The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4700: Active attack

The group of devils danced, the world was turbulent.

It can be said that it is the best description of the current situation.

Above the world, countless existences that exist only in legends are re-derived in the world.

"There are many bad guys, and even more ridiculously, these unseen existences have turned the eastern land into a stage."

Xuan Yu said.

Yes, she said it was ridiculous.

The height is different.

Now her cultivation is too much above the earth.

A lot, it looks terrible in the eyes of others.

In her eyes, it is ridiculous.

"I know that before I went to the ancient world, these existences were already in the world, the unsolvable transcendental existence."

"I just can't think of it, this day will really happen."

"They. Really can return from the time and space of annihilation."

Longfei said with a chuckle.

Yes, there is only a little curiosity.

As for the sense of oppression, it does not exist at all.

It is no longer a degree above.

Of course, this kind of emboldenedness is based on absolute strength.

Xuan Yu grinned, looked at Longfei, and looked at the depths of Kunlun.

"Big bad guys, is this also your means?"

"Oh, this is a step to make God."

"If you let the people in the world know that they are exhausting their lives and want to chase, on your side, you can make one in a few days, I don't know what it will be."

Xuan Yu said.

She was able to perceive how powerful the figure condensed from above Kunlun.

Therefore, my heart is also amazed at the means of Longfei.

The dragon's mouth was outlined in a curve, and he did not take it for granted. Then he looked at the void.

At this point, the figure of the fish has gradually gathered.

No longer before, that illusory shadow.

Similarly, the atmosphere of the fish is getting more and more violent.

Leading the world to silence, suppressing a party.

One road, just incomparable, the will of the world, and the maneuver above Kunlun.

And this is the power of Fang Tiandi.

Longfei's eyes are locked on the Li Yu, and he is aware of the current transformation of Li Yu, and he is not satisfied with his eyes.

In terms of mere cultivation, the Li Yu at this time is already inferior to the Xuanzang that has been unsealed.

In other words, the repair is already at the level of Taiyi Jinxian.

Of course, the inheritance power of Fang Tiandi has also been exhausted, and it is only necessary to rely on it in the future.

This is also one of the reasons why Longfei does not pass on the power of the great emperor to Xiaoyu.



Above Kunlun, the power is still violent.

Li Yu seems to be still not adapting to his own strength, and the scorpion is still turbid.

Between the hands, the thunder and the earth shook.

When the hand is over, it is the storm.

The vibration caused is not much weaker than the birth of the Emperor's soldiers.

Li Yu looked at the void so slyly.

Then, suddenly, between.

Li Yu seems to have sensed what it is, and the figure swept away and went straight into the distance.


"Come on and see."

Longfei said in a heart, said.

Not worried about the safety of the fish.

But I am afraid that Li Yu will suddenly be blinded by this powerful force and do something excessive.

After all, even now the Aura is recovering.

The world is still mortal.

If Li Yu can't control this kind of power, it will cause too many casualties, and it is extremely unfavorable for him to improve his future repairs.


In the twinkling of an eye, Shanchuan Heyue crossed the front.

A thousand miles.

But Li Yu, but there is no intention to stop.

As if in the unknown, there is an inexplicable force, just like calling.

However, Long Fei and Xuan Zang and others stopped at this time.

"That. The direction is the place where the soldiers were born?"

Longfei’s vision is certain.

This time, the emperor was born, that is, the ancient Emperor Jiuding.

The ancient emperor, cast Jiuding, divided into the town of Kyushu.

In addition to Yan Shoushi already got, there are still six giant tripods.

At this time, Li Yu’s direction is one of them.

"Longfei brother, big head is this ready to grab the soldiers?"

Xiao Yuer looked horrified.

She can feel the horror of the fish.

However, she also knows that when Yan Shoushi was able to get the emperor, it was also because of the power of Xianmeng.

Because he guards the land of the East, he is determined to be Yan Shoushi, who is responsible for the air and the air, and is willing to let him get it.

Therefore, even if Li Yuxiu is now skyrocketing, Xiaoyuer does not think that Liyu can be recognized by the Emperor.

Even, it will be hurt by the soldiers.

"Look at this, you should be wrong."

Longfei said.

This point is also beyond the expectations of Longfei.

Especially now, Li Yu has not recovered his mind now, and his eyes are still in confusion.

Obviously, it is because of the inheritance of Fang Tiandi, it must have involved a lot of his own memories, and it has not been digested yet.

Can not help but, there are some speculations in Longfei's heart.

“Is it true that the power of Fang Tian’s Emperor is connected to the ancient Emperor of the Earth?”

Longfei guessed in his heart.

But did not say it.

At this time, the figure of Li Yu has disappeared.

"Go, catch up."

Longfei said.

No hesitation.

At this time, the place where the soldiers were born.

This place is called Zhangzhou.

It is also an ancient land that has been passed down from ancient times.

At this time, on the top of Ganzhou, there have been countless repairers.

Among them, there is no shortage of those who are strong.

Of course, this kind of power is also relatively speaking.

Not to mention than Feifei, even if it is worse than the current Xiaoyuer.

"Under the ascent, all exited."

"The emperor is not something that you can get contaminated with. You must be careful not to make a mistake."

At this time, among the crowd, an old man said one step forward.

In the eyes, it is full of chills.

"Yang old blame, you are in the early stages of the flight, the pig's nose is inserted with green onion, what do you like?"

"However, there is a saying that you are right.

The soldiers, not you can be contaminated, I only count three times, who does not quit this place, kill innocent. ”

At this time, another sound came out.

More than the old man, it is more thorough and murderous.

Brush the brush.

This sentence directly scared off countless people.

The soldiers are equally eager, but they are better than the front, but they are able to distinguish them.

In the twinkling of an eye, there are only six people left in the most central position.

These six people, all repaired are flying.

At this time, the six people did not give each other and also guarded each other.

Obviously, in front of the emperors, several people have the heart they must have, and they have already prepared for the war.

At this time, under the state of Chenzhou, the roar of the roar is even more violent.

boom! Then there was a loud noise.

I saw a giant Ding directly broke the **** of the earth and slowly rose.

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