The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4642: When destroying all enemies

Everything is quiet, and the sky is silent.

This war is too tragic.

It is not difficult to get to the extent that they are at the same level.

The battle between the two sides is also a victory between the hands.

"Ha ha ha, is that the case?

Do you dare to talk about this? ”

"You can't keep it!"

"The whole world, who dares to rebel against the world, the result is like this, a dead end."

The battle of respect for the border makes a big laugh.

As if everything is under their control.

Especially now, the small invincible has been drowned.

As long as you punch another punch, it will be completely annihilated.

By then, there is really no one in the Phoenix world who can stop them from killing.

In an instant, you can perish.

At that time, it is time for them to start a feast.

All the phoenix **** blood, the unwillingness and sadness of all people after death, will become the source of their strength.

And between the words, the Zunjie war, at this time, step by step.

Between the steps, go directly to the small invincible place above the void.

Hey! At this moment, the self-protecting master of the grinding disc is released from the sky.

But it didn't help at all.

Perhaps at other times, the release of the grinding disc can be regarded as a big killer to suppress the heavens.

However, in the face of this moment, under the force of the murderous battle of the Zunjie war, it is completely unable to withstand it.

When he was not near, he was already blocked by the atmosphere of the Zunjie, and he was isolated from his body.

Hey! Hey! On the top of the squeegee, there was a rush of humming sound, which was spinning at a rapid speed.

boom! The last loud bang broke out.

I saw the detachment of the grinding disc and directly blew it.

And the power of this horrible self-destruction is to instantly wrap the body of the Zunjie war.

Just, it’s only a moment.

Among the endless amount of crushing pressure, the voice of the Zunjie war reappeared: "Ha ha ha, idiot."

"Your master has been beaten by me, like a dead dog, and there is no power to fight back."

"A weapon, want to stop me?"

"This power is simply too weak. In front of me, it is a slag."

The battle of respect for the border made cold and cold.

Immediately with both hands, the amount of pressure on all the detached grinding discs dissipated.

And the Zunjie war, then one step volley, against the small invincible, punch again.

Below, has become a small invincible **** man, still staring hard at the void, in the scorpion, there is no remorse and avoidance.

As he said initially.

Even if the war is dead, it does not escape.

"go to hell."

The battle of respect for the border made the hard and cold, and the fist fell.

boom! The violent killing directly annihilates the void.

At this moment, all power is invisible.

Everything is described in the face of this power.

There is no barrier at all, and the battle of respect for the battle has already fallen.



At this moment, the ten real fires collapsed.

Dying in the void.

The small invincible under this boxing is even more painful at this time.

However, he still has not avoided any flash.

In the dawn, still strong.

Seeing death.

Yes, just in this moment, it will soon fall in front of a small invincible.

The change is sudden.

Between the millennium and the hair, the small invincible under the void, violently explored a pair of big hands, directly tossed the small invincible body.


A portal appeared.

Boom! The portal stood on the ground and stirred up the universe, and then disappeared.

However, a figure appeared quietly.

In an instant, the battle of respects makes the face change.

But immediately, it restored nature: "Who are you?

Dare to intervene in the matter of respecting the world, do not want to live? ”

The Zunjie war said.

In front of him, that figure is not reasonable.

Instead, I look at the **** people in my arms, and my eyes are dignified: "Can you die?" Who taught you this?"

Long Fei asked.

Yes, this person is Longfei.

There is an arbitrary door. He had already made his first shot in the invincible before he arrived.

Seeing Jojo's blood, seeing a small invincible.

At that moment, his heart was already burning in anger.

Yes, I still have to endure it.

Nothing else, just for a small invincible sentence can not die, deeply stimulate his heart.

Moreover, it was also stopped by the system sister.

It is said that it is a transformation, the power of small invincible is too noisy, need a nirvana, need a rebirth, in order to truly die and then survive, break and stand.

The key is Jojo’s tears of phoenix.

Therefore, Longfei collected the phoenix tears before, and then waited for the torment, watching the small invincible to fight.

"Daddy, you are finally here."

"Before you die, see you again."

Invincible enough. ”

"It's a pity that I can't accompany the old man to fight for the world."

But after the old man will serve the town of Wanjie, don't forget to come here again and sacrifice my soul. ”

Small invincible hard to open.

Every time I say a word, my body will weaken.

By the end of the last sentence, the whole person has reached the edge of sudden death, and the vitality of the whole body has dissipated.

There was only one pair of scorpions left, barely looking at the void.

At this moment, Longfei’s heart was like a knife.

He even hates himself.

If you appear earlier, do not choose to listen to the system sister, let the little invincible rebirth.

So now, small invincible will not suffer such pain.

"Master, now!"

But at this time, in the mind, the voice of the system sister appeared.

Longfei suddenly woke up, awakened from sorrow and self-blame, and jerked.

Immediately, a drop of crystal phoenix tears appeared in the hands of Longfei, and then slowly zoomed in.

The small and invincible body, under the control of Longfei, slowly vacated.

Finally, I was directly into the phoenix tears.

Hey! At this moment, in the moment when the little invincible figure did not enter the phoenix tears.

The entire phoenix tears are frozen directly.

Then there was a trace of power in the moment.

Six, the sin of the opportunity, the law of the Emperor, the power of all the invincible, directly on the phoenix tears, and then turned into a little blue ice flame visible to the naked eye, began to integrate into the small invincible body Among them.

"Master, let the little masters get into the space."

"The road to Nirvana has begun. When the little masters are born again, the power will change dramatically."

The system sister said.

And Longfei, but slightly shaking his head.

"I used to give the way to the road, so naturally, you can't be thin."

"But now, my power for eternal life is limited."

"You can only make up for it with the power of this boss."

Long Fei said faintly, his eyes turned and locked the battle of respect.

Finally, I reached out and explored the small invincible that had been frozen and reborn.

I gazed deeply and said, "My son, Longfei, can die."

"However, this is not enough.

I am the son of Longfei, not dead, not awkward. ”

"When everything is destroyed, the enemy!"

Longfei whispered, and immediately held a fist and a fist, and the backhand was a punch.

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