.


The body of rhubarb is transformed into a hundred feet, and the small invincible is directly guarded under the body.


However, the Zunjie war made the power exerted at this time to the explosion.

It combines eleven warriors, and each of them has their own battles for the world. Today, unity and integration is equivalent to having one million battles.

Its power can be imagined.


Rhubarb is also a scream, directly hit by this force into a semi-disabled, fainted past, fell heavily outside the Milky Way, I do not know where to go.

"Now, see who can protect you, give me death!" Zunjie war is still arrogant, after a cold drink, the control warfare is crushed.

What they don't know is that at this time, in the mirror world.

Longfei, who was running, suddenly stopped.

The face is extremely gloomy.

"Do you even touch the power?"

"Respect, you are really willing!"

The flying killing on the face of Longfei gradually revealed that it was like anger burning in the eyes, and it became extremely enchanting, which made people daunting.

At this time, a large territory has appeared in front of his eyes.

The mountains and seas are connected!

The picture turns back and returns to the dragon's void again.

The battle of respect for the world made a look of sorrow, and the strength of the hands continued to sink.

As if to destroy everything.

Yes, just in this moment.

A burst of sound broke out directly from the depths of Long Ting.

Then, a beam of light flies out of it.

"Who dares to move me?"

A roar, violent world.

The big stars are reverberating, such as Thunder Hong Zhong.

And at this time, this war is also sinking, but also stopped!

All the strengths are hard to stay on the void, and can't be inseparable.

"No,,,, impossible!"

"How can one's strength resist my strength?"

"Never impossible!"

The battle of respect for the great cause changed his face. Looking at the bald man who was a few years tall, his eyes were full of horror.

Yes, it’s the Yuanba out!

On the top of Li Yuanba's bald head, a line of roads swayed, and endless power was uploaded from his arms, supporting the entire void, as if forming an absolute barrier, and intercepting the power of this war.

Li Yuanba’s face trembled in his face, and his face was full of enthusiasm.

"Dog things, you are very arrogant, killing so many people in Longting, still want to kill me?"

Li Yuanba sighed coldly.

Both hands suddenly force.


Unparalleled power broke out in Li Yuanba's body, as in the reverse, the huge war words were bombarded.



The power of supreme power and the power of warfare collide, and the endless sparks are wiped out.

At this moment, the Zunjie warfare was directly bombarded by this force.

"No, impossible!"

"who are you?"

The war of reverence has been countered by power, and the great warfare has become bleak.

"Who is Laozi?"

"You listened well, Lao Tzu is the dragon battle of the dragon, the power of King Kong, Li Yuanba!"

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