The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4437: First BOSS

Endless ridicule.

No one believes what Longfei said.

Even, it is simply a joke.

"The words are here, believe it or not."

"And, this time I have already contributed, I hope that you will not let me down."

Longfei said faintly.

As for the reaction of several people, Longfei directly ignored it.

This reaction is not unexpected.

The so-called one-leaf obstacle is like this.

I thought I was very arrogant, so I didn’t feel it, and I completely thought that it didn’t exist.

It is no different from cloaking.

On the contrary, from the beginning, it is to say to the night child.

At night, Meizi’s face did not change at all, and even looked at Longfei, but also with a bit of disgust.

"okay, I get it."

The night child said casually, obviously not for the words of Longfei, not in mind.

Longfei nodded.

No response, return to your position.

The attitude of the night child is already very obvious.

Longfei will not go to be a dog, and he is not interested.

Anyway, what I can do is already done, and the result is what they are looking for.

What made Longfei feel the accident was that the black shadow that had flashed before disappeared at this time.

It seems that it is just passing by and does not show any maliciousness.

Time passed quietly, and the crane continued to fly.

"Ha ha ha, this is a few hours, what is the danger?"

"Laughing at me, a serious nonsense, actually put garlic in front of us."

"In my opinion, such a person is taking pride in the public, and following us is also a shame to us. When you don't say help, don't delay your leg.

Sister, it is better to leave him directly here. ”

At night, a few people said.

Looking at Longfei, it is extremely disgusting.

Just like looking at a clown.

In their eyes, Longfei’s behavior is to attract attention.

Deliberately want to perform in front of them, so that he can win the opportunity to enter Shanhaizong.

And the people of Longfei, in the eyes of everyone, turned into waste and stuffed buns.

There is no sense of existence at all.

"Tang Shidi said it is good! Sister, such a person, such a ethical behavior, really disappoints us.

Originally, the sister gave him a chance to be extraordinarily good. ”

"He has to say that he has a sense of existence, and he is playing around with us. This kind of person is simply not qualified to stay!"

"Yes, sister, such a person, is not qualified to walk with us, and is not qualified to enter our Shanhaizong."

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Someone speaks and some people agree.

Originally, they looked at Longfei.

In particular, the Tang Shidi, who is mentioned in the public population, is the one who had previously shot the dragon and was solved by Longfei.

For Longfei, it is even more thorny in the eyes.

The night child is also silent, slightly indulged: "Enough! Here is my decision, or do you have the final say?"

The night child Mei Jiao said.

In an instant, the cockroaches on the faces of several people disappeared.

I looked at the night with an incredible look.

I never thought about it, my sister-in-law would have reprimanded them because of Longfei.

Especially Tang Lizhen, the eyes are even more bleak.

Finally, I snorted and said nothing.

It is a dragon fly, but also a trip.

He thought that the night child would listen to a few people and drive himself away.

If this is the case, it is natural that it is best.

He is too lazy to take care of this drowning, and the province is asking for trouble.

Unexpectedly, the night child will be angry with his younger brother, but he will not care about himself.

"There is a problem, is this woman found something?"

Longfei’s eyes glimpsed and he thought of it.

There must be a demon when things go wrong.

"It's weird, it's too weird.

It seems that this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp, I am more at heart. ”

Longfei thought of it in his heart.

Up to now, how can Longfei still not see, this woman must have her own calculations in it.

Moreover, it is also related to itself.

Otherwise, the qualifications expressed by oneself will never let the other side look at it.

Therefore, Longfei’s heart was put away in a random way, so as not to overturn the ship in the gutter.

On the other hand, after the words of the night child, I turned my head directly. I didn’t look at Longfei from beginning to end, not to mention the plan to drive away Longfei.

The atmosphere is in a very strange state at this moment.

The night is beautiful and cold, and he is independent.

Tang Lizhen and others have a sullen expression and their eyes are killing.

Of course, this killing is aimed at Longfei.

At this time, Longfei, but did not look at it.

This kind of existence can be destroyed by the backhand.

The reason why not shot, but for the task.

In a twinkling of an eye, it is a few hours before, everything is safe.

The eyes of several people in Tang Lizhen are also looking at Longfei, obviously with provocation.

It was only because of the existence of the night, no one spoke.

And Longfei also gave a few guesses in his eyes: "There will be no mistakes, but the breath is strange, but it is definitely not my eyes, but I can't escape my perception."

"The reason why I insisted that I didn't do it now is that it is simply not simple. These people are not qualified to let them do it."

"Once it breaks out, it will inevitably make these people desperate."

Longfei thought of it, his eyes flickering.

Tang Li despised him as an ant, but in his eyes, these people are stupid.

"This group of idiots, wait until that power really appears, see how you die!"

Longfei thought that he would regain his mind and not move.

No matter what is behind this.

There is no capital that makes him move.

This is in the mirror world under the stars, although it is incredible, but everything is still respected.

In this respect, Longfei has never been afraid.

It’s so arrogant! It is so arrogant! Everything is just because Longfei has this strength.

And as time goes by, all the scenery in front of us has already changed.

At the speed of the crane, it has already flown out of the range of Shan Haizong and has arrived in another area.

Even the scenery in front of me is changing, just like changing the sky, as if entering another world.

Above this place, endless horror.

The mountains and rivers are dying, and there are broken buildings everywhere.

The mountains and rivers are horizontal, the rivers are cut off, and the whole world is covered with darkness.

But the expression of the night child and other people did not change, it seems that this is no stranger.

At this time, Ye Zimei suddenly waved his hand: "Everyone is careful, and now it has entered the sphere of influence of the Dark Xuan Daozong.

In this chaos, there are many vicious beasts. ”

"Zongmen disciples should also be in danger here."

"False, be careful."

Night child said.

However, the voice did not fall, and a roar broke through the sky.

Immediately, the earth trembled, and the endless rocks ran through.

Rumble! Rumble! The earth cracked, and a huge black shadow appeared directly, tens of thousands of feet in length and horror.

And Longfei, in the eyes, suddenly shocked: "A boss?"

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