The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4705: Expulsion


With the birth of Ding Ding, Youzhou naturally became a place of the wind.

Numerous repairers are also gathered here.

Moreover, there are still many strong people.

It is even said that the number of strong people is much higher than that of Ganzhou. There are no fewer than ten people in the late stage of the soaring.

Not only that, but there are many Western figures.

At this point, the field has been divided into three parties.

One is a traditional Eastern strongman and the other is an Eastern repairer.

As for the other side, it is a figure outside the East.

"Miscellaneous, even want to touch our soldiers, it is really looking for death."

"It seems that the changes in the world have made them expand.

But it’s also good to let them know what it’s like to take it for themselves. ”

"You can't care, the emperor is big.

Even if I can't get it, I can't fall into this group of hands. ”

Twelve strong players in the late stage of the flight stayed together and talked to each other.

The eyes are full of killing and defense.

On the other hand, those ordinary practitioners are also full of rejection of these outsiders.

"The Western miscellaneous, even dare to fight the idea of ​​the emperor?

Damn, I am not afraid to stay here. ”

"Hey, although Lao Tzu is not a hero, but there is still some feelings.

If you want to move the emperor, you will step on my body. ”

"Yes, it must not be cheaper."

Someone keeps saying.

The eyes are filled with resentment.

Obviously, I am ready to fight back.

And they naturally don't know, just because of these words, they become a future creation.

Of course, there are also some people who, with their mentality of being unconcerned, have always fixed their eyes on the emperor and looked greedy.

If the realm is not enough, the vision will not be enough.

In their eyes, only the emperor is the most important thing, and everything else does not care.

As for the last party.

It is among the people of many countries who come.

Not a strong one, but not weak.

"Oh, it’s really a waste. In our country, the ancient gods have awakened.

On this land, only an ancient weapon was recovered. ”

"Although it is said that people are disappointed, but I can let the Orientals eat, I am very happy.

But today, the strong of the East seems to be quite a lot. "A short-skinned man with a very embarrassed look, said openly.

A face of gloating.

"Ancient god?

Do you say the gossip snake in your country?

That is also called God?

It is just a beast. ”

A tall, thin-eyed man with blue eyes closed his eyes and said that he was disdainful.

"Hey, what's great about you?"

But is it a group of forces that are pieced together, also claiming to be super gods?

It’s really rubbish. ”

The short man refused to show his weakness and responded.

"Believe it or not, I can punch you back to your country."

The man of the Super God Alliance said coldly, and the killing was revealed.

"You, calm, don't you forget your mission?"

"Yes, we should not have an infighting now. Our goal is to curb the rise of the East."

"Now the ally of the Oriental Xianmeng is extremely powerful. The cultivation is closer to the true God. Let us leave our respective positions and say that our purpose is the same."

A Western face came out and said.

The words are extremely clear.

Both the Super God Alliance and the Island Warrior Shrine are shut up.

Obviously, by this person, the goals of the two are directly unified.

At this time, Longfei and others also appeared on this place.

In an instant, all eyes are gathered here.

no way.

Li Yu holding a giant tripod, for everyone, is a temptation to refuse.

"This is. Zhangzhou Ding, hahaha, greedy and insufficiency of snakes and swallows, has gotten not satisfied, even dare to play the idea of ​​Youzhou Ding."

"Through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to go. I don’t think there is any door to the door. This time, it gives us another choice."

"Up, kill him, anyway, now Youzhou Ding has not yet been born."

Some people are confusing in the dark, their eyes are red, and they have apparently been blinded by their desires.

However, Longfei and others did not seem to feel anything, and they stopped at all.

"Dragon Flying Brothers, they are the Super God Alliance, the Super War Alliance, and the Ninja Shrine and the repairers of some small countries."

Xiao Yuer’s eyes are cold, obviously not the first time to deal with.

"Unlike my family, my heart will be different. I will let Li Yu kill them."

Longfei said softly.

Killing the heart.

Even with so many different world experiences.

Some feelings are still unforgettable.

The eastern land is a kind of support.

It is a piece of peace that carries the heart of Longfei.

With Longfei’s temper, how can he tolerate others’ mischief on this land?

What's more, now they are here, the purpose has been clearly revealed.

"Yes, a bunch of chop, even dare to fight the idea of ​​the emperor."

Wherein the big boss, I will rush him.

Lee fish face a cross, the body breath, it is necessary to shoot.

At this time, the change is sudden.

I saw the volley of the 12 squadrons in the late flight, and came to the front of the fish.

"Kid, do you understand the truth of his sin?"

"Since you have already got the emperor and dare to sway through the city, are you not afraid of being taken away?"

An old man hates opening.

Obviously, I am very mindful about the high-profile of Li Yu.

And the other people he said in his mouth are these non-eastern repairers.

Li Yu is a glimpse.

Together with Longfei are a bit strange.

Obviously, it was also shocked by the actions of twelve people.

Very unexpected.

In front of the soldiers, the first thought of these people is not plunder, but guardianship.

This made Longfei's heart slightly vibrate.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Longfei was not in a hurry, patted Li fish gently, indicating that Li Yu would collect the soldiers.

Although Li Yu is puzzled, he still has no hesitation in the words of Longfei. He directly takes a step back and closes the momentum.

At the same time, the emperor was directly concealed under the control of his mind.

The mood is fluctuating greatly.

He adhered to the will of Fang Tiandai, and he was greatly realized by the heart of the child.

For the world, a thought in the heart is to clear the Qiankun.

"The soldiers are now in your hands.

We want to, in the future, say, now, let these hairs go first. ”

"The things of the ancestors can be touched by these things."

One of the twelve people said that it was not artificial.

Not only shows that he wants the soldiers, but also shows his mentality, that is, driving outside.

"Yes, the outside world is small, and the acquaintance is now rolling. Otherwise, this land today is your place of burial."

Another person who was in the late stage of the ascension said.

A look of anger, killing.

This scene also caused a group of foreign practitioners to be completely forced, and immediately fell into chaos.

"Deportation of us?

How do you have a big tone? ”

"We are here today, but we have to see, how can you?"

The sly man of the island country, the **** shrine, turned his eyes and said.

Wonder House

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