At this time, it is far from the eastern land of Zhangzhou, Zhangzhou and Zhangzhou.

The people of the Oriental Xianmeng have long been occupied.

In the face of the Oriental Xianmeng, all those who practiced can only secretly hang their heads.

The moment when the people of the Oriental Xianmeng appeared.

All the repairers can only return home.

Because here, it has been labeled.

"The lord is going to tell the truth, even if you want to collect Sanding at one time."

"Oh, under the heavens, my Oriental Xianmeng has been the most.

Even if Xianmen was born, it was **** in front of the ally. ”

"Now, apart from the sinful blood of the South, whoever sees us, they have to bow down to the court."

Numerous scholars of Xianmeng whispered.

The heart is infinitely excited.

Of course, this excitement is different from other distractions to see the excitement that the emperors want to be their own.

There is only one source of excitement, and that is the power of the Oriental Xianmeng.

Or, it is the power of Yan Shoushi.

"The lord has already traveled to the place where the three places meet, and it is necessary to collect the tripods. It must be a new era of oriental practice."

"It's a good saying. When the time comes, the whole world will be lost. All the cultivators will only become the vassals of my Oriental Xianmeng."

"Ha ha ha, the more you want, the more excited you are."

Among the Oriental Xianmeng, only the three remaining elders are excited.

Now, they are very fortunate that they did not participate in the previous war.

Otherwise, there is no way to witness the rise of the Oriental Xianmeng.

"Oh, unfortunately those few."

"We all blame the saints. If it is not a saint, it will be more powerful."

One of them said.

This person, named Shudao.

It is also a practitioner who originally benefited.

"Hey, what a holy woman.

He has a good or bad for us.

However, when practicing the world, the cause and effect are broken when she breaks into the magical way and dances with the demon. ”

"Now, it should be called a demon girl."

Another person said.

His name is Yan Yinghao.

"Yes, it’s good, now it’s a demon girl.

And his wild man.

If the lord did not take the shot, he would have been screaming.

Wait, wait for the lord to accept the Ding Ding, and then it is their death. ”

The third person said that his name is Jia Zhengjing.


The three eyes once again focused on the void.

At this point, there is only one spot above the void.

Ding Ding is widely distributed across the mountains and rivers.

However, Zhangzhou and Yuzhou are not far apart.

Therefore, at this time, the Ding Ding was born, and the three parties breathed a shock, which actually resonated.

It is precisely because of this that Yan Shoushi can stop in the void.


Also at this time.

The direction of Zhangzhou is bright.

Then, one of the giants was born.

And with the birth of Zhangzhou Ding, it seems that it has also formed an implicature.


Zhangzhou Ding was born.


Yuzhou Ding was born.

At this moment, half of the void was shrouded in the light of the Ding Ding.

However, there is a light spot at this time, which is even worse than the light of Ding Ding.

This light spot is Yan Shoushi.

At this time, Yan Shoushi was carrying another three tripods. At this time, he was directly connected with Zhangzhou Dingzhou and Zhangzhou Ding.

Between the moments. The golden light is full of days.


At this time, Longfei, his face was indifferent.

In front of him, Xiao Yuer came forward and blocked the knife directly.

Jade hand shot.

Hey! The long knife broke directly into a ground.

At this point, Xiao Yuer's face was cold and frosty.

"How can you do this, your cultivation is." Han Ba’s eyes screamed in an instant, and his face was unbelievable.

Even the throat is constantly squirming, apparently already shocked by the breath of Xiao Yuer.

"Flying up!"

Han Ba ​​knife was shocked.

He didn't even think of the soft persimmon in his eyes. There were such terrible people around him.

What's even more ridiculous is that he didn't even notice it.

At this time, Xiao Yuer shot.

He knew that he was wrong.

And the mistake is extremely outrageous.

A few people in Longfei are not repaired at all.

Instead, they are so high that they simply cannot see through.

"Longfei brother, what are they going to do?"

Xiao Yuer’s move back to Hanba’s knife and turned and asked.

At this time she has given birth to killing.

In her eyes, no one can insult Longfei.

Who dares to humiliate Longfei, is to die.

"A group of clowns, broken and repaired, let them roll."

Longfei said faintly.

In fact, he did not want Xiao Yuer to shoot.

This kind of means, even if he is standing still, this knife will not have any influence on him.

Even the power of the earthquake alone can have the life of that person.

Only he still underestimated his position in Xiao Yuer's heart.

"Well, that Longfei brother waited, I handled them."

Xiao Yuer said.

Then turn around, the body is no longer suppressed.


The breath of the peak of the ascension is directly bursting.



puff! Puff puff. The sound of a broken rib is filled in the void.

"No, no, my repairs."

"Why, we are all innocent." "Don't, don't abolish our cultivation."

A scream, screaming.

Humble crying.

Obviously, they have long forgotten the contempt and depreciation of Longfei.

However, they forgot, does not mean that Xiao Yuer does not remember.

Before, all the people who opened the door, none of them were spared, directly under the violent cultivation of her, and were abolished and repaired.

Others are very happy.

"I am going, but fortunately there is no ambiguity, or now, it is also a waste."

"This is really a real person."

"No, no.

I have to go, I have to look deep into the mountains.

This world is crazy. ”

"Yes, it's too dangerous.

Especially when Ding Ding was born, all the gods came out.

I don't want to play anymore. ”

These people are talking to each other, and their steps are constantly retreating.

Just a few steps away, it disappeared directly.

I can't wait for my aunt to give two more legs.

For these people, Longfei naturally has little interest in it.

Even this episode, Longfei did not put it in the heart, looked up and looked at the six people still in the battle.

"Dragon, do you want to shoot?"

Xuan Zang asked.

After all, now Ding is at your fingertips.

As long as the six people are solved, the Ding is theirs.

"No, let's go."

Longfei is faintly shaking his head and said casually.

Xuan Zang and Xuan Yu a glimpse, that is, Xiao Yuer is also amazed: "Why is Long Fei brother, Ding Ding we don't want it?"

Xiao Yuer asked.

"Ha ha ha, stupid girl, Ding Ding is already ours."

Longfei said.

This time, the three are even more aggressive.

And Longfei, this time is not going to sink deep, and between the heads up, directly lock the Ding Ding: "When you are awake, come out."

"Take God Ding, let's go to the next place."

Long Fei said faintly.

Hey! And with the sound of Longfei falling.

There was a buzzing sound in the giant tripod.

Then, a figure flew out of the giant tripod, and then raised one hand.

"Hey, boss, this is the meeting for you."

Li Yu appeared, and said with a thick face, while holding a big trip to the dragon flying away.

At this time, the six people in the battle also stopped the battle.

One by one, stunned, like a lost soul, messy in the wind.

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